Video driver crash in World of Warcraft with AMD video cards (7900 XTX) on DirectX 12

It’s World of Warcraft issue. This did not exist before 10.2 patch. I have been playing with this system all year, no issues whatsoever. Then with 10.2, it had issues with the DX12 shader caching that was acknowledge in US forums, and it took ages to start the game first time. And likewise, similar deal issue started with the driver crashes. My assumption is that when you do some stuff where it needs to reclaim space from cache and cache something new in, the same problem happens that happened on the start of the game after the patch. Or who knows, I have no way to figure it out with any technical detail. I had same driver version as I did before the 10.2 patch, it worked fine a long time before the patch in the game, and after the 10.2 patch, no matter what driver I use, it doesn’t help. Having to use DX11 is the only solution, so far.

This exists since way longer than 10.2 Morennel, i said it in my initial post and lots of other people confirmed.

This happens since shadowlands more or less.


They seem to don’t care about it. Sad.


after set all PC settings back OC I7 17300KF / XMP DDr4400 ( 4500mhz ) / OC 7900 XTX and run game on DX11 i have no problems any more in 4 days non stop M+ / raids / quest

WOW DX12 + AMD GPU dont work :frowning: no RT and less FPS lucky my pc very fast but think this can be problem on slower pc who need DX12 for FPS

It’s a shame that we have to use an Nvidia graphics card so we can play without problems. They are supposedly “working” on it, but it seems that this started in SL, I mean more than 1 year ago, and now it is much more intensified than before and it seems that this will go for a long time. Let’s see if Blizzard finds out that the AMD community in graphics cards has increased a lot and they have to take us into consideration.

I have the issue since 10.2. Before I did not have any problem at all. When I wait for WoW to launch in DX12 it will crash soon or later in a M+ or Raid.

We need a blue post how it’s going with the fix. More and more AMD users have a problem with Dx12.

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I’m using a slightly weaker and older amd card with long outdated driver 22.5.1. because everything after it has been causing some kind of issues either in game, with video players and hardware acceleration in browsers.

However I had to block windows auto-update from replacing it behind my back because that one would cause problems as well. Shockingly everything works great and after you’ve done this, wow will stop nagging you about needing to update as well. I’ll keep using the old driver until something breaks because they keep carrying bugs over into new versions for months on end.

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I have the same issue with a 7900XTX. Nothing worked but starting with DX11 which doesnt support half the features DX12 does. Thats unacceptable for 12.99 a months! Please do something about it!!!

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I don’t want to get everyones hopes up. But I think I may have actually found a workaround until blizz/AMD pull their fingers out and fix this. This is a semi guide so if you want to try this for yourself and post in this thread if it works then you are free to do so. This is a long one.

As I said in an earlier comment, I have been playing the game under linux recently where it was 100% stable and performant using vkd3d. This translates directx 12 calls to vulkan. I have had a lot of luck with it but of course that was on Linux so it was not helpful to people that cannot/will not run Linux.

Earlier I saw on a US WoW forum thread that someone was capping their GPU core clock to like 1700mhz with a 7900XTX. I tried it with my 7900XT and queued for LFR to test it. Crashed 30 seconds into the first boss we did (volcoross). So I thought I would just try one last thing before booting back into Linux.

There is a Github user called doitsujin that owns the repository for DXVK, googling DXVK should have it as the first result (DXVK is essentially vkd3d for DX11). Went to releases and downloaded “dxvk-2.3.tar.gz”. Then opened it in 7zip, inside that is another file called “dxvk-1.10.3.tar”, double click that and then extract the folder inside to my downloads folder. Open the extracted folder and open the x64 folder. Inside that is a bunch of .dll files. You are looking for “d3d11.dll” and “dxgi.dll”.

I would recommend exiting bnet completely in case it tries to autoupdate while you are doing this. Make a backup of your World of warcraft folder because if you screw it up you could break it (though a scan/repair in bnet should fix that regardless… back up anyway).

Drag both the .dll files I mentioned into C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft_retail_. If it says about replacing files that already exist just do it and if your WoW is located somewhere else or on another drive, just go there and find the “retail” folder.

Now open bnet again. Click the cog next to the play button and hit game settings, tick additional command line arguments and type “-d3d11” as you may already know from the DX12 bug that started happening in 10.2, this forces the game to only use DX11 (which we have modified to actually be vulkan). We do this command as the game might try and use DX12 instead.

