Warband Warbanks are Temporarily Disabled

I think it’s the default message when you can’t access your warbank. They didn’t specifically add a new error message.

Or you can view it that Blizzard is now part of our Warbank and currently using it.

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I’m glad I didn’t touch the thing before it was taken down. I’ve only done the quest - here’s hoping nothing will go wrong with that once the bank is back.

Basically the pre pre patch


also I got many “class locked” aka tokens gears from run raids.

My hunter cant learn them. Need wait warbank open and I can send for alts with thier classes

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You can send tokens via mail.


Are you joke? It’s cant… Since “soulbound” cant send mail.
Like this

It’s why I wait for warband bank open

Oh, you mean this. These are not “tokens” as you said, I was talking about tier tokens like for “priest, warlock and paladin” stuff. These are items and no, you won’t be able to send them even via warband bank. People already reported that.

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for 99% I’m sure also it was duping - but instead life ban all who do this - we need to suffer - not disable this option will show pretty fast which player don’t belong to this community :stuck_out_tongue:

How did the critical issue with the banks even make it live?

Those Warband banks were live on the PTR and Beta wasn’t they, how did nothing get noticed all that time? And that goes for all the other issue aswell.

No doubt it’s the usual people playing PTR/Beta for reasons other than giving feedback / reporting bugs.
Guess it’s time Blizzard starts listing the accounts that actually submit bug reports and leaves feedback and in future Beta/PTR only let those people in.

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Apperantly some ‘cool’ people shared items in warband banks from remix characters. This is where all went wrong.
Banks were working fine on PTR, but there was no remix to abuse it, so there is that.
The restart yesterday was to remove the op items send from remix and now, I think, they are working on a way to disable the remix thing.


It’s a little irritating that NA players get a day of game time to compensate for all of these issues, but EU customers don’t.

The one day makes no difference to me, but the gesture does – and the message that is sent by not offering it to European players as well.


NA are getting a day of game time because their realms were down for around 16 hours of maintenance on patch day - it has nothing to do with all the other issues.

EU realms were down for a relatively short time by comparison, and less time than they estimated/allowed themselves. Which is why EU will not be (and should not be) getting the same credit of game time.


Your expectations to companies as a paying customer are clearly lower than mine.

NA maintenance is frequently longer than ours, and in turn they get content earlier.

Various aspects of the game, including the most advertised feature, have been broken for days now, with increasingly atrocious communication. Many of us have been getting DCs, with BNet then being down or having a login queue. Numerous bosses are bugged, the UI has glitches, reputations and achievements are bugged for lots of players, and so on.

So, yes, I do feel we should have gotten the same compensation, because it ultimately costs them nothing (if someone decides to let their subscription lapse, being able to play one day longer doesn’t change that), but sends an important message to customers. I had been understanding of these issues until yesterday, but that goodwill has evaporated. I hope MS will continue to critically evaluate the performance of their newly acquired employees.



EU realms were up early, we were meant to have realms back up by 11AM as a standard extended maintenance for a big patch. NA realms were extended from 3PM to something like 11PM and I have no idea what time they actually came up.

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Blizzard hates eu

The issues are not just in the EU, the bug don’t care about region :wink:

Some of these remix players really are good at ruining things

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Practically quit the game for a couple of weeks out of sheer frustration thanks to Blizzard making MoP Remix and then literally abandoning it and not saying a single word about it for the last half of the event.

Came back when prepatch hit and was looking forward to going through all my alts, learning all the hoarded transmog and combining all their banks in the Warbank. Lo and behold, it doesn’t work! Two days, three days, why not make it a week while we’re at it, no need to stress about fixing it, right? I miss the days when this company was well-known in the industry for the high quality of their games. I guess these days it’s just fine that stuff constantly breaks and GMs aren’t even a thing anymore, the only “help” available is worthless AI.

I have been a hardcore fan of WoW for 19 years, I really want to be excited for the expansion, trust me. But you’re making it very, very difficult. I unfortunately pre-ordered, kind of tempted to just accept that those 90€ are gone and spend my time playing games made by people who actually give a sh*t about their reputation, their game and their players.


If this is “American” as soon as possible, it can take forever…

3 days, still not working. I’ve never seen a major feature take this long to fix before.