War Mode on and Avoiding PvP

Enjoying PvP is the thing that makes no sense to me.

Would just remove the entire game mode if i was put in charge.

Such an unnecessary waste of resources.

Killing a core feature is not the way for a successful game.

I could tell you that I would make open world pvp always on and include it in main quests necessary for progression.

And you would hate that. Just like I hate your suggestion.

Try it. You donā€™t even have to be that good. Pick a ranged class and farm gear. It will bring your heart to life.

A side feature that is just there for people who wanna bully and belittle othersā€¦ It should be removed.

Plenty of games have thatā€¦ Classic WoW if you play on a PvP server for one.

Also open PvP in Black desert and Open PvP in some areas of Throne & liberty + probably more.

I am against all forms of harassment even if that is your kind of enjoyment.

We should keep people playing the game, not try to prevent them from playing.

PvPers are bullies that just want to make people altF4 and have them unsub, itā€™s toxic and bad for everyone

The rush ofā€¦ jumping some rando doing their quests?

Why not just do arena instead?

Unrealistic scenario, no PvPer actually wants a fair fight, ā€œfairā€ to most of them is when they oneshot everything in a 5 mile radius with one GCD :rofl::beers:

I wish I was more than half jokingā€¦ Yes, they do probably exist, somewhere, over teh rainbowā€¦ , but I canā€™t say IĀ“ve ever met one. :wink:


Hey. its the ā€œtrue nature of world PvPā€. Hence why some are :salt: when their victims manage to escape.


Yeah, ā€œBorkin level 11 noob runnin away from a fair fight with a level 70, what a :cat2: ā€¦ Blizzard pls nerf!!!ā€ :beers:


ā€œDonā€™t like it? Turn off WM!ā€ :rofl:


you say what? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skZt59s4AUk

well exactly, what more you need if donā€™t enjoy it?

Ofc World PvP isnā€™t fair but thatā€™s not stopped people complaining about it. Sometimes the only thing you can do when getting camped is turn WM off or simply log out/go somewhere else.

Iā€™ve had several ocassions where my levelling chars have been repeatedly taken out by max levels who have nothing better to do that traipse around looking for low levels. People will never pick a fair fight, itā€™s always when the numbers arenā€™t equal, either levels, number of players, stronger class etc etc.

Iā€™d had enough once when a max level guy repeatedly killed me while doing an invasion in Legion zones. Sometimes a friend can come play guard dog but other times I logged on my main and annihilated the ganker until he logged off. Being killed once isnā€™t a big deal but when stops you being able to play itā€™s a pain.

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What toys/items do you find useful in WPvP? I used to keep track of these things in WoD, such as that feather toy that made you fly into the air, but now I donā€™t play as much to discover things like this.

Warmode is required to do ā€œSparks of Warā€, which is the easiest (and least disruptive for ppl who actually want to pvp) to get honor.

I know a real one when i see em :heart:

I put wm on when I want the meagre 10% buff for something, I would just put wm off if I wanted level character through world but I dont level through world, I spam dungeons and battlegrounds till max lvl.

Theres little reason for world pvp in wow and incentive to have wm on is only 10% buff to gain more exp and so on. Killing some random guy in world is meh when all the end game rewards were moved in rated modes.

MagegĆød is really entertaining to watch.

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I would suggest just play some ranked mode with all the end game rewards if want pvp in modern wow now. They have separated all end game content for pvp from the rest of game. Theres nothing to be gained outside rated and they can skip everything they wish.

PvP itself is not a core feature, nevermind wPvP.

I agree that people who choose Warmode should understand that it means they might get killed though, perhaps Blizzard should remove the bonus XP, and instead grant it when a player wins a fight, it is a PvP mode after all.


Just out of curiosity, is that perchance the same one that posts here occasionally, or is that merely a coincidence?

Aye. But in turn, that doesnĀ“t mean you have to make it easy just so someone xy levels above you gets an easy but honorless kill :beers:

I level with WM on, and if I think I can take you IĀ“ll try, and as soon as I think /realize I canĀ“t, itā€™s Catch me if you can, sucka!! :wink:

It is indeed!

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It was never core and when we had PVP realms they were never balanced so this is what blizzard tried to do to help.