VIP ALTERAC VALLEY Premade is back!

They patched an exploit, YES, they did, Alliance used to EXPLOIT the queue system.

This is not an exploit.

This is random players joining random AV games, as designed and intended.

After they have joined a random game, they try to join a voice chat on a public discord. That’s it. The same kind of voice chat that is built into the game.

Both factions can do this in the exact same way because both faction have the exact same AV games.

This is the result of very few AV games running, not an exploit.

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I’m with Mypants here.

The word “premade” means team made before the queue, hense “pre”.

People using discord to communicate with their automated team is perfectly fine. Premading was bad because only one team could do it, but communicating properly via discord (or even in-game chat) is something both teams are able to do.

And now it have past 10 days and you still, loose in AV so guess even with your so called premade didnt work out eather, guess your all just a bunch of noobs that in fact just need too learn how too play better next time, see you in 2022 maybe then you have learn about game mechanics and how too actually PVP!!! have an Gnomish Day all of you!!!

sorry, not sorry. that was us

nice try but we going anyway :slight_smile:

If you ain’t Dutch, you ain’t much.

I’m not sure about these so called map advantages.
This is a reddit post from yesterday on retail:

Looks like the problem still stands to this day with many changes?
Could it just be player behaviour/mentality? Who knows

Yes! at last this is going to be a blast, can’t wait to blast some salty hordes

The early AV premades created a lot of empty or half-empty games. Hundreds of Alliance players were queueing simultaneously, abandoning the majority of the newly created instances and re-queueing into a selected few). I think that was the chief reason behind the countermeasures.

If history doesn’t repeat itself, I see no reason for Blizzard to intervene. They’d have to strike at every other premade otherwise.

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Déjà vu!

Literally the exact same thing was said a year ago. Back when Alliance posters on the forum pretended that premades didn’t exist. That players “just happened” to join the same discord server and same discord channel, completely disregarding the controlled and premade raid setup as well as gear checks and mount checks back then. So it was literally just a premade. Except they liked to pretend for a while that it was just players joining the same channel on discord “after already having joined AV”, despite doing all of that stuff before joining AV and trying to join the same AV in a coordinated fashion.

And that was back when the game still only allowed you to solo queue for AV. By design.

It sure is weird how that “joining the same discord channel” thing disappeared after they reduced the premade problem and EU Alliance had given up after trying for a couple of times to still do their premades. Funny how that turned out.

Because, I mean, according to you, it’s something anyone can do. Right? So why did we have the majority of 2020 without Alliance players doing that? Hmm? Care to answer that one? According to you, all they had to do was join the same discord channel on the same server after joining AV after all. So why didn’t they? They had almost a year to do it.

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Woohoo looks sick

Except that in itself is a lie, because all you’d need to do is get new server(s) each with its own range of instance numbers. For example, one server with instance numbers 1-25 or whatever the limit is, then another with 26-50 and so on.

So what’s the real reason you didn’t do the discord thing after premading itself was mitigated? HMM?

Says the faction abusing and defending a literal exploit.

You don’t even understand the mechanisms involved to make it work.

Except that’s also another lie. If you’re not doing a premade in a coordinated fashion to join the same AV exceeding the numerical limit placed by design, and winning simply by joining the discord channel with the corresponding instance number after joining AV and the random matchmaking decides what your raid looks like, then why wouldn’t it be “effective honor” back then? After all, according to you guys, that’s all you need to win “like a premade”, right?

The guild I was in fell apart over Christmas, so I’m not even playing Classic anymore.

It’s just funny how you keep trying to lie and deflect because you can’t answer. <3

Doesn’t matter what was said. It was premades exploiting the queue system

What we have today is a hanfull of AVs and a public discord. Its random players in random AVs. No one is exploiting or circumventing anything.

It’s kind of the rest of that post that matters more. Answer that instead.

Awesome! Looking forward

Here’s something for you to consider, PvE people use discord, they’re smart for working together, PvP people use discord and it’s cheating by working together. I think that attitude stinks.


That’s not the problem? The problem is one side being able to premade and the other side is not? If they just let both Horde and Alliance premade there’s no problem?

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