Waiting all day In LFG to get a single Invite As Dk for M+ Thanks Blizzard

OFC i was silent its not my job to come here ask my own class nerf or other class buff its Dev jobs to do it and they get paid for it
What im asking is why there is such a big gap between class when you can fix it
Im not asking for nerfing the top class but we can buff the rest so we close the gap atleast
Would you call the game balance if Mage with alot of utility do like 40 to 50% more dmg than the rest of the class?!
the situation of tanks is something like this something like Dh tank can mitigate 40 to 50% more dmg compare to other tanks
the thing is that there is no log to show people what a huge imbalance exists between tanks
you Bring Dh into the group you have endless Silence sigils and a tank that never dies also Biggest dmg and 5% magic buff
you bring prot paladin you get off healing and good tankiness and utility for group also good dmg
but when it comes to for example
DK you just bring a tank there is nothing more and also it may get OS
Warrior also same problem kinda brings nothing but tankiness against physical and a battle shout which no one care really
Monk also so squishy and very hard to play also no value and 5% physical buff is useless since most class doing Magick dmg now
so on and so forth
My arguement is if you want DH to be sooo tanky bringing endless control to mobs its fine but atleast they should do normal dps
same for paladin there is no way we accept that paladin with alot of control healing and utility doing same Dps as a prot warrior
You cant be the best in everything then you just make the game unplayable for the rest of the players and class
Like Bdk season 4 in shadowland you mentioned or fire mage last season

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they do it intentionally. UuU if they wanted everything would be fixed by now.

i also addressed this in my thread

all specs with “bad utility” should blast/be tanky considerably stronger than the utility counterpart then it would be balanced. right now there are no real downsides to dh/pala lol. or some dd/heal specs which are just plain weaker in m+ they also should be buffed

great example is everbloom where squishy specs without strong defs just die on 3-4 boss (even 2nd) this should be balanced with extra stats in case if the class doesnt have great defensives.

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I smell some made up cowfeces going on here…

Don’t know really. I might accept if a tank I played with sends me a friend request (if they were good, obviously), but if they take so long to ask me to do a key with them that I’ve forgotten who they are by the time they DO ask, it’s most likely that I’ll say no.

btw just now i saw literally a title in brh 27 “tank prot pala, vdh, dk =)”. for a tank brh on tyranical is a faceroll, the only relevant attribute is damage dealt. and thats all because of the balance blizzard made.

wait until you learn that augmentation evoker is doing like 15% lower dps than every DPS spec you see up in lvl 30 keys, and it’s still being brought into 30-31 keys

Honestly you are really pushing the limit of what is possible PuGing. Meta or nor, at those levels there is only 1 way to do things: Premade.

Also… there are like NO keys at 26/27 and above. So few people play at those levels, let alone that pug a tank. I refuse to pug a tank (ANY tank, FOTM or not) for my 26s/27s. I only go with tanks I know and trust. And all the people I know do the same.

Next season form bonds with the people you meet along your PuG adventures. Then try to play with them. Yo will make a “semi-premade” along the way.

Its slower to climb rating like this, but in the long run you will achieve more rio than alone.

And still more high key pushers dont bring augmentation evokers anymore to their +31 - +32 keys. Augmentation ISNT MANDATORY ANYMORE or doesnt have the power anymore to bring.

Well… WW Monk isn’t exactly the pinnacle of desirability, but i’ve started gearing mine this week… And i did this thing where i just pushed my own key, 100% invite rate.

And feel free to check my char i am posting from, that is what i’ve gotten to after 1 week of play with an off meta class by doing my own keys.
I’ve played with 1 mate who was also rerolling most of the week, but as said, we just pushed our own key, started our own raid group to get normal clears ect.

To what level should it be playable for everyone?
To top 10%?
Top 1%?
Top .5%?
Where is the line where we say, yea, this is so cutting edge, and affects so few people that we can say it is what it is.

Every spec has gone and done atleast 26s afaik… How many people actually push beyond that?
There is less than 1% people who push beyond 3250ish rating, and that’s where people do 24’s-26’s … And every spec can get to at least that point, some might take a bit more work sure, but it is 100% doable.

As a Dev your job is to Make all class Playable in all content especially When its an MMO
Rightnow as someone who playing both Bdk and Vdh i can tell you the Gap between this two is not even close in anyway posible Vdh has the edge
They descided to Give Vdh perma 80% Imunity against Melee dmgs
Tons of Magick reduction and also huge Mitigation
They also gave Vdh the highest amount of Mob controll posible
They have the biggest dmg in all tanks
On top of that they got 5% magick dmg buff which these days 90% of class doing Magick instead of Physical dmg
This is just Poor balance its unbelievable how can they miss their mark like this as Developer
On top of that i feel like They actually do it Intentionally like if you pay Attention to This season Dungeon Pull you can see we have many mobs that you cant just kick and live it even if you do it Properly their just spam casting and the only way you have to bring something like Vdh who can Silence the pack for like 20sec which is insane
same story was true last season if you Remember we where forced to Play with Priests due to Massdispel and mindsoth
What i mean is that it mostly feels like they dont even try to balance , they Intentionally Force the Meta and they dont Even try to Balance the game ever.

Well the gap is not big bdk highest key done 29 - vdh 31 so the gap is not big. Now u? Speaking of RIO VDH 3820 - BDK 3600 ISH. SO AGAIN THE GAP IS NOT BIG.

Play tank/ healer and you won’t have that issue except maybe in 25+ keys where they start looking for meta in those roles too. Also the best players are not even playing blood dk or brewmaster so you don’t even know how good that tank actually is.

The OP is a blood DK main tanking +27s.

He is Smilingx? That is the only top dk tank from EU.

I looked up his main on Raider IO. You could do that too if you want ‘proof’ of what content he’s doing. (I have no idea who Smilingx is.)

The difference between 29 to 31 is insanely huge bro
the different between 3.6 to 3830 is omega huge
Basicaly the higher the rio goes its harder to make huge gap since keys getting really tight
Like there is a big different between making 3k to 3.3 rio than to make 3.5 to 3.8rio
I can tell you the different between Dh and the other tanks are like 40 to 50% in Utility and dmg mitigation also DMG done
The only tank who could compete was prot paladin and soon Dungeon tuning will come along and their out of the ring too.
The gap is So Huge

And this may be the case. None of us knows what’s going on in the minds of the dev team.

However, I agree with the earlier comment that said if you’re going to complain about them ‘forcing the meta’, you need to do it when your spec is on top as well as when it isn’t. Otherwise you just come across as whining that you’re not OP every season.

My problem is i cant play the game so i can only come here and whining this is Dev job to understand these problem not my job Honestly
I swear i would swallow this state of my class if i could play a Game
Make solo que for M+
Make a way for Game to chose people randomly and send them into the keys so they can play
I am paying to play the game not siting in valadraken for whole day and as long as you have old LFG system and let people chose this problem will be there

I mean he is nowhere close to Smilingx so he can’t complain his class sucks.

Wazo or so called Smilingx is streaming you can go and ask him about my claims then?!
He usualy streaming so GL