[UPDATED 9 MARCH] 9.0.5 Update Notes

I hope you can see that I wrote “PTR” for a reason.

small indie company, nothing to see here


  • Enduring Blow’s chance to apply the Colossus Smash effect increased to 25% (was 15%) and duration increased to 6 seconds (was 5 seconds).
  • Battlelord now triggers from Overpower (was Slam) and reduces the Rage cost of your next Mortal Strike by 15 Rage (was 12).
  • Exploiter’s Mortal Strike damage bonus increased to 50% (was 25%) and the damage bonus for Venthyr Warriors increased to 36% (was 18%).

Really, buffing Warriors lmaooo ok

You’re literally buffing the classes that deal insane damage as it is. PvP is going to be more broken.

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  • Unbound Chaos (Talent) damage increased to 500% (was 300%).
    That’s it ?
    Havoc overall it’s being nerfed …
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I honestly dont think any of these changes really address peoples issues of M+ gear, Class balance, Legendary balance, and general state of the game. Why does Blizzard hate M+ so much??. Its bascially the only reason im still playing the game, I dont participate in raids or pvp any longer. In my opinion M+ saved WoW back in Leigon, It should be rewarded as equally as PvP but the gap between the 2 is extremely vast!.. The ilvl drops in M+ are too low, Maybe we should be able to use valor to just buy items in the same way PvPers obtain their gear. I dont know how to fix this but if you look at the top players in M+ … they’re running around in a lot of PvP gear… what does that tell Blizzard?..

Valor points just seems like a band aid on a broken limb, and dont get me started on the caps!.. thats just Bull!!..

I cant see me continuing all the time Blizzard hates M+ …


I still can’t understand the reasoning for nerfing resto shaman dps. It was already the healer with the least dps.


Considering HPala DPS is insane, I agree.


Well, the buff to Chain Lightning might compensate in m+ a bit, but it’s still annoying to lose 10% of my main damage source.

Where you are nerfing certain legendaries Blizzard are you going to offer refunds of the ash spent?
It takes a significant amount to time to grind levels 3 and 4 and if only a few weeks after I’ve gotten it you nerf it so its no longer worth while I’m pretty annoyed to be honest.

Time played metric, their mantra!
Create horrible thedius stuff, that takes longer!, witch is the main reason ppl unsub.

Valor for spamming mythics is the perfect example, not fixing anything, just creating another burnout mode of the game and doubling down on it.

Again, in a subscription based game, it does not matter if I log for a total 1hour a month, if i’am subscribed for the next. Your model for how you determin success is extremely flawed.

I think i remember they said it will now be per character and not account wide because of valor introduction. I don;t like it but i gues it’s same in PVP where you have to push rating with each character individually.

I’ve not managed to find anything in writing or a clip on to say either way.

I’ve even tried asking on twitter but I’m a nobody that is unlikely to get Dev attention

Would just be nice to have clarification. Worst case scenario we will wait and see.

People won’t like it but it’s only fair each char had to do it. Each char had to earn rating and participate in raids so it’s only fair m+ chars have to do high m+ to earn the high gear.

It also makes sense for key viability, keys up to 15 continue to be viable if Alts need to grind up. If they don’t you’ll see people run their GV keys and then not bother and there would be little incentive to climb on Alts, reducing number of higher keys because honestly, for an alt, is it really essential to deck them in 226 untargetted gear versus 220 targeted? Id say no. So they’d do the minimum and easiest way to get VP cap then just not bother at all. If they have to grind, you’ll see people running more keys on Alts which is good.

But the main reason would be it would be hilariously unfair. Could you imagine if glads got to upgrade their conq gear on Alts to 226 for free? There would be uproar.

But its not 1. April yet? Thats not funny you activision apes


Lmaooo what the hell is that warrior legendary? I can’t believe it, blizz can always find a way to go lower lmao.

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Revert keystone change, that is a terrible change.

  • Vendor prices for items below item level 75 have been adjusted.



Reminds me of Guild Wars 1 & 2 balancing. Guy in charge of balance patches mained warrior all throughout Guild wars 1 and constantly buffed warrior every single patch time while leaving classes like ranger broken. Only after he got shifted to the Guild Wars 2 team and someone else took over the role for Guild Wars 1… did that game get proper balance fixes.

Last time I played Guild Wars 2 the dude was still giving warriors buffs every single patch while ignoring rangers etc.

Guild wars 2 aside…

I want arcane mages to get a fix! At least give us a flat 12% damage increase like frost was given.

Like literally, they are doing their best to pretend that arcane mage spec doesn’t exist and only ever help out Fire/Frost when it comes to ‘balancing.’

so funny the pvp side of wow is just completely irrelevant in there eye’s or at least that is how they make it look right now. i realy dont believe that blizzard is paying any attention to the pvp side of this game. i do think the pvp is dying even more right now or you have to play a melee cleave in my eyes. but well we have to deal with this every single time. so well played blizzard well played

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Venthyr Druids only get a small buff on the RF-Conduit? Broken Convoke is still (almost) untouched? Oof…