Video driver crash in World of Warcraft with AMD video cards (7900 XTX) on DirectX 12

what does blizzard have to do with fact that amd never had good drivers and nvidia was allways the way its meant to be played?

You make no sense Daigoro, this happens only in WoW.
All other games work flawlesly.
This is a WoW issue, and how it manages the video card (specifically the one we speak of in this thread - aka 7900 XTX)

No need to keep derailing the conversation.
Weā€™re waiting on a fix from Blizzard, as this is a major issue right now.


I have a 7900 XTX and and a 7800X3D and Iā€™ve been having this issue since the release of Dragonflight. It made me quit during season 1 as I would randombly get driver crashes during arena matches. Iā€™ve now returned during S3 when I found out about the DX11 workaround. This seemed to work as I had no crashes for nearly 2 full weeks. This weekend I was dumb enough to update my GPU driver to the latest version from 28 november 2023. Now I have the issue again, while being on DX11ā€¦

It seems to be an issue with all of the 6000- and 7000-series cards, pretty specific problem to be had. Iā€™m sure the fix needs cooperation between AMD and Blizzard, which I hope is possible. AMD was a partner with the Shadowlands expansion, so some line of contact must remain, unless the partnership ended horrible and this is one parties paybackā€¦


then you have a lot to wait,since some bugs introduced in shadowlands-khortia and dx12 ,where never fixed.

Agreed, this happens since Shadowlands.
Letā€™s hope they find a solution sooner, rather than later.

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Got my much-anticipated AMD Radeon RX 7600 yesterday. Other than the black screen trying to start the game, it has frozen twice, once irrecoverably. Never had these with my previous museum piece GPU.

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I am having this issue on:

AMD Radeon RX 7900 XTX
13th Gen Intel(R) Coreā„¢ i5-13600K
14 Cores
DDR5 6000hmz

Sometimes I can play for a few hours and have no issues, but then other times I get a gfx driver timeout and restart 3 times in a session.

Is this the card or WoW?


Least for my RX6600 this solved the black screen in DX12 issue: Cant start WoW / black screen ,AMD graphic card - #5 by Grelier-sporeggar

I havenā€™t had other issues besides the black screen though.

Yeah, the black screen issue is gone anyway. I have tried this move, hoping it will fix the freezes too. The game froze in m+ today and I had to force close. Yesterday I had a few-seconds freeze.

Also got an error message that I never saw before (not during either of the freezes though), something about CAS system.

Having the same problem since months.

Error WaitForSingleObjectEx Timeout: Der Wartevorgang wurde abgebrochen. (0x80070102)

Black screen / driver timeout with directx 12.

12/19 20:51:44.489 LogOpen
12/19 20:51:44.489 World of Warcraft Retail x86_64
12/19 20:51:44.489 Windows 11 (10.0.22621) x86_64
12/19 20:51:44.489 AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 6-Core Processor | Sockets:1 Cores:6 Threads:12 | Max Frequency: 3.7GHz
12/19 20:51:44.489 15.9 GB System Memory
12/19 20:51:44.489 On AC Power - Battery Not Present
12/19 20:51:44.857 Adapter 0: ā€œAMD Radeon RX 7900 XTā€ family:Unknown type:Discrete location:11 driver_date:28-Nov-2023 driver_ver:(0x1f000059e503ff) vendor:0x1002 device:0x744c dx11:true dx12:true
12/19 20:51:44.857 Monitor 0 ā€œGeneric PnP Monitorā€ Size(2560x1440) Pos(0, 0)
12/19 20:51:44.857 Monitor 1 ā€œGeneric PnP Monitorā€ Size(3840x2160) Pos(2560, 0)
12/19 20:51:44.857 AMD driver version: (AGS 23.12.1)
12/19 20:51:44.924 Choosing gpu by name: ā€œAMD Radeon RX 7900 XTā€
12/19 20:51:44.924 GpuInfo: sm:dx_6_0, rt:DXR 1.1, vrt:2, bary:1, mesh:1 pull:1
12/19 20:51:44.924 D3d12 Device Create
12/19 20:51:45.019 DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM UAV support: true
12/19 20:51:45.265 NotifyOnDeviceCreate
12/19 20:51:45.273 D3d12 Device Create Successful
12/19 20:51:45.273 Using shader family dx_6_0
12/19 20:51:45.273 No
12/19 20:51:45.273 Detected Graphics Defaults: 7 (CPU = 7, GPU = 7, MEM = 7) WindowSize: 2560x1440
12/19 20:51:45.273 GxLowLatencyMode: None
12/19 20:51:45.368 Render Settings Changed. New Render Size: 2560x1440
12/19 20:51:46.189 Render Settings Changed
12/19 21:08:37.190 Error WaitForSingleObjectEx Timeout: Der Wartevorgang wurde abgebrochen. (0x80070102).
12/19 21:08:37.282 Device context was lost. Attempting recovery. Occurrence: 1
12/19 21:08:37.282 GxRestart
12/19 21:08:37.282 D3d12 Device Destroy
12/19 21:08:40.291 Error WaitForSingleObjectEx Timeout: Der Wartevorgang wurde abgebrochen. (0x80070102).
12/19 21:08:40.837 NotifyOnDeviceDestroy
12/19 21:08:57.990 Choosing gpu by name: ā€œAMD Radeon RX 7900 XTā€
12/19 21:08:57.990 GpuInfo: sm:dx_6_0, rt:DXR 1.1, vrt:2, bary:1, mesh:1 pull:1
12/19 21:08:57.990 D3d12 Device Create
12/19 21:08:58.120 DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM UAV support: true
12/19 21:08:58.129 NotifyOnDeviceCreate
12/19 21:08:58.129 GxLowLatencyMode: None
12/19 21:08:59.923 D3d12 Device Create Successful
12/19 21:08:59.923 Using shader family dx_6_0
12/19 21:08:59.923 No
12/19 21:08:59.943 Render Settings Changed
12/19 21:09:00.063 GxNotifyOnDisplayChange: 0
12/19 21:09:00.134 GxNotifyOnDisplayChange: 0
12/19 21:09:00.540 Gpu state has changed. re-enumerating
12/19 21:09:00.576 Adapter 0: ā€œAMD Radeon RX 7900 XTā€ family:Unknown type:Discrete location:11 driver_date:28-Nov-2023 driver_ver:(0x1f000059e503ff) vendor:0x1002 device:0x744c dx11:true dx12:true
12/19 21:09:00.576 Monitor 0 ā€œGeneric PnP Monitorā€ Size(2560x1440) Pos(0, 0)
12/19 21:09:00.576 Monitor 1 ā€œGeneric PnP Monitorā€ Size(3840x2160) Pos(2560, 0)

