Unusual character ideas

Which I keep hearing, but I’ve never seen proof of that.

Minions drank Tyrande’s moonberry juice & it transformed her into the Avatar of Forum Vengeance.
She’s gonna siphon the soul of “Lord Sh.” into a soulstone.


Dunno, sounds to me like s/he’s calling us apathic :man_shrugging:


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I don’t do unusual character ideas. Only vanilla flavoured farmers and grunts for me. I favour standing in corners and not making much of a fuzz, or try to interact with a lot of people. That’s the rp life for me!

:nauseated_face: :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:

I have one character that I have had a lot of fun role-playing on.

A Mag’har orc priest that wields the Light. These orcs are shunned, attacked and despise for their path. And that’s what I love because there is both conflict and a challenge to work around such a combo.

Using the Light, justifying its use and understanding the path that they take.
They don’t preach the Light, but use it as a source of power, a tool similar to wind and water.


I really like that kind of concept. A lot of contrast and conflict built into it.

I generally do build my characters that have some sort of conflict in mind. A flaw is great to build off because you have a limit to work around, to be challenged and even find that somethings just can’t be done.


I think my most unusual character concept would be the one I’m currently playing. A Card mage, focusing on manifesting images on Hearthstone Cards into reality, by mimicking effects of schools of magic through arcane and constructing creatures, again, with Arcane. He is notoriously weak and quite an egocentric coward to boot.

Thats actually a pretty cool concept to RP out for any would be HElf RPer… Or a BElf Rper who survived to make it to the Hinterlands(or where all ships destroyed?)!

hello gomrade :----DDD
i am gommunist and i abbrove this mesasge
down with borgissi, up with broles :------DDDDDDD

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Not necessary unusual in general, but what is unusual is your dedication!

Plus, you know, for all the criticism you get, you at least have the level of integrity to stay out of Goldshire, Stormwind etc with your character, and take your concept seriously.


It only took me a year to realise the mistakes of how she had started as and try to make her lore friendly :L Ah yes, great year.


Okay what is Vaxir anyway I have seen many people yell at you in the forums but I haven’t a clue about the character

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From my understanding, Vaxir the character, is/was a big monster-like DK. And in the past there’s been alot of art circulating that’s been a little questionable to people, either about or involving the character.
However as far I know all of this was quite long ago now.

AD refuses to let things go.

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questionable how?

For good reason

Fetishization of gore

Tell him what is deemed questionable with your old RP.

What you got against gore?

sexual fetishization of gore? or excessive gore to the point it can be seen as a fetish