Waiting 30 min to be wiped clean by a Pre Made Group

Here we go again with more pre-made QQ. It’s quite simple:

  1. they’re not against the rules
  2. the people who spend their days spamming pre-made unrated battlegrounds are generally pretty low skilled players who have to compensate for not being very good in rated content, so have to stomp low geared, non pre-made newbies and players to feel like they’re good at the game.
  3. just completely avoid random battlegrounds unless you’re playing your own premade. You can fully gear up for pvp without stepping in a random BG and facing these cringelords.

It’s honestly laughable that Blizzard can’t fix this in just a couple of minutes. Couldn’t they implement something where, even if two groups queue together, they still get randomly mixed with other players? Like, you know, shuffle the teams around instead of just letting people stay in the order they queued. There’s got to be something they can do, right?

Also, why are people even doing premade battlegrounds? Is it just for honor? What’s so amazing about that, anyway?

Surely it wouldn’t be that hard to create an algorithm that prevents the same people from repeatedly joining the same games together, or keeps track of their queueing behaviours. So once it starts to pick up on the same people repeatedly declining queues to get into games together then it can lock them out or something.

  1. Take Seal clubbing it’s legal in many parts of the world, doesnt mean it’s fine. Even if Blizz would literally state that synced epic prems are completely fine, I would still never partake in it because it still ruins PvP.
  2. I personally don’t even care much encountering another lame sync prem in epics, I can always leave and go on the next char when I want. Still I care about my epic bgs which I love to play from time to time, and I see ppl stop playing them. I also won against a few epic prems with only my 2 man by leading epics over the time, btw. I just prefer more equal games instead of this time wasting crap. I speak only about epics here.
  3. Writing on the forum brings not much except letting out a bit of frustration. Just do what is written in the ticket response https://ibb.co/NrHLhVk, leave the bg if u dont want to stay in it and let them have their meaningless epic bg wins.
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Yea but the problem with this is that not enough ppl still play, so they don’t even have to decline so many que pops.
Years ago they were sitting sometimes for an hour+ in que because one of their groups did not get a pop, nowadays there are not so many games opening at the same time.

That’s no surprise really, BG’s are absolutely no fun for the casual gamer any more. Such a shame as they were epic fun in their day, win or lose, they were just way more entertaining games. I’m too old and too uninterested these days to bother with new games so it’s looking like time to sell the PC and do something more interesting instead.

It was in response to previous attacks from this person. :wink:

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Depends on the type of premade. Inviting one or two friends is usually done because you want to spend time with them playing together. Playing small bgs in 5 stacks or sync premades in epic bgs is mostly done to have an advantage over your opponents who are not that coordinated.

I am in favor of giving groups a %-based penalty that becomes larger the more group members they have and making sync premades impossible and / or so inconvenient that nobody would participate in them anymore. Sync premades are not meant to exist in the first place or the 5-man rule wouldn’t exist.


Sure, doesn’t make it less aggressive or hostile.
Like I said I don’t mind that anyway, just saying because it sounded like “only” the anti sync premade ppl would write something in a “bad tone” sometimes.

There is nothing to fix regarding premades in casual content. Because that is how an MMO is supposed to be played. With groups of players. If anything they should allow full raids to queue together tbh. That would be a fix I could get behind.

When you see that “join as group” is greyed out when you attempt to join with a group of more than 5 players and you find a way to BS your way around the system to get your entire raid group in anyway, that is pretty much the opposite of how the game should be played.


Well that is why you queue sync instead which is perfectly fine based on Blizzard’s statements AND actions. I think that is just silly and they should just allow raids to queue. Doesn’t mean it is going to happen but if you are allowed to make suggestion to change Blizzard policy I think I am entitled to do the same, right?

I think you don’t understand the answer. :smiley:

It is not, there was not a single statement saying it is allowed or it is not breaking the ToS.

No1 here tries to make a suggestion to change the policy, we are just trying to create awareness for what is already standing in it. :slight_smile:

Wrong, if you look at the ToS/CoC, they clearly state that “creating an unfair advantage” or “disturbing an enjoyable environment for all players” is a not tolerable behaviour.
Now think again what epic premades do and compare it to the ToS/CoC “statement” made by blizz.

Nothing to write here if you understand the first part! :slight_smile:


Nope, I am right and you are wrong. I only know that you don’t like it! :slight_smile:

Will do!

But please read what the ToS/CoC says about this two points. :slight_smile:

I still enjoy them. Sometimes queue syncing sometimes solo. And I am pretty casual.

ive fallen victim to queue syncing maybe 25- 40% of the time in PvP
nothing you can do about it tbh

a wise man once said " IF YOU CANT BEAT THEM… JOIN THEM "

blizzard will only take it seriously if it becomes a wide spread issue

Because the game won’t allow you to do a lame thing that leads to terribly one-sided and boring rounds by design, you find a workaround so you can enjoy your one-sided and boring stomp games after all.

slow clap

Now try playing the game without bending the rules for an unfair advantage for a change.

You can get away with it.
Don’t do it anyway.
Play fair.


What’s the threshold and how is this measured?