Now boot the game. If you have MSI afterburner/Rivatuner installed you can use the overlay to confirm its vulkan and not DX11 (MSI afterburner settings, monitoring, then add “framerate” to OSD) but if not, when you load up it should be a stuttery mess (like unplayable). I believe this initial stuttering is it building a shader cache - this also happened on nearly all games on Linux before vkd3d was a thing and we were all using DXVK. It will be stuttery for about 5-10 minutes in my experience but after that it was smooth as balls. I recommend just standing at the top of valdrakken and queuing for all LFR wings, just playing through the bosses until it stops stuttering. This stuttering only happens after you first boot the game and does not happen on subsequent startups in my experience. Although DX11 usually runs like garbage on this game, translated to vulkan (again… in my experience) yields the same performance as DX12 natively

I have been playing like this a lot today and I have had no issues past the initial stutter. My symptoms were worse than a lot of people where I would crash multiple times in one boss or in one key. On mythic council I actually have a stream clip of me saying “lets just try DX12 and see what happens” and literally 4 seconds after I say that and change it, the driver crashes.

If your game updates this may break it. Confirm first that it actually has broken it (it should run like old dx11 again, so poorly). If it is broken just repeat the earlier process by dragging and dropping those .dll files into your retail folder. This should work on classic too but I have not tried it so your mileage may vary.

I am running on Windows 11, Intel i5 13600k, 7900xt running on the latest AMD drivers. Good luck all.

TLDR: try DXVK and use the d3d11 flag in bnet

I’d be vary of custom DLLs or similar files as while probably not very likely in this case, they can contain malware or other features which might result in a ban. Just make sure to make informed decision based on the possible risks or advantages.

Eh. It’s the same files I and every other Linux user have been using to play the game for years. If they ban me for fixing their broken game idc i’ll make a new account.

but yeah. use this at your own risk I guess

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Using dx 11 does not solve the problem for me. It still crashes regularly. Can you plz look into it blizzard. It is only in wow that it happens.

The last days I was in intense communications with Blizzard. After receiving standard replies and trying all their standard procedures which eventually didnt help I nailed em up for a clear answer and Eureka here it is. I am happy to share it with you:

Ich bin Game Master Rynmosend vom technischen Kundendienst. Vielen Dank, dass du dich wegen den Problemen mit DirectX 12 bei uns meldest.

Wir haben mehrere Meldungen hierzu bekommen, allerdings scheint dies ein Problem in aktuellen AMD Treibern zu sein, was dies auslöst.

Es wäre am Besten, wenn du dies bei AMD meldest, damit diese das überprüfen können.

Als Workaround können wir derzeit nur raten, DirectX 11 zu nutzen, bis es keine Probleme mehr mit DirectX 12 in zukünfigten Treibern gibt

Ich hoffe, dass dir das hilft und wünsche noch einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr.

So its up to AMD and until the use DX11 with the modified game setting „-d3d11“. Hopefully the happy new year starts with a new AMD driver!

I’m Game Master Ry******d from Technical Support. Thank you for contacting us about the problems with DirectX 12.

We have received several reports about this, but this seems to be a problem in current AMD drivers, which triggers this.

It would be best if you reported this to AMD so they can verify it. As a workaround, we can only advise you to use DirectX 11 until there are no more problems with DirectX 12 in future drivers

I hope this helps you and wish you a happy new year.

No man, this isn’t the way to go.
It’s not our job as customers / players to report stuff to AMD ( altough most did for sure ).
It’s Blizzard’s job to get in touch with AMD and fix the problem.
New drivers will not solve the issue, in fact it makes the issue even worse.

I’m using older drivers to have the driver timeouts occur less often.
If i install newer drivers it will crash constantly .

What’s the solution here? Un-sub until they fix this?


Just buy a Nvidia GPU :slight_smile: /s off

damn, i didn’t think about that one lol.
gonna throw my 1000 euros card out of the window then and get a new nvidia gpu :))


This. The issue only occurs with WoW and rolling back to drivers that previously worked does not fix the issue. its on blizz to get in touch with AMD since blizzard updating the game is what broke it.

Tbh my solution of running the game with vulkan should not really be the solution either. I should not have to make hacky methods just to make their game work at a basic level. But its all I have right now and its the only way I am able to get DX12 performance thats actually stable without having to run linux. To be honest though. After the 10 minutes of stuttering I mentioned I am actually preferring how it runs throughy vulkan over even DX12.

The actual solution is the company we pay money to every month actually fixing this major issue…

and it starting again. common blizzard fix your problems finaly, this problem is already more then a year old.


can someone from blizzard give us atleast a update for this problem?!?!?!?!? do i need to sell my 7900xt that works perfect in every other game or are u fixing this problem soon??

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