Vulpera Appreciation Thread 🦊

You dare summon Gilneas to come at you ? I will show you myself what mean to summon your own death !
We faced the Orc of the 2nd war, We won
We faced the Scourge, We won
We faced the Forsaken, We won ( we just retreated and nowaday we have taken it back !)
And you gonna tell me doodle want to beat Gilneans ?

You are not ready to face the fury of Goldrin !


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Well he also claims Gilneas did anything in the second and third wars, so…

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well i dont know about the lore but your race could use some new graphics models

They surrendered and they were pretty mad, so they plagued the city of gilneas. That why when you do silverpine forest quest as horde they have to retreat.

Third war nope beacause of the 2nd war.
in the second war king therenas was manipulated by deathwing by a spell and he saw all other advisor wrong.
Genn when he saw Therenas ignored advise for the good of the people he wouldn’t got any of Lordaeron order anymore and to protect his raised the one as we know today : The Greymane Wall.

That why in the 3rd war we weren’t in the human storyline.
Exept when come the part of the scourge were Arugal, a Mage Gilneans that studied in Dalaran were contacted by Genn to found a solution to beat the Scourge outside of the wall.
And Arugal have found the worgen of the Emerald dream: he summoned the worgen against the scourge. The scourge didn’t hold long and were forced to leave Silverpine forest.
But Arugal were forced next to side with the worgen.

The worgen were soo strong against the scourge that even in Grizzily hills Arthas wanted Arugal ressurected ( dead by the heroes of Azeroth) to make all worgen siding with the scourge.

Hey come on no one in blizzard employee play worgen ! that the reason why ! :smile:

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I’ve done worgen start zone till they go to teldrassil but haven’t finished the silverpine quests on my undead yet.

Just didn’t feel like a “win” for the worgen imo :woman_shrugging:

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Was also under the spell.

Genn was a douchebag prior to Deathwing, and he left the Alliance because some of his people had died, not because Terenas ignored him.

My Foxy Shaman gals are now level 66!

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Enjoy the one true zombie disease!


I started out as a natural redfur but then it seemed the majority of other vulpera also had red fur. So I dyed it grey and now everyone else seems to be grey too!



You keep barking you Gilneans don’t have anyone fooled. Bet you’re loving spending all that time in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, big wall to hide behind, you must feel right at home.

Don’t ever forget you cowards only rejoined the world because a natural event forced you to. Otherwise you’d be running around like deranged dogs in your glorious kingdom.

He doesn’t, since him alone maked that decision.
Genn wanted to keep his policy of his father, and every decision he has made is by remember his father.

I don’ remember people have died but i’m confirm that Genn maked this wall by pure politics decision. That why he maked the wall between gilnes and silverpine forest since some of silverpine was still a part of Lordaeron.

Sylvanas was maybe right about creating a plague that destroy living and death. That was surely designed for vulpera instead of worgen.
Or maybe that plague wasn’t enought to purge vulpera at all ?

Bolvar what have you done by raising some of this …

Our caravan is way better than vulpera. At least we don’t kill our own kind to decorate our own caravan.

Vulperan loyalist of Sylvanas ???

At least we have a glorious kingdom :smile:

We are not deranged fox in … wait vulperan are homeless ?

cough had cough

Pretty sure you guys are doubly homeless after your refuge in teldrassil had it little incident…


purges the thread in glorious fire … for the emper … wrong universe FOR THE HORDE!


The Darnashus bonfire catastrophe shows why fire safety should always be a priority. Never build your home inside a bonfire, no matter how much you want to be unique.


Lordaeron plagued
Uhm… you speak of safety :smiley:?

You ever go to lordaeron before it was blighted?? sylvanas improved it :rofl:

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I’m not sure how you’re linking the strategic deployment of a WMD to some ditzy airhead NE forgetting to put out their cooking fire before skipping off to hug some trees.

Clearly, you should switch to orange. OwO

Its the right color.

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