Unusual character ideas

ah fair, I could easily be mistaken since it was a while ago, but I did recall the concern for offending the red dragon flight, so at least the military is somewhat reluctant to hunt dragons but outside of that I don’t think individual hunters are banned from it.

plus also in twlightlight Highlands, the horde recruit the Dragonmaw clan, a clan who openly butcher dragons… soo at least horde side dragon hunters is viable.

Not to mention that not all the dragons are peaceful. Barring the reds, you have:

  • Green dragons that are corrupted by the Nightmare. Although the Nightmare has been mostly defeated now, it could stand that some are still plagued by its madness, with their death being the only escape.
  • Bronze dragons, mainly those who try to alter the timelines, progressing to what would later be the Infinite Dragonflight. Perhaps an attempt to slow the inevitable, but being hired to hunt down the corrupted ones is always viable.
  • Blue Dragons. Dying out, but that doesn’t stop some from being over-fanatic from the days of Malygos. A danger to all magic users, they would need to be stopped.
  • Black Dragons. Their numbers are questionable, ranging from ‘extinct’ to ‘hiding and few in numbers.’

Plus, there are also cases of dragons betraying their flights. Alysra from the Firelands is an example.
And you also have proto-drakes, Storm drakes and undead dragons…

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Nah, was the Dragonmaw Medicine Man.

A tauren, I doubt, would ever use dragon blood.

I thought about making a vulpera who spent most of his time with the Tortollan who live in Vol’dun. Learned about a lot of the world and history from them and has in turn become a knowledge hoarding know it all… And so I did. Now my priest exists.

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Blue dragons are quite interesting here because they are the only dragonflight that fought mortals (on multiple occassions) without being corrupted (or enslaved as in case of reds in Second War). On top of that, they seem to often look down on mortals, far more than other uncorrupted flights.
I can easily imagine blue dragon becoming angry because a mage visiting some backwater village doing something bad and solving this problem by destroying the entire village with little to no care for survival of all the innocents.

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An Elite Tauren Chieftains coverband (trademarked btw).


The Rare Taunka Captains?

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Rare Taunka Boss.

Rare Tauren Chieftains. Check us out on Argent Archives :sunglasses:

Sounds delicious.


I really like the idea of a group of people hunting these barely sentient Dragon species for good money and then coming into contact with an actual sentient good-aligned Dragon that they were planning on killing - how would they react to this? Would they assume that the Dragons they hunted before were also sentient? I just think it could provide fun dillemas tbh.

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I would hardly call a dragon hunter an average mortal. Some random Stormwind peasant might not think much of it, but the dragon hunter themselves would have to know what they’re killing.

Then again, regular humanoid bounty hunters also exist, so maybe dragon hunters could fall into that category? I suppose I was more objective the classic trope of dragon hunters, who just wanna kill all dragons because they’re horrible monsters who steal your cattle.

Literally the entire point of the Netherwing is they’re enslaved victims, and they are properly intelligent. They’re good guys. Don’t hurt them.

Seriously, I will get mad.

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I once made an orc pirate as a skeleton in a spirit realm as an npc many years ago.
I improvised lot of puzzles that he had prepared for the adventures with a lot of concepts revolving around him being cursed for stealing some cursed treasure, so now he tests anyone who passes by the spirit realm (Which is now Shadowlands!) to help him lift the curse and get back to the mortal realm.

Despite it being a random idea I am glad people loved it! :laughing:

:pirate_flag: :pirate_flag: :pirate_flag:

I wonder if Blizzy will steal my idea for SL expansion haha!


The lore of almost every enemy in wow

Here’s an idea; a cat lover with their entire life devoted to grooming their pets and putting on shows for the realm’s most gorgeous cat award. Ever since they turned into a worgen, their beloved pets hate them and there is much despair.


Sounds like the Forsaken and their surviving families.

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Nah, the forsaken hires a murderhobo to cut off living relatives’ heads and then they spend their days doing makeup on dear sister until the face slouches off the bone.


A benign demon who uses magic to disguise themselves as a quixotic human Knight; running around killing monsters, saving damsels and rescuing villagers. It, however, always goes wrong when their true form is revealed and the residents naturally react with repulsion.


Paladins hated that.


Hey Minions, just wondering what’s with the crusade against THe Guild you’re barely naming at the moment?

We’ve had like… years without any drama and suddenly we have you and two threads pop up about That Guild and That Community which is creating drama… whats up?