Video driver crash in World of Warcraft with AMD video cards (7900 XTX) on DirectX 12

I have not had any crashes on my system 5800X3D with RX 7900 XTX since i swaped to DX11.

I am running Windows 11 Home edition with the latest updates (extra included for microsoft related in windows update settings). And the AMD Adrenaline 23.11.1 driver.

I am running default settings in wow except for a few changes.

printscreen link below, had to remove https to make it work, just add that to view printscreens of my graphic settings.!Aofgefbj2Ovdgd0PKDO8Nt4gugy90Q?e=SxAVrf

I have tried all the fixes mentioned here. I tried turning off ray tracing. Crashes like this.
I tried turning amd freesync off. Crashes like this. I have tried using dx11. Crashes like this.
Currently i am doing all 3 and still got a crash like this.
They happen once or twice a day (when I play a lot), but it is too much.

The only thing i did not try was enabling virtual memory on my ssd for obvious reasons, it kills your ssd faster …

Where have you gotten this from? It might increase disk activity some, but it’s on by default for your main drive so I doubt it will do much harm

I also have this issue for quite some time on my 7900 XTX. I tried DDU, installing only the driver without the adrenaline software, turning off free sync, turning off 2nd monitor and i cant remember which else, i tried also recently this virtual memory thing like 2 days ago but yesterday after playing i got the crash again. Only thing i didn’t try was disabling XPO but to be honest i doubt this is the culprit considering that literaly every other game is working fine except WoW. By the way i first experienced this crash in hardcore wow (this was the time aproximately when i bought my 7900 xtx sapphire nitro plus) but yesterday i got the crash in Dragonflight.

It would be really nice to have this fixed, one of the reasons i stopped hardcore was this.

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Maybe Blizzard engineering team can provide us with an update on this?
Or at least an ETA for a potential fix?
That would be awesome to have some info about the progress on fixing this.


Same issue, 7900 XT


Same issues still going strong with both old and new GPU drivers on 7900 XT, both DX 11 and 12

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so.ehm… i got me a rx 7600…played new world and cyberpunk on it, to test it out, worked flawless for 2 weeks. i install wow classic…i start the freaking game…it gives me the weirdest resolutions to chose from, no 1080p. the render slider is not adjustable to any viable resolution , the slider only locks on impossible resolutions…

so i set back to default…and this crashes my pc completely, shuts off 1 screen locks mouse on the other ( game still running in the background i can hear it) damages either my motherboard or my psu ( still in the process troubleshooting that) cuz afterwards no input on any of my monitors. i plug in old nvidia gpu…works like a charm…

test 7600 again…nothing. change ram slots, flash bios, ddu back and forth and all that jazz…no worky… so i return the gpu and get a new 7600 …still no worky… only after using the second power connector of my psu.
but now my cpu does funny coil noises in demanding games like cyberpunk. cuz apprently either my motherboard got roasted, or a rail on my psu got bamboozled

thanks to wow classic. a 20 year old game. roasting amd gpu or the systems with amd gpus built in.

and yes, it was 100% some nasty buisness on blizzards end.

30 years + gaming. never did a game kill any of my hardware…esp a game like wow classic that would run on a samsung fridge…

wth blizz…are u guys paying my psu/mobo? -.-

and btw…using the dx 11 solution for clasic. turns it inot a 30 fps slideshow.

TLDR: its a fresh built sys i made in january. 3 weeks ago i got me the rx 7600. no issues in cyberpunk/new world, for 2weeks dtraight gaming… install wow, start it. crashes gpu completly, leaving motherboard or psu slightly damaged apparently.gpu only wokrs with second 8pin connecotr, first one does bogus things. and now my cpu does disgusting coil noises in demanding processes.

Just want to add to this that my AMD rx7900xt has the same problem. Drivers crash mid-dungeon and restart resulting in Âą10 seconds of black screen and some programs crashing (e.g Discord)


Would be lovely with some update from Blizzard, or AMD on the matter… My 7900 XTX crashes as well.


Same issue, 7900XT

I have this exact behaviour including the Discord crash as well. Discord survives if I disable Hardware Acceleration in the settings.

Exactly for me aswell, Discord crashes every time the video driver crashes.
If I disable the Hardware Acceleration, it doesn’t close Discord aswell, but obviously the game still crashes for 10-15 seconds than recovers.
Very annoying, you can’t really commit to any kind of high level play in WoW because of it.

Any updates please Blizzard?


7800x3d and 7800XT having driver crash on DX12. DX11 seems to fix the issue, but then there is the memory leak and game crashes every 30 minutes claiming not enough memory.

I like how we got one blue post on this calming to have a temporary fix that doesn’t work.
And then just radio silence… At least talk to us, half of us can’t play the game lol

Have the same exact problem and running identical pc setup to yours.

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Same issue. 7900 XTX / Ryzen 9 7900X. Wish I stuck with nVidia


Have any of you tried DX11? And the latest AMD driver 23.11.1? Using standard profile in the adrenaline. Both for the game and for the “general” settings. Don’t enable the HYPER-RX

I have since i changed to DX11 within WoW, and have everything defaulted in adrenaline i have zero problems with crashes.

Also, for the record, i have recently reinstalled my windows 11 home
Original Install Date: 2023-11-08, 22:30:12

I also have the latest windows updates and such.

Same, changed to DX 11 and no crashes for a week

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Same crashes here with 7900XTX. Had a reproducable crash yesterday in the everbloom dungeon. Had multiple crashes whenever the boss had his tranquility animation active. Tried lowering some settings, did not help. Will try DX11 next…