Warfronts Lorewise 8.1 ?

Human fans need a slap in the face, they get so few. Hammerfall never shall!

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Night elf fans need a slap in the face, they get so few! Ashenvale belongs to the Horde!

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You make me sad. We need to win against Sylvanas not lose against her!


At this point I don’t care. I don’t care who dies, what territory is lost or what happens as long as Sylvanas is dead and GONE by the end of this expansion I’ll be happy.

I can’t expect to be satisfied in any other way based on what’s happened so far so I’ve decided I only care about her dying.

Which let’s be honest probably won’t happen for some STUPID reason

Edit - today I’m negative nancy I’m sorry


So what? Stormwind’s nicer anyway. More sheltered, less giant spiders. More pumpkins too.

9.0 Prediction: Alliance wins Darkshore, Horde wins Arathi. Human salt ruins Stormwind’s water table.

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So therefore nothing will have changed and the whole battle in each zone and overall war will have been pointless because 0 territories will have changed.

Northern EK remains mostly horde and forsaken

Northern Kalimdor remains Kal’dorei.

Fun, great. Wasn’t pointless or a wasted war at all

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9.0 Prediction: Horde wins Darkshore, Alliance wins Arathi. Night elven tears drown the forums. Oh wait. They already do. Every day. In copious amounts.


The kaldorei vengeance will be flooding the streets of orgrimmar with their tears!



Pretty much this ^^
Also: Humans pretty much got jerked off this expansion with a whole new island + allied race dedicated to them

Night Elves got jerked off last expansion and still they whine lmao

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Night elves really did not get jerked iff last expansion imo.

We lost nightborne to horde (good riddance at this point)

Val Sharah was an embarrassing sh*t show

And illidan is not a good representation of the nelves ew

And Tyrande and Malfuriin were still b*tches towards him at the end

Humans had Turalyon and khadgar (dadgar :heart_eyes: ) throughout the expac plus the main city was a human kingdom (Dalaran) - although high elf inspired ofc.

Look how whiny Human fans get at the mere notion that they won’t be gifted a win in a place they’ve no real right to win anyway.

Watching Human and Orc fans kvetch is reward enough for me!

How very dare you. Illidan is the best Night Elf.

We aren’t whiny, I am making a parody of your attitude that someone should get slapped with bad writing because you got slapped with bad writing. Further more, do you think human fans have it perfect?

Also, its gonna be a cold a day in hell before someone outwhines the night elven fans on this forum.


I beg to differ.

If 9.0 drops and the Arathor roleplayers can’t go to Stromgarde without fighting Syndicate mobs I guarantee we’ll never hear the end of it. I almost hope they gift Stromgarde to the Alliance just so we avoid that nonsense.

I am a night elf fan to my core but I’m just not blinded by bias or at least try not to be lol

As someone who has seen several days of night elven threads on each change in the Night warrior scenario, and the War of Thorns before that, I beg to differ much more.

Further more, you know what I did on those threads, silly me? I argued that night elves deserve it better.

Yeah, because Blizzard is famous for updating every zone every expansion, and we all expect it. Now excuse me, am gonna go quest in Cataclysm.


I pray for an old world revamp with a restored Lordaeron.


edit - we can plant a new teldrassil beside the Hinterlands and while we are at it take over quel Thalas and have the Sin’dorei join the Alliance like they should be


How? There was a cool raid and the Ravencrest castle!

On another note: Night Elf fans can now also play Horde if they want :wink:

??? How?
He’s like tho most popular Night Elf and even has a Night Elf only class for you guys.

Well his pragmatism is questionable at times :confused: Can’t blame them.

Night Elves had Illidan (I could just as well say that Khadgar doesn’t count as human because of reasons)
Draenei had Velen

And it is pretty much just a multicultural hub nowadays. It is just as much a Thalassian Elf or Gnome city at this point.

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Further more, people think Stormwind got it great because Varian and Anduin are all over the place.

What you fail to see is that Varian and Anduin are all we get. No other development, no other lore, just the two super heroes. Why am I even saying we, I am Gilnean.

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Illidan is edgy and embarrassing. I just personally dislike him.

And the whole Tyrande x Malfurion stuff in Val’sharah. The whole zone painted the night elves as weak. Malfurion couldn’t figt a shade of xavius but 5 random adventurers could. Idk.

And yeh I know draenei had good representation too I just think that people saying that humans were mute in the expansion were wrong. Anduin has a few moments too not to mention varians heroic death </3 (one of my fave characters

And idk I just think it wasn’t unsatisfying to have stuck up Tyrande and Malfurion to be really b*tchh towards illidan at the end a satisfying resolution would be their understanding and forgiveness and it was sht to See them be that way towards him after what he sacrificed.

(I’m literally playing devils advocate here and trying to see it from every perspective, literally praising Malfurion/Tyrande one minute then hating on them lol)

The point you seem to be making here is that Human fans aren’t whiny because Night Elf fans whine. That’s silly. It’s also wrong, considering the mere notion that the Horde could win Arathi Highlands was enough to draw a six-reply diatribe out of you. Gods help us if Blizz actually find their sack and decide to give the Humans a minor setback for once. “Muh Arathor! Headcanon ruined omgblizz i qwuit gaem”

Okay, so maybe they don’t set the Warfronts in stone and we end up having them as irrelevant Tol-Barad-esque fodder forevermore. How many “gief Arathor pls” threads will result from that, I wonder.

Poor old Defilers.