Can anyone explain to me what is going on? I see a lot of topics about the streamer and the Blizzard staff, but I don’t really know what’s going on. Are you saying that an army of children controlled by a streamer wants a Blizzard employee to resign for his opinion of that person? WoW really is a bad time … actually no people are crazy maybe we will one day get better times when people will not solve nonsense
This so-called wow dev is just a soy infused boy with a huge ego. Instead of name calling people that give this game free advertisement he and others like him in this corporation should give us better products. But we know it won’t happen, 9.1 proved that.
Are you really this… obtuse?
The guy in question initiated an attack on someones character out of the blue.
I am commenting on that guys actions.
In what world are these two things the same?
The pun made me giggle.
“Out of the blue” then what you stated was out of the blue, so they are the same. He was responding to a tweet about someones toxicity along with their community.
A Blizzard employee called Asmongold a butthole(used a different/harsher word) on twitter in response to a FFIXV streamer who expressed their dislike for Asmo and how his toxic behavior and fanbase shouldnt be welcomed onto the game.
Fanbase responded by spamming threads calling for the person’s job termination and filled up his social media with death threats to the point he needed to close the accounts.
Great job showing how non-toxic they are really.
The blizzard employee is just playing his character. The real him is a nice guy that makes youtube videos in a tree house.
Asmongold gets to have that excuse why not anyone else?
Imagine sending death threats because of that, Honestly pathetic. I honestly think I would cry with laughter if they did that to me. It would be like them confirming I got to them. Would I take the threat serious? Nope.
So just because some 12 year old kids write those “death threats” if that is even true (I have yet to see any proofs) you accuse entire Asmon’s fanbase?
Liking him or not is your choice, but blaming him for every stupid person that writes stupid things is kinda sad. You can’t have a civil discussion with somebody who immidately goes ad hominem like that.
Just because some random people act like that it is not an excuse for calling asmon what the guy did.
I think very rationally, you’re the one in this case that thinks irrationally - and that’s a fact.
Oh and don’t forget all the ableist and transphobic tweets from asmon himself along with all the hate and /spit he does himself Eilein.
His character is racist and homophobic, not him. /sarcasm
And how is it related to whatever blizzard employee did? Just because he wrote that it has zero relation to blizzard employee and to wow itself. You are going ad hominem again, basically saying “If person A does evil thing X this means everything else he does is evil too by definition”
If you want directly related, Asmon has called the devs and Blizz employees all sorts of names in the past. The employee called him a name in response to someone elses tweet about Asmon and his fanbase bringing up the stuff he’s sad.
In case you’re just ignorant and not being outright willfully ignorant Asmon admitted this in a post as well and he said it’s true that he is one. Just a reminder, the Blizz employee said this on a personal twitter account.
Then by your own logic the person that said it is in no way related to WoW itself, yes?
Comparing the two actions from both people is laughable. I agree with the Blizzard employee. Give him a promotion please.
If you don’t like what I’m saying just understand I’m in my character mode.
There is a difference between being a normal person that does it for his own sake and being an employee and representative of a company. Saying stupid things is one thing, but saying stupid things as a face of the company shows serious lack of professionalism.
What has preventing the blizzard employee from not writing anything to every random stupid guy?
When you answer the calls you don’t insult every idiot either right? You behave. When you work as a cashier, you don’t insult your customers. You smile no matter how much you hate them. Same should be here.
I hope you get banned for that and for a long time there is no need for you to stoop to that kind of level , you constantly wind up others and make them out to be the problem when its really you being nasty. You are toxic and you are the one being over emotional to everyone else yet you project onto them and accuse them of being emotional.
Just because you do not agree with Picks views does not give you or anyone the right to call them insane .
Probably because every random stupid guy doesn’t have a consistent history of being a highly toxic individual with a equally rabid toxic fanbase?
If Asmo/the fans didnt want people to call them that, then maybe don’t act like it?
He’s not a representative of Blizzard, or any company. He is an Employee - but then Asmon is an Employee of twitch.
Too bad this wasn’t said on a professional account.
Nothing, it’s his personal twitter account.
I did, if they insulted me first. :3 My managers were good with that. This isn’t 1970.
I don’t agree with that atttiude at all, It’s very American. The customer isn’t always right. Employees are human too. They have emotions. Customers have the same amont of responsibilty as workers do as a human being. If I harass a companies employee like he has and one of them called me that,. I think I would understand.
Your logic is a Blizzard employee has to have a higher standard online even when he isn’t working? How come you don’t apply that logic to Asmongold who is an online figure? One rule for me but not for thee
Blizzard employees always have to be super nice and suck up to everyone in their daily lifes because they work for terrible wages and take abuse off anything that throws at it them it seems? They have to be censored with their actions more than anyone else. It seems they need a wage rise to me if that is the case.
Just because you do not agree with Picks views does not give you or anyone the right to call them insane .
While this holds true (given the code of conduct) the statement of yours could be directed at pickpawkit in precisely the same manner.
While this holds true (given the code of conduct) the statement of yours could be directed at pickpawkit in precisely the same manner.
Sorry i am confused i am without coffee atm . Do you mean Pick has been bad ? if so yes that is wrong aslo but there is no need to call anyone insane its cheap and low and vile . Two wrongs do not make a right at all if thats what you mean and yes Pick has not been pleasent at times but did not deserve that .