Warfronts Lorewise 8.1 ?

Lmao there are like 7 roleplayers per server anyway, what makes you think sombody cares about them?

Also you seem to be the only one being salty here kek. I rarely see someone being so butthurt over Orcs and Humans xD

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Heh, no, the point I am trying to make, which is flying over your head, is that you shouldn’t be rude. I personally don’t give a censored about Arathi.

Further more, I am a fan of Gilneas. And your “Muh Arathor! Headcannon zomg blizz” is just babbling because you don’t know to who you are talking, you are just spouting nonsense and making assumptions. I argued tooth and nail for night elves on this forum too, people can attest to that, so what exactly is your point again?

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Nobody cares about forum whiners. It doesn’t stop them whining on the forums, does it?

I mean, look at you. Nobody cares what you have to say, yet you say it anyway.

 that Human fans will kvetch at the mere notion that their race won’t win something. I’ve said that like 4 times now :stuck_out_tongue:

I care. Whacha gonna do now, cry over the ruins of Astranaar?

We are the Alliance, we are used to losing.


What? The Alliance don’t lose anything ever. Even in SoO, Varian “Martin Stuart” Wrynn marches right up to the Horde leaders and threatens them all in the middle of their own city then just swaggers off like that’s just what happens when you’re King of the Alliance.

If anything the Horde should probably win all the Warfronts canonically. Except Blizz can’t do that because holy lord Erebus the forums would melt down.

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Aha. You must have missed the kicking the Alliance got for two entire expansions before that. There’s a reason we were given Varian “am so tough” Wrynn in Orgrimmar.

Oh, my. You aren’t a night elf fan. You are a Hordie.

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I smell a back and forth lasting hours like yesterday with araphant and Zarao :joy: I thought that would never end



You certainly cared enough to respond. :ok_hand:


I’m a fan of Anouk
 I enjoy his/ her posts therefore I care about what they say. Sorry to dissapoint Ashenbrand


What kicking? No territory changed hands at all until Cataclysm, at which point the Alliance kicked the shine off the Horde in the Southern Barrens, pushed them out of Ashenvale, and polished up Uther’s Tomb real nice. In return the Horde got
 Southshore. And, like
 Andorhal, I guess?

All Warfronts should be Horde wins.

You’re mistaking attention for affection.

Boredom and a day off work makes wonders with someone’s motivation to do stuff like that.

And I could go aaaall night long baby

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Because we were not at war until Cataclysm?

I seem to recall that Theramore got nuked on account of that. And I also remember Alliance fortifications being destroyed en-route to Theramore. I also remember a defeat at Andorhal. I also remember a retreat from Gilneas, and a full withdrawal from Hillsbrad.

On account of leaving Ashenvale, after the war, so no, you were not pushed out, the siege of Splintertree post was repelled, you got Azshara.

Your opinion is noted.

edit: Oh, apparently you did not even leave Ashenvale proper as the Zoram’gar outpost was operational in the War of Thorns.


I care what Anouk says

I think this is all we need to know about your attitude.


I honestly believe that “Nobody cares what you have to say” tells even more about their attitude.


You win this round Araphant.


I win? I guess that means you get Azshara. Hordies, start evacuating.


I do think that too. What’s my attitude?

Nah, kidding, I do feel Night elves should win in Darkshore and the Horde in Arathi. Now that UC is gone, have them rebuild the Forsaken capitol using the ruins of Stromgarde.

And night elves rebuild their home in the ruins of Darkshore, closer to the forests and the marketed portrayal they had in their most popular expansion:WC3.

But hey, maybe Blizzard pulls our leg out the table and goes with the opposite. It could work: Tyrande taps on some nasty stuff, and it backfires to prove Anduin right regarding this campaign, and then the Night elves settle on a more Druidic space such as Feralas or Hyjal.

What I do agree, is that neither side should be given the victory on both warfronts. For a number of reasons.

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This is reasonably funny.

Due to the minimum number of letters, I couldn’t just respond with “xD”.


And what is my attitude? Everyone is like commenting on one another but I feel left out. It’s like one of those “what is your spirit animal” stuff?


Your attitude is “Zandalar forever!”