Video driver crash in World of Warcraft with AMD video cards (7900 XTX) on DirectX 12

My guess is, there will be no hotfix else they would already have patched it.
So the next best thing would be a fix with the 10.2.5 content patch.

Maybe give it a try when it’s on the PTR.

I will for sure try to install POP OS and see if it works. It will , because Linux converts poor DX12 to Vulcan. It is the only real solution atm. AMD Driver are really good under Linux.

Some user experienced really great performance without crashes under linux. This would be only for gaming and not productivity.

Patch 10.2.5 probably released in January 2024 right ?

No info yet afaik.
But i just read it’s already on the PTR.
You can test if it still crashes.


the crashes have stopped but now i got the strange “Update your video drivers” message on character selection screen.

Amd Driver on 23.11.1 , and not a new driver released .

This isn’t a 10.2 only issue - this is happening for a longer time.
10.2 might have increased the frequency of the video driver crashes, but it’s not the singular cause of these issues.

Might go to try the Linux fix aswell, but we need a better solution from Blizzard.

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i had this problem also. Only fix for me was by Reinstaling your Windows.

I have avoided that option for a looong time till I had enoug. Apperently having so many updates parts on windows 10 meses someting in the long way.

i got the same problem with amd rx 6650 xt. no problems in the first week i installed the card and now i get disconnected every 10 sec.
21 days ago that blizzard reply that they know the problem and investigate it but still no action or fix

Same problem here with a 6800XT. DX12 gets me graphic driver timeouts. DX11 gets me crashes. It’s something relatively new, been happening somewhere around 10.1.5 or so. Never had this problem with 10.0 or 10.1.

If given up i bassicly spend 200 euros for nothing just to have unplayable game Blizzard cannot make a game, they are scamming customers atleast me out of my money refusing to compensate or refund.

Game is playable on Linux but i am not a linux user
Game has issues probably cos its d3d12on11 and that does not work, on top of all the spaghetti code issues Blizzard refuse to admit having issues with.

If you want most stable experience try on Linux or give up like i did and never spend a single dime on this game again.

Same problem here with my 7900XT.

12/4 12:37:53.935 LogOpen
12/4 12:37:53.935 World of Warcraft Retail x86_64
12/4 12:37:53.935 Windows 11 (10.0.22621) x86_64
12/4 12:37:53.935 AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 6-Core Processor | Sockets:1 Cores:6 Threads:12 | Max Frequency: 3.7GHz
12/4 12:37:53.935 15.9 GB System Memory
12/4 12:37:53.935 On AC Power - Battery Not Present
12/4 12:37:54.187 Adapter 0: “AMD Radeon RX 7900 XT” family:Unknown type:Discrete location:11 driver_date:25-Oct-2023 driver_ver:(0x1f0000560703f6) vendor:0x1002 device:0x744c dx11:true dx12:true
12/4 12:37:54.187 Monitor 0 “Generic PnP Monitor” Size(2560x1440) Pos(0, 0)
12/4 12:37:54.187 Monitor 1 “Generic PnP Monitor” Size(3840x2160) Pos(2560, 0)
12/4 12:37:54.187 AMD driver version: (AGS 23.11.1)
12/4 12:37:54.205 Choosing gpu by name: “AMD Radeon RX 7900 XT”
12/4 12:37:54.205 GpuInfo: sm:dx_6_0, rt:DXR 1.1, vrt:2, bary:1, mesh:1 pull:1
12/4 12:37:54.205 D3d12 Device Create
12/4 12:37:54.303 DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM UAV support: true
12/4 12:37:54.533 NotifyOnDeviceCreate
12/4 12:37:54.533 D3d12 Device Create Successful
12/4 12:37:54.533 Using shader family dx_6_0
12/4 12:37:54.533 No
12/4 12:37:54.533 Detected Graphics Defaults: 7 (CPU = 7, GPU = 7, MEM = 7) WindowSize: 2560x1440
12/4 12:37:54.533 GxLowLatencyMode: None
12/4 12:37:54.625 Render Settings Changed. New Render Size: 2560x1440
12/4 12:37:55.466 Render Settings Changed
12/4 13:59:56.386 Error WaitForSingleObjectEx Timeout: Der Wartevorgang wurde abgebrochen. (0x80070102).
12/4 13:59:56.426 Device context was lost. Attempting recovery. Occurrence: 1
12/4 13:59:56.426 GxRestart
12/4 13:59:56.426 D3d12 Device Destroy
12/4 13:59:59.429 Error WaitForSingleObjectEx Timeout: Der Wartevorgang wurde abgebrochen. (0x80070102).
12/4 14:00:00.547 NotifyOnDeviceDestroy
12/4 14:00:04.223 Choosing gpu by name: “AMD Radeon RX 7900 XT”
12/4 14:00:04.223 GpuInfo: sm:dx_6_0, rt:DXR 1.1, vrt:2, bary:1, mesh:1 pull:1
12/4 14:00:04.223 D3d12 Device Create
12/4 14:00:04.393 DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM UAV support: true
12/4 14:00:04.393 NotifyOnDeviceCreate
12/4 14:00:04.424 GxLowLatencyMode: None
12/4 14:00:09.674 D3d12 Device Create Successful
12/4 14:00:09.674 Using shader family dx_6_0
12/4 14:00:09.674 No
12/4 14:00:09.691 Render Settings Changed
12/4 14:00:09.777 GxNotifyOnDisplayChange: 0
12/4 14:00:09.852 GxNotifyOnDisplayChange: 0
12/4 14:00:10.015 Gpu state has changed. re-enumerating
12/4 14:00:10.018 Adapter 0: “AMD Radeon RX 7900 XT” family:Unknown type:Discrete location:11 driver_date:25-Oct-2023 driver_ver:(0x1f0000560703f6) vendor:0x1002 device:0x744c dx11:true dx12:true
12/4 14:00:10.018 Monitor 0 “Generic PnP Monitor” Size(2560x1440) Pos(0, 0)
12/4 14:00:10.018 Monitor 1 “Generic PnP Monitor” Size(3840x2160) Pos(2560, 0)