Tried everything, every new driver, patch, repair, switched from windows 10 to 11.

CAS errors are almost likely related to something else rather than GPU, check the related article and if it doesnā€™t help you should make your own topic about the issue:

In addition to those steps I would also add suggestion to install WoW outside of default program files directory. Eg. C:\Games or similar for example.

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Use C:\Users\Public\ not the root of your C:\ drive. The permissions are a bit more lax and youā€™ll run into less problems.

I have an SSD dedicated to games, so thatā€™s not the problem. Good to know itā€™s not my new GPUā€™s fault.

same here i got 7900 XTX

even i turn off XMP and dont OC any thing i stil get this problem i never had with my RTX3080 who was OC and rest of my pc to.

am try now DX11 se if that help. had so many times in M+ run that game stops for few sec and then driver restart.

Has anyone here tried the PTR build if its fixed there?

The bug with starting wow and the driver crashes (game freezes for a moment and then blinks black as gpu driver restarts and game returns, may rince and repeat or not) has been since 10.2. Blizzard reps themselves confirmed DX12 issue with AMD cards on the startup, some also in US posts referred that the other crash issues are related to same problem with DX API. They havenā€™t given any proper updates on it, which is frustrating. My system has been perfect before 10.2

Iā€™ve found a solution for now,

Iā€™m using a AMD 7800XT. It started with wow classic and retail not starting on first run, had to wait up to 5-8 min before it started, then random amd driver timesouts while gaming. This happened while using the latest AMD drivers wiith AMD Adrenaline software.

There are two ways

  1. Play with directx11
  2. Use older driver. Now what driver you may ask? To be honest Im not quiet sure since Im not using AMD Adrenaline software but heres how I mad it crash free for me so far (2 days with no crash)
  3. Install DDU ( Display Driver Uninstaller ), chose uninstall and reboot. You pc and windows update will install a driver that seems to work. In game it will say that your driver is out of date but everything seems to work. dxdiag tells me this is the driver version 31.0.22001.10001

Hope this helps!

May Santa claus helps us :santa: :crossed_fingers:

Another one with a 7900 xtx suffering the same problem. I didnā€™t know about the existence of this problem since I had a 1080 ti and nothing was happening with Nvidia, and it seems incredible to me that at this point they still have the same problem after so much time, and having to use DX11 is not an acceptable solution after of so much time.

This problem is a conflict with the graphics at 100% and not with the CPUs, because I had a Ryzen 3700X along with a 1080 Ti and I never had problems in wow. Then I play any much more demanding game such as cyberpunk with RT activated or Alan Wake 2 and no problems with the games, I can play perfectly for 6 hours straight and the graphics are fine and with a very good temperature.