Vulpera Appreciation Thread šŸ¦Š

I think it was fine for BFA
But now its over they should be open to new players. Or at the very least after shadowlands.

If i was a new player, Iā€™d be rather bitter i couldnā€™t pick a vulpera until Iā€™ve played for like 10 - 15 hours, just so I can start from scratch

But hey, with the level squish and the rep requirements gone, allied races are a lot easier than before which is a good thing

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I can tell you that its even more annoying as someone who has played the game since BC atleast new players have only seen the content once but as someone who has played the game for years and years the requirement to level up a character on opposite faction to level cap only to do it again really has no appeal to me at all.

I feel you pain
Like with the Nightborne, Iā€™m forced to spend time withā€¦ ughā€¦ the Horde
The Horde that 90% of the time hate us :sob:


Its silly, I can be a Red Sith Jedi Master in SW:ToR but canā€™t be an independent or Alliance Vulpera in WoW :nauseated_face:


My my, what commotion we have in this fine establishment of ourā€™s.

Do make sure to keep the place neat. We cannot have an expansion launch of the near future meet is with an untidy forum thread now, can we?

Keep it classy.

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Only 4 more days until I can unlock Vulperas. :smiley:


4 more days and the Horde will lost most of its Blood elven populationā€¦ but will gain a HUGE Vulpera population boost

Our time will come brothers and sisters!
Sharpen the knives!
In four days we will ascend to rule the World!


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Praise me, mortals.


Anyone wanna play Among us and we just always sus the vulpera?

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I personally like my vulpera leather slippers, quite warm, and the fuzz covering from their scruffy neck is quite soft and pleasant to the touch.

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I personally like roasted vulpera, Vulpera BBQ , Vupera Stew ā€¦

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hi UwU :slight_smile:


Not gonna lie everytime i see a vulpera i wish i could pick them up and hug em! :blush:


just gnomes and goblins with fur


Can confirmā€¦ ahemā€¦ I meant to sayā€¦ Only Worgen get fleas!
ā€¦but, useful for Vulpera and Tauren to know, as general knowledgeā€¦not that we would need to use it of course, because only Worgen get fleas.


thats what i think with taurens and specially tauren moonkins

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You know, we will make a fortune when the Vulpera and Tauren plushies hit the storesā€¦ :smirk:


One week without appreciating us?
But I guess everyone now leveling their new vulpera
So Iā€™m not angry
Lets have a party


Vulpera are pretty foxy I wonā€™t lie. Fur real though, theyā€™re pretty cute!