Unusual character ideas

See depending on the show it can be rather graphic but it’s just not all that bloody also to be more exact if there is blood it’s not all that red bloody which is a standard within movie and TV ratings when it comes to gore.

To put it like this:

The gore that was displayed was pretty close to the Hostel movies.

Okay that’s certainly on the 16+ side of the gore scale

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I regularly torment my brother by reminding him of it and then watching him struggle not to try.

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why would you want to willingly tear your own ligament without getting paid to do so

It’s more like…

You get told something, and then ofc it’s hard to resist trying it to see if it’s actually real.

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that’s an interesting logic

For glory of Satan, of course.

Also, damn you Tehya for reminding me of that, urge is real and I hope you step on a lego.

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I mean, I cut my finger in a store once on a knife to see how sharp it was.

It was pretty darn sharp…

You’re welcome smiling devil emoji

That’s rather special

I was 11, gawd!

And I am special, I even have papers on it.

At 11 I had learned how to sharpen a blade, shoot a rifle and clean it also hey at least you are honest

did you grow up in a movie

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No gore, no blood? I’m a sad blood troll :sob:

It seems I have make Miraja more family friendly & fulfill the destiny predictid by the wonderful “Mary Sue Generator”

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Hah, I got this.

AGE : Elderly
SKIN TONE : Light Brown
HEIGHT : Incredibly Short
HAIR (STYLE) : Mid-length, Wavy
STYLE : Casual
MISC : Fake Nails

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Just roam Nazmir in Blood troll settlements. You’ll see pickle jar with bodies peeled off of their skin. I’d call that over the top.

Are they uber detailed?

No I grew up hunting, fishing and just general small town life pleasures

Turn to Ultra, watch them long enough and you sure will be.

I’ll give it to you that they don’t stand out since it’s still not meant to be a gorey universe… But they have the gore stuff.