Video driver crash in World of Warcraft with AMD video cards (7900 XTX) on DirectX 12

Still crashes for me on DX11. Standard Profile in Adrenaline. No Hyper-RX.
Seriously first CS2 crashed for weeks on end now wow. AMD’s drivers are terrible.


You talking guys about crashing problems, but for me i have problems launching WoW.
Wotlk - launch normally on DX12
Classic - don’t work at all at DX12 had to change to DX11 to even launch the game
Retail - same as classic, not launching on DX12 but launching with DX11
How it is possible, that one of 3 builds works fine, but other 2 don’t even start.

GPU - RX 7800 XT

Any updates on this? Been having the same issue on WOTLK classic since a few weeks (790 XT with 7600X). Haven’t had any performance or crash issues with any other games, only WoW (and Diablo 4 endlessly stacking VRAM usage lol).

Happens at least once per gaming session, usually in raids - black screen for 7-10sec, then everything back to normal, but sometimes happens at most inconvenient times in-fight. Also crashes discord for some reason (everything else continues working).

Same still having this issue. It is sad since otherwise I was happy with the amd card:/

RX6800 here with 5800x3D cpu .
On retail the game is fine on dx12.

Classic is another story … classic i can get in with dx11 … but when i enable dx12 the game is crashing.

Any updates would be highly appreciated.

Blizzard engineering team, as you can see, a lot of people are experiencing this issue.
We need an update and a fix, sooner rather than later please.


I agreed with Elderkain.

Same problem here on Wow Classic Hardcore since i change my computer to a 7800XT from a 1650SUPER (i had no issue on Nvidia Graphic Card).
All my computer was changed so it’s not a conflictual or residential pb, this only happens with World of Warcraft and it’s a huge issue when we are playing with only 1 life…
I gonna downgrade DX12 to DX11 but it’s not a normal way…

Thanks to fix it as soon as possible.

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Good morning.

After a game update this morning , i can confirm that WoW Classic HC or Classic Era , the problem is fixed and we can now play on DX12 :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Thank you very much !

I wouldn’t call anything fixed, if you played few hours without a driver crash.

Check back in few days and report back to this thread.


… omg such a serious answer … yes sir … will do sir … geez …

Well see, for me there was no problem for WoTLK it was running on DX12 but retail and classic did not :smiley:

Ok checked retail and classic after wotlk raid. Still not working game crashing on DX 12. So there is still a problem, especially that Wotlk running with out any problems

I have had this issue since getting my 6700xt and then it became more frequent when I got my 7900xt. So for reference I remember this issue first occuring while I was in a shadowmoon buriel grounds key in season 1 of dragonflight.

I was able to do days of gameplay without crashes when I was just grinding rep in the new zone and then crashed three times on the day the season started and I started doing keys and splits.

The game is unplayable on dx12 because the game crashes the driver and its unplayable for me on dx11 becuase the frame rate in raid literally sticks around in the 30s-40s.

This is not a solution for the vast majority of people but if you are like me and are familiar with Linux. I have played the game every single day starting the day after the season started under Linux using the open source amd drivers, the bottles flatpak, caffe runner and vkd3d (translates DX12 to Vulkan). The game runs flawlessly and with ever so slightly higher frame rates than in Windows. Arch had a weird thing with the cursor being locked to the game and I switched to Endeavor OS which did not have this issue. If you have the know how have another drive you can install it on I would strongly recommend playing the game this way until Blizz/AMD sort this issue out which I pray is soon because there is no way this Windows game should run better on an unsupported OS using community made tools.

As a side note I did try running DXVK (DX11 to Vulkan) under windows which actually worked fine but would crash on boot when I tried VKD3D for DX12. I have a feeling it might not crash if I was able to make that work.


Very nice Tâylor, thanks for sharing this.
Might be hard to accomplish for most people, but good to know.

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Just built new computer and to my lament I am having this issue as well.

Motherboard: MSI Pro B650-P Wifi
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 7800x3D
GPU: Asrock RX7900 XTX
RAM: GSkill 32GB DDR5 6000
HD: Samsung 2TB 990 Pro
PSU: 1200watt Maingear 80+Platinum

It seems to crash randomly. I’ve noticed it most often in both halves of Dawn of the Infinite. But it has crashed in other dungeons and in Amidrassil. For three days I was able to play for hours without issue. Last night I attempted to run keys and in the span of half an hour it crashed 7 times. It’s very inconsistent and random feeling, but maybe there is a pattern I just haven’t decerned yet.

My game will hang, the screen will go black for 5-10 seconds, the game will reappear and Discord will crash. AMD will then display a “Graphics Driver timeout” message.

As I literally just built this computer 3 days ago, everything is the newest drivers. I did end up turning on Dx 11 last night at the recommendation of a guildie and things seem more stable. However, I didn’t drop 2k on a new computer to run legacy software at sub-bar fps. Very disappointed that after at least a month of reports that is the only response from Blue.


Me too. Build a new PC with 7800X3d and Sapphire Nitro + 7900 XTX. Why do I build this PC to get crahes in DX 11 and 12. Its so annoying. Happenedn btw on my RTX 4080 in combination with an Intel 14700K as well in DX 12. So overall its not an exlusive AMD issue.

A blue post about the progress would be highly apppreciated. Could be possible, that many AMD user cancel their subscription. Thats not a thread thats a logical decision. Why pay money for a corrupted game.

Not sure about that, all i’m seeing in the forums is AMD users having problems with the APIs and crashes.
Had no problem with my 2070S and none with my 4090, latest drivers.
CPU is a 5800X3D but not that it matters in this case.
Windows 10 btw, maybe that helps since there have also been some problems with Win 11 lately.

I used a MSI RTX 4080 and had the exact same issues. Graphic Drivers freezes and stuck for about 5-10 seconds. Same issue with AMD. I switched to AMD bec. I dont need raytracing so i liked the more fps power. But same issue now. Maybe trying linux pop os with lumaris and proton . seems obviously a dx problem. All other games like apex and bf 2042 are working flawless. every heavy dx 12 benchmark or raytracing benchmark works as well without flaws. Have not played before 10.2 so can not get any reply about wheter working or not. I dont know, wheter or not its impossible to solve this problem, or blizz has other priorities. iam running out of ideas and motivation as well.

No worries, it usually takes them only 6-12 months to fix something like that :slight_smile:

Great, And what to do ? It crahes so often and randomly that it kills all kind of fun. It i scrashing respectively freezing when using dx11 as well. so kinda unplayable and iam stillquesting. dont even think about joining a raid. i would be the joke of the day every time disconnecting randomly .