War effort : will blizzard change the content?

Except that would utterly screw the servers with low populations who have farmed for months, and only present a short delay for the full servers with 6-10k raiders who can farm the requirements in no time.

This can’t be recreated unless they link mats requirements to realm population.

Low pop servers don’t compete with high pop servers, only crossrealm is battlegrounds.

Of course they compete. If AQ is available on high pop realms and not on low pop relams, where would you prefer to raid?

It being late 5-7 days doesn’t really ruin anything or give anyone an advantage, servers are pretty much seperate. With this all servers get to enjoy gathering stuff for the opening.

Do people really enjoy collecting 90,000 Linen Bandage?

Collecting linen bandages specifically? Probably not. Repetetive grinds that involves zero risk? Absolutely!

Wow, I’m brimming with excitement. /s

Sorry but the only thing I look forward for the next phase is AQ40. We already had enough grinds as it is.

Yeah, cept in this case we are talking about being 60 days late…

Really? 60 days? You got 5 people on those servers?

On judgement there is ~150 raiders. Just linen alone is an average 6k farm for each of them. Not to mention the hundreds of thousands of other required mats.

And an endless farm is not fun. Games are supposed to be fun. You go grind 50k mats and see how happy you are

150? Oh lord.

Changing mats would be the best thing to do. so the race to the gate opening would be a real event, and not just done since already 3 month. (+ it would be funny to see everybody rage about the fact that they spent load of time farming the incorrect mats ^^)

If so, it should also be scaled for population. Actually, scaling for population should be first, then they can consider changing up or making a unique tag for items farmed post-launch of war effort.

Oh yeah of course, Scaling by server or fixing low pop server , anyway i’m horde on judgement so i know that i wont be able to do AQ for a long long long long long long long long time ( can’t even do ZG sooooooo…)

They prolly wont do anything

Change means putting effort, and blizzard and effort don’t really seem synonymous

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Sure they put inn effort. Unfortunately only in retail, which is rubbish…

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