Warband Warbanks are Temporarily Disabled

Still disable bank >8[

I’m not bothered by this taking a little longer than the notice implied, but I’d love an update. Is there an ETA?

(I feel that customers are much more understanding if they are communicated with and kept in the loop. It’s the relative silence that can be aggravating.)


Any update? Would like very much to play with this pre patch main feature!!!

Sick of this. Warbands not working, Beta servers down (cept for the one that goes to 11)
Sun is shining. May aswell wait a week or two before playing again

hehe, can´t wait to see the 3 day early access people getting upset for some reason, and we will find out.

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Their communication atm is just taking shots at their customers, embarrassing.


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ofc it is not. Still broken, not able to use it as it is used by your invisible character and there is no ETA on fix.

That’s what they’re good at : break things and take their time to fix it

Yeah, and given MS spent a huge chunk of change on this company to buy them outr it’s even more inexcusable for them to keep continuing the shoddy implementation not like they lack the resources either and yes I am aware MS is a parent company that refrains from interfering with the publishers in their games division save when it comes to making people redundant, but that’s a different thing entirely.

My point is this company has been subject to the biggest buy out in gaming industry history, and they still can not or will not implement proper new features. What a bloody joke this company is spent likely multi-million figures on research and development and now can’t put a new feature into this game as usual the usual excuses. When can we expect this to work? About quarter of the way into WW at the rate you’re going, Blizzard, it would seem so.

To the blue poster, tell your corporate overlords to get their own house in order. I have got fed up with this consistent shoddy poor record of stuff like this does not do well for your PR, and it makes you and your employer look like a bad joke, and it insults the intelligence of your customers like me. High time you sorted this :poop:out and stopped making excuses for the fact you’re now a greedy, and it seems incompetent company who only cares about the bottom end of the amount of money you make.

What an utter joke Blizzard has become of itself, yes that right Blizzard you’re one poor massive joke.

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Things like that happen on a major update, they shouldn’t, but they do - no biggie. But it’s inexcusable not to post an update after a whole day.

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Okay this is the prepatch tho not the expansion and the real prepatch isn’t till next week so have a little patience

So this is the prepatch prepatch? :smiley:

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Still disabled? That’s crazy lol

one day and half we waited. How it’s hard fix? How before beta was fine?


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Bet the critical issue was duping of gold.

100000% Bet thats why.

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There’s an add-on to rename it

Warbank - World of Warcraft Addons - CurseForge

i got a feeling we gonna have to wait for the next update for them to finally fix it

No ETA on this issue being solved, yet?!

Less servers and less characters.