Warfronts Lorewise 8.1 ?

Grants you a resurrected Rezan I for one welcome our Troll overlord.


Ya boi Frozen here is a close second.


And Greymane is the one true Lord who can rule over us all. (Including you zakarru deal with it :wink: )


Iā€™m covered in Gold your argument is invalid.

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Greetings, Rich-monā€¦

That is the name of my mog, lol.

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Gold doesnā€™t fix you are the missing link between scum and us civilized peoplesā€¦

Now kneel before Genn Zakkaru!


Donā€™t taunt me or Iā€™ll get my holy dino and make it crap in front of your church and then demand for you to praise that crap because itā€™s holy dropping!


The official religion of Greymanism of which Halasibel and I are prophets frowns upon discord before Sylvanas is defeated. From that point, it frowns upon skype.


You are making enemies here.

FrozenShadow will remember this


What is that name? How can shadow be frozen? Shadow is not material, yā€™know.

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Look it is hard coming up with names alright!

And Frozen is more towards the metaphoric sense rather than it actually being in a block of ice. But the more I think of it I quite like the idea of my shadow of being frozen in a block of ice xd.

I was talking about lore, and maybe the whininess of certain sets of fans. We both were. Then suddenly Iā€™m ā€œweirdā€ and ā€œhave issuesā€ and whatnot.

If you object to me talking brusquely about lore then just ignore me. I wonā€™t be offended. What not to do is start insulting me personally because that makes you look like a crank.

I said that to one of your jump-in forum buddies after he made a pretty mean-spirited remark towards me (which seems to be a pattern in the story forums - whatā€™s with you lot?). I treated the contribution with the contempt it deserved.

So, your dude makes a snap at me, I respond in kind, and you take that as a cue to start insult me too. Thatā€™s what youā€™re saying here?

EDIT - Donā€™t bother answering, because I honestly donā€™t care at this point. Iā€™ll leave you and your pals to your little sandbox.

waves goodbye with a handkerchief to the Titanic theme playing in the background


Oh, youā€™re making this personalā€¦ you might be covered in gold but I have a freaking moon on my forehead so watch out, Iā€™ll literally throw a moon on you if you ever set foot in my precious cathedral. Also I have a moon staff and I know how to use it.

@Ashenbrand well know that youā€™re always welcome here if you want to have a constructive discussion.


You canā€™t fool me I saw those fake moon circlets in supermarket on discount! Youā€™re no threat to me!

But since you star elves canā€™t read with comprehention Iā€™ll make it clear - only those that challenges my Gold authority and taunts it will get in trouble! Otherwise Iā€™d rather fish in some chill place.


Nobody talked crap about Greymane in my absence, did they?


Show me trouble goldboi
Wanna poke me with your ridiculous looking tusks?


Actually shadowfrost is a legit magic combination in lore.

Ebonbolt for example

Edit - also daily reminder that night elves EVOLVED -from- the trolls for a reason :wink:

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Shadow frost is combination of magic yes, but frozen shadow is different thing. A shadow that is frozen xā€™D

And Anouk youā€™re late for the party, that fun we had was so yesterday night.