Warband Warbanks are Temporarily Disabled

At this rate I won’t be surprised if it remains deactivated until MoP Remix ends.


I imagine via my copium inhalation device that they are preparing a Massive Giant Hotfix Package to fix the many bugs with this patch, as well as possibly including (SNORT) the removal (SNIFF) of the five second (SNIFFSNORTSNIFF) cast time on switching flight mode (SSNNOOOOOORTTT)


You weren’t here at the start of WoD then? :stuck_out_tongue:


This does not seem like an unrealistic expectation to be honest.


All I’ll say about this is, when I was but a cub, I used to get worked up and what have you about my expectations and “Muh Service” from companies - not necessarily Blizzard specifically, but anything and everything. I’d write and call and complain and make ridiculous demands and while there may have been a refund here and a goodwill gesture there, ultimately I feel that for the stress and aggravation that I caused myself, it just wasn’t worth the effort. So these days, and being and old fart, I don’t let things get to me.

Obviously I’m sympathetic towards those who feel hard done by for whatever reason. But it’s not a bandwagon that I’ll be jumping back onto. It’s disappointing when things one was looking forward to do not work - for myself too. And yes, it’s certainly frustrating that there’s a lack of further communication from Blizzard on issues such as this one. But I ain’t gonna get myself worked up over it, ultimately doing so achieves nothing worthwhile and gets me nowhere.

Regards the one day credit - it’s a credit for the massively extended maintenance that they had and we did not. If it were a credit for the bugs and issues, then sure, I would agree that all should get it - but that’s not why they’re getting it.

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Or until the war within comes out

Wait will this be possible with the war bank? They aren’t listed as warbound and based on what I read so far, this won’t be possible since they are keeping class tier set appearances exclusive to the character who gets the drop.

It’s a massively pigheaded decision so I hope that you’re right, but it doesn’t look very likely.

Come on drop an updaaaaaate


I’m not sure if its expac or raid specific but I did the pandaria raids yesterday. All the class tokens were warbound and I could just mail them.

It’s mostly raid-specific but anything that’s a tier token will be warbound, and anything that’s just a tier gear piece will be soulbound. Legion raids drop only gear tiers, WoD has both, and prior expansions only tokens I think

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You talking about the first day with the Garrisons? THANKFULLY I got ahead of everyone, and was on a low pop server. So didn’t really suffer many of the issues a lot of people were.

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I’m not a cub, but I’m not dead enough inside yet to be indifferent about how companies I give money to conduct their business.

It is true that speaking up and expressing discontentment doesn’t usually make a difference, at least not unless it is backed up by more tangible action (e.g. cancelling one’s subscription), but then again, neither does staying quiet ever achieve change.

Are these issues ultimately just “small stuff”? Yes, absolutely. But since my life is currently not plagued by pressing problems, I have unspent energy to let my fur get ruffled by Blizzard’s poor customer relations and disregard for the EU community. It’s certainly not the first time.

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If you read the comments from NA users in response to the compensation, both on the NA forum and on Wowhead, you’ll notice that nearly all of them took it as an apology for the broken state of the game. The gesture was well received because of that.

That is the community’s perception what the compensation is for. And that works the other way around too: not receiving it, even though we have been dealing with the same bugs, the same glitches, the same broken features, and the same disconnects, sends the signal that EU customers are less appreciated.

Which is not new. We generally get worse support and worse communication, so getting zero compensation is par for the course.

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If I say a red tomato is purple that doesn’t change that it’s still a red tomato. Compensation for downtime doesn’t become something else because people don’t read.

The compensation is for their horrendously long downtime:-

We wanted to take a moment to recognize that the first day of the pre-expansion content update for The War Within resulted in extended downtime for many players in North American realms. In recognition of this, we’re adding one day of extra game time to every subscription in North America, Latin America, Australia and New Zealand for accounts which were active as of July 23, 2024.

We anticipate providing this compensation to affected players on or before August 15, 2024. Players will be able to view their game time by visiting account.battle.net.

We appreciate your continued patience as we navigate through any lingering issues to ensure that player experience going forward into the launch of The War Within expansion goes smoothly starting with Early Access on August 22 and the global launch on August 26 at 3:00 p.m. PDT.

People presuming stuff and not reading is not a new phenomenon though.


" We wanted to take a moment to recognize that the first day of the pre-expansion content update for The War Within resulted in extended downtime, for many players in North American realms. In recognition of these difficulties during the initial launch, we’re adding one day of extra game time to every subscription in North America, Latin America, Australia and New Zealand for accounts which were active as of July 23, 2024."
You sure about that :stuck_out_tongue: (bug don’t but Blizzard does lol)

When you release a patch that is broken in multiple ways, are unable to fix it quickly, have your global customers growing increasingly upset about these problems, and then, after two or three days of these still unresolved problems, you only give a portion of the affected customers a compensation, it’ll be perceived as unfairness.

It doesn’t matter if you say that it was because the NA downtime was a few hours longer than the EU downtime, because the downtime was never the main source of the irritation and the discontentment.

It’s about perception. Psychology. Feelings. The stuff that determines how your customers feel about your company and why you should be mindful of it. My background is in customer/community management, and if I had lectured customers about why their feelings and their perception were wrong instead of trying to make them feel better, appreciated and respected, I’d have been less successful in my work. That was the point I was trying to make.


Thanks, I’ll go test ot out a bit this evening. Assume I just gotta lucky with how mists works :sweat_smile:

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Yet that compensation was for downtime that ONLY the NA region suffered. Our maintenance didn’t over run. That’s why EU didn’t get it.

It doesn’t matter that you or others want this to be some other kind of compensation that simply doesn’t maked it compensation for bugs. It was an apology for the NA region losing an entire day to applying the patch.

It’s nothing to do with psychology and everything to do with reading comprehension.

I fear this will just go in circles at this point so I’ll leave it at that. If people made presumptions that’s on them. Not Blizzard or what the compensation was for. We could play the game on our patch day, they couldn’t. It’s not the first time Blizzard have compensated for extended downtime. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen downtime like this though.


Let’s call it Jukebox :smiley: Cause we getting the Band back together.

Problem started … 24/6
Status today 4 days later 27/6 [ Nothing ]

can someone send a new keyboard to blizzard ? just a cheap Lenovo one as long as the buttons works so they can reply us … would be nice …

Imagine paying for gas for your car … but the pump is empty … but they took your money … you will get gas “as soon as possible” … what do you do ?