War Within 3days early access

A point i remember being brought up the first time this came up was… ‘‘Launch day is when we are all supposed to come together and share in the hype and explore the new zones together’’

Truth is we all still are… If anything? Its the guys buying the 3 days early access who misses out on the party with the rest of us. Not the other way around.

They will play alone… With very few people around… Kinda sad imo

Launch day is the time to log in, laugh with everyone at how broken the game is, log off and wait until it’s fixed and not the weekend because it is full and lagging like mad :dracthyr_hehe_animated:
People cry on the forums they took time off and can’t play, the high pop realms cry they can’t log in… it is tradition!
Exploring together? Hyping together? This doesn’t happen!
In all likelihood the 3 day people will experience the traditional launch and the people who don’t bother/haven’t got access will be in for a much smoother one.

I also hate playing with loads of people around and that isn’t sad at all, so it’s perfect if that’s the case but no, don’t be silly, it will be full as usual.

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Either way you see it… as you say its tradition! Suffering and fun parts of it alike xD

I wouldn’t want it any other way. But we are all different.

If your a player who wants to enjoy the launch free of others and all the chatting and crashes and goods and bad. Thats fair.

I cant put it into words really well… But I like being a part of the chaos and seeing everybody explore and enjoy the new expansion. Reading the general chats and enjoy the livelyhood and oh my god am i cringe or what? xD But I do!

But if people want to bypass that and enjoy the game without us. then all the power too them

I sort of enjoyed that when Classic first got booted up and how everyone was nice to each other. Didn’t last very long, alas. I more enjoy finding things with a family member I play with. I used to enjoy talking about it on my guild discord/chat. I’ll probably enjoy talking about it on the forums. So, I do get it, but people seem to always forget the first few days are absolute chaos!

There is a teeny tiny part of me that wants them to add that now… :smiling_imp:

Honestly, my reasoning for going for 3 days early access is simply down to the fact that I have a kid and a job meaning that I have early mornings through the week on most xpac launches so staying up until 11pm for the global launch on a Tuesday just isn’t possible but with early access I will be able to play from the Saturday and get ahead instead of being almost 24 hours behind like usual and by the time those without early access join on the Tuesday and level up through the night we will be on an even footing by the Wednesday tea time/night.

It is ok for those who can take time off for launches but I can’t take my kid out of school because I want to play video games and need a lie in that morning :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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I do believe they stated this was a reason anyway. I have always played in the morning, unless I have insomnia but then it’s maybe an hour at most.

Dont feel shamed by guys like me and the OP for prefering an old school launch… truth be told… Blizzard hasn’t given anyone a advantage for starting 3 days earlier… But thats what allot of us believe. And thats why you see such strong reactions too it.

But m+ and raids and everything will start at a time we all ready and up too speed anyway.

At best! I guess you could earn a 3 days head start on knowledge points in professions with it xD witch aint much.

Am I wrong guys? General discussions judge me <.<

Is the OP saying that you no longer need EPIC EDITION to gain access to time gating 3-day early access?

We are not trade chat! We don’t judge anyone!

Except that one guy, who did that one thing… we judge him harshly :dracthyr_tea:


:sweat_smile: And that one guy isn’t me?.. Still though. I dont wanna miss the target by miles… So if I am. Please let me know

Not much to worry about there. there’s going to be limits on what can and can’t be done in those few days, which they said at the start as people were imagining those with early access would max out their profs and be fully raid ready in 72 hours.

Well there is the level advantage in WM I guess.

Good to hear that.

I’m going to continue playing the game I love.

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How so? WDYM?

Oh, no. So anyway. I’m going to enjoy having extra time on a game I regularly play and get absolutely 0 meaningful end game done, just enjoy questing :smiley: since the first week nothing is even open anyway.

Well the people that have 3 day early access will be max by the time people without epic edition, sooo max levels will probably camp at the starter point.


That happens in the first week in general as well though. People who can play through the first night and cap vs those that can’t play until later.

So what you’re saying is…people who pay more get an advantage over those that don’t…

WoW P2W confirmed!

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