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I am still having this problem. It seems to happen more now though:/

i saw that people had the same problems in december 2022 so i got the feeling blizzard cant fix it

Hello guys!

I had the exact same problems as you all here, and I have the same hardware as most of here (7900XTX, 7800X3D, Windows 11, latest AMD Adrenalin 23.11.1).

Today I investigated and tried a few things and it seems that it fixed my issue (still testing, but the game didn’t crash so far which was unusual, because I got crashes as early as 10 minutes into the game)

As I did a few things at once, I don’t know what fixed it ultimately, but here’s what I did:

After looking into Windows Event Log, I saw that right before crashing, I got errors from the logioptionsplus_agent.exe in the module amdxn64.dll - maybe thats what was causing the problems, but I doubt that everyone here with that problem has that installed, but maybe you got something different in the Windows Event Log

  • I uninstalled the Logitech Options+ Application (because I have a Logitech Mouse)

  • I disabled all overlays from applications (Discord, AMD Adrenalin, etc.)

  • I disabled VSYNC in World of Warcraft

  • I explicitly set my graphics card in the WoW graphics settings under graphics card (and not to Auto Detect)

  • I also disabled some of my addons, but that was already before all other things and it still did crash / driver timeout so I guess its not addon related

Another thing that may could help is this (disabling the Windows Multiplane Overlay):

Good luck!

I have 7900 XTX and was having same kind of problems. I had iGPU turned off in bios, but still the problem went away when I disconnected hdmi from motherboard hdmi soccet. Try that.

Hello i have the same issue, i have a 1 week old 6700xt and from time to time my game wont launch and from time to time in game the abilities are lagging even tho i dont have hugh altency and the graphics are disapearing (e.g, if pulls spawn on the ground they are black) and after a few seconds the game recover but its unplayable and frustrating anyone know a solution?

The same here. I played 1 month without any crash. I’ve even played today and suddenly I’ve started game and buuum the same issue what you all are discribing. Only what helps to be is DX11 but I want to play on DX12 omg…

I’ve notice in windows logs before the wow.exe error, the event error occurs like:


This is really big pain in the ***…

DX11 is just terrible experience. Hopefully Blizz and AMD can sort this our quickly…

AMD just released a big driver update. I still run the game on arch linux right now but has/can anyone test the new driver, hop into some LFR and M+ and see if its still happening?

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Just installed windows, installed all drivers including the new AMD driver 23.12.1 and I can tell you that it is still the same.

For me it started after installation of AMD driver 23.12.1 :smiley: