Upcoming Item Level Increase

He didn’t blame mythic players. He just pointed out that the changes will mean that only mythic raiders will have any gear progression to look forward to. At no point did OP claim that mythic raiders asked for this.

Also: I look at these forums (and the ones on reddit) most days and there simply aren’t threads from casual players asking for these changes - yet.
As a non-raider I’m perfectly happy to be a step below the raiders in gear, I’ve never had a problem with it. I didn’t expect the emissaries to change until we got the next ‘proper’ raid tier.

In other words, no one seems to have been asking for this change. Maybe an increase in the level of items from invasions was overdue, but apart from that, this seems to be a change led by blizzard rather then the community.


I miss reforging from MoP… where you were able to change your stats … every item was useful after reforging .


Your HC raid and conquest rewards are absolute mid-tier now, isn’t it amazing?! - Bliz devs

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Well that’s not accurate. I’m 393 and I’ve not step foot in a raid.

Neither though am I a threat to anyone’s raid team so why would anyone care what gear I have and where I got it from (except me ofc)


The fact that you haven’t stepped foot in M+ or any form of raiding and you’re sat at 393 ilvl undermines raiders gear. You should be around 370, maybe 380 max, but you shouldn’t be anywhere PASSED Normal difficulty gear, nevermind close to heroic level gear.


I think this all fits in Blizz’s panic reaction to falling numbers. They have convinced themselves people will stay/return if they are made stupidly powerful so content is made trivial.

This move and many of the essences as currently in the beta are proof of this and I wouldn’t be surprised if WQ items etc. get buffed again when 8.2 releases, at least in the new zones…

Resub now to receive a full set of 8.2 heroic raid gear in your mail the day it releases, 10 random mounts, possibly including some no longer available in game and a signed ‘Ion loves you’ poster !!!

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How does it undermine them? Does it give the initial look that I’m better? Hardly. They have access to titles, cosmetics, pets, achievements and mounts that I don’t have. Is that not enough? It certainly gives you the exclusivity you desire.


<394 (total in bags). only was doing warfront for last cloth mog. But 394, lock is 393, rogue (last leather mog) 392.

I don’t desire exclusivity, I want to feel like I’m getting stronger by doing the more difficult content. I’m spending hours a week preparing for raids, farming for mats, doing other things (Same as a lot of other people), only for someone who went and killed 10 boars to be around the same ilvl as me (I have a 394 rogue who’s cleared Heroic twice and done 3 +10’s and a few other M+'s, granted this is more down to luck, but still).
Those mounts and things you’re on about are ONLY for Mythic raiders, you can get all the same mounts from LFR as you can from HC (Except the achievement ones, which can easily be brought for gold (Which was part of your argument). So, in other words, you also have access to titles, cosmetics, pets, achievements and mounts, because you can just by boosts for them (Like Ahead of the Curve for instance, which the DAY Crucible came out, people were selling).

In ANY game you play, the ones who should be rewarded the most are those who do the more difficult content. And this isn’t a dig at those who don’t do difficult content (I’m an Heroic raider, which seriously isn’t anything to brag about xD), this is a complaint to Blizzard about how they’re putting in these catch up mechanics.

Well done, you completed 4 WQ’s, here’s an Heroic raid quality piece of gear, exactly the same ilvl as the raid that’s out now! Add this along with the Warfront 400 piece, and within a few weeks you’ll be having people who have never stepped in a raid sitting at 400-405 ilvl (Which was around the baseline of “acceptable for Heroics”). This, in turn, will cause more people to use 3rd party websites like Rio to evaluate people, which will cause even more exclusivity from the casual players to the ones doing harder content.

Which will end up with even more complaints on the forums about how “rio is ruining the game” and other stupid things like this. The new raids ilvl went up by 5 from the first boss, and 10 from the second boss, yet Emissaries are going up by 15. It just feels wrong.


I think you are right about this. They really lack some clear long term leadership.

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That has been invalidated since the first couple of weeks with M+.

They are invalidating nothing, anyone playing the game at any challenging level is now at least 410 and most are 415. The quests are at best giving 400ilve gear.

And sorry but anything lower than the highest difficulty of raiding doesn’t count. If that were the case all gear would have to be lower than the normal raid.

Which is low level gear if you are doing challenging content.

I really don’t get the way people begrudge any kind of gear to casuals.


You do realize HC is the old normal? HC is the standard raid difficulty and now people can just get that loot without even setting foor in it, doing M+ or rated PvP. So the only thing still remotly usefull is a weekly +10 for the chest alone (0-9 are dead) and mythic drops for their baseline Il (especially trinkets since it’s well known raid trinkets are bad this expac, not for every spec but most of them want trinkets from M+ or WQ already). Sorry but this is going too far, in the middle of the tier.

Well GL people you will now have people applying to mythic raids and high M+ keys without even touching HC or lower keys because “the loot is too IL!”. I hate RIO but these changes proof why it’s needed.

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The game is no longer raid or die, I think that is a good thing, and there is a proper raid with the best gear in the game if people want challenge. Forcing people to raid when they don’t want to isn’t a good thing.

It really is the end of a tier, there has been nothing for anyone running M+ even with the last few weeks. I have about 5,000 residum stored up, hardly an item at less than 415. So the season is over and they are letting people catch up on alts.

If you aren’t gear’d by now you haven’t been doing the content anyway. You can’t get people to run anything less than +10 for the last month, and even then most just want higher than that as all that is left is to push their RIO score.


Why? The best gear is in the challenging raid difficulty. Anything below that should not be confined to raids and people shouldn’t be forced to raid if they don’t want to.


Gear was ruined way back man. You can always get mythic gear level from M+ which is extremely easy compared to mythic raiding. That’s beside the 400 ilvl gear from Darkshore battle and the world boss or just the weekly dungeon event. Nothing changed just a bit of a shortcut for new toons. Personally, I find this great for my alt which I plan to main for 8.2; I doubt anyone will benefit from this for his main.

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OP as a heroic raider I couldn’t care less that some random guy I don’t even know about get some random pixels in the game from the world quests. That fact doesn’t ruin my enjoyment in the game, and that is not something about which I worry about, this is an MMO in which gear gets replaced all the time, and its a bloody game to and not something on which I " worked hard " in my real life, I will not lose because of that the things which rly matter to me like my job, my house or anything like that so I will not get stressed because of it.

And as some people already mentioned before here to get the 400 il pieces from world quests the players need to be first at the certain item level to receive them, the players which just started with the BFA will not get that.

I also think how it doesn’t rly affect me that some players which have no interest in the raiding or doing high dungeons and which see the world quests as their content and other ones like that can get now geared through that to a decent il in a lot longer time period than it would take me to get to it. Those types of the people will not come to my raid and ruin my progression in the game, they will not take the gear I earned from me. Besides I felt rewarded when I got pieces with that item level some months ago for the first time when the new tier with the BOD did come out, now I’m having those ones and the ones with higher il than that for a long time.

And they will not ruin my m+ progression either, since I will not do serious content in the game with some randoms. I do that with friends, guildies and the people which I check before on the RIO for which I know how they are competent enough to run the things with me on the higher level.

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Not saying they should be forced to raid, but, at the same time, if you’re unwilling to do the challenging content, then you should know that you have limitations. The fact that the ONLY limitations a non-challenging player has is Mythic raid gear isn’t exactly great.

When I played as a casual, I KNEW I wouldn’t be on par with Heroic raiders, and I shouldn’t be either. If you play a game as a casual/non-challenging player, you should think to yourself “They’ll be a limit to how strong I get”, but this isn’t the case.


It’s the reason I don’t do alt runs anymore in raiding like previous expansions, Legion i did less and BfA just killed my entire motivation. They were always restricted to HC for me. This, 394 atm and even higher starting wednesday. It’s just given away for free, why bother doing it then? For that 1 trinket (if) and azerite piece that isn’t bad? There is no reward structure anymore, the biggest victim remains PvP though, needing above rival (2.2k) to get better gear than you will be able to get from WQ starting wednesday otherwise you’re wasting your time.

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yes most likely 390 to recive 395 and then 400 itlv azerite only when you are 395 overall.

people whine about everything nowadays.

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