Warglaives of Azzinoth still restricted to DH

Well I’m sure you’ll support DKs being the only ones who can transmog Shadowmourne then. Tough luck paladins and warriors! Shadowmourne is a soul-eating runeblade, and runeblades are iconic to DKs!

I wouldn’t be against it actually.

Which one if I may ask ? Would like to refresh my memory.

It’s the Dk starter area pretty much that explains this. Also WC3:TFT and the quests involving Arthas in Northrend (DB, IC)

I never disputed Quel’Serrar is a Runeblade, I said it’s not the same kind of Runeblade. Acting like Felo’Melorn is exactly the same as Frostmourne is being wilfully obtuse. Let me spell it out again.

One is called Runeblade because it has fancy elven runework and amgic in it.
The other is called Runeblade because it’s the blade forged with Runes (Non elven btw) to house a DK’s soul, and souls of those they kill, and to respond to necromantic rune magic.

it’s very similar to how when your character deals fire damage, it’s not exactly the same means or method as when my mage deals fire damage. yet the word is the same in both cases. Amazing how that works isn’t it? Imagine a word having different meanings depending on context.

Which like I said, a Runeblade is essential to DKs lore. As it is intricately tied to their lore. In the same sense that Warglaives (The Warglaives that DHs use, not the glaives that elves or trolls use) are linked to DHs.

They actually do. While the Runeblade is more essential to the DK since it ties part of their souls. The Warglaives are also essential to DHs. Since they are specifically trained in the use of Warglaives (And only Warglaives) after absorbing a demon soul. Their combat training revolves around the use of two Warglaives inspired by Illidan, who also trained them in their usage.

They can always pick up a sword or an axe to use in combat, but they’re more
effective with warglaives than they are with other weaponry. The Warglaives that DHs use also engraved with fel markings around the blade to assist with the fel magic that DHs use.

My dear DH, friend. Take that blindfold off your pretty green eyes. Such a shame to keep them hidden!

The 1st one is direct reference, but it also leads to the starter area quest texts.

Well then calling an Elven warglaive and a dh warglaive would be the same thing. One is a weapon hard to use and probably inspired by troll designs, the other are fashioned after the burning legion ones and are filled with fel Energy. Just like with the runeblade, same name but not the same thing.

I need it to fool the NHS in giving me blind disability support.

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No. They’re not the same.

I will not argue that warglaives aren’t iconic with DHs. But that is not the same thing as essential to being a DH.

The fact is it’s very simple, if a death knight doesn’t have a runeblade, they are not a death knight.
If a demon hunter doesn’t have warglaives, they are an oddity but a demon hunter none-the-less.

Therefore the very IDEA of Shadowmourne being moggable by other classes than DK yet glaives but DH only is laughable. When non-DKs pick up a runeblade it turns them into undead and steals their soul. This is well established in Arthas’ own story. There is no good basis for non-DKs to be capable of wielding proper DK runeblades without turning into DKs themselves. So to allow it is to spit on the DK class fantasy.

Whilst it’s not impossible for a non DH to use glaives, I will agree it is very unlikely, and I can get why it would be annoying to DHs. Still, it seems hypocritical to me to allow non DKs to use Shadowmourne and only Dhs to use Glaives. Either wielders can use both, or only classes can use both. Current situation is BS.


Again I would be all for Shadowmourne being dk only.


That’s the case for the so called ‘‘second generation’’ of DKs, aka, fallen paladins who have forsaken the light in search of greater power, hence they sold their souls to LK and had them bound to their vampiric runeblades.

Playable DKs created in Acherus don’t have their souls stored inside of a runeblade. They use the runes to channel their power into their blades, which is most likely powered by their soul, but their souls are definitely attached to their bodies, not their blades. Hence why they are more versatile and can change their weapon/s.

Regardless, runeblades are still essential for DKs to use the full extent of their powers, so they’re still very much needed and are unique to DKs.


I must have missed that, my comp is laggy as heck and i’m not seeing scrolling posts so well.

I personally don’t have a horse in this race beyond my DK. I don’t really want glaives on any classes bar DHs (and maybe my troll shaman, but i’ll live) I just think the whole “yours is unique, yours isn’t” is really quite staggering ignorance on part of blizzard. It’s really worrying these days how they seem to just not think at all when taking some decisions where there seems to be some quite common sense considerations.

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I wondered when you’d show up with your DK lorebook. Much appreciated. Still not thwe biggest swinger in town on this one given the cross generational stuff.

I imagine 4th generation DKs are more versatile still - the undead part is probably now optional to the role, and you can tick the “Thirst” box only if you want a “genuine, in vivo experience” but are under no duress to.

Well the WGOA are in a unique position gameplay wise with the whole weapon type schrodinger. Personally I wasn’t a fan of moggable legendaries at all, I fear we will end up always seeing the same stuff so if the are going this way I think class specific legendaries are the way to go.

One is more essential than the other. But they are both still essential to their respective classes. Mostly because of the lengthy and extreme training that the DH have endured, and that they are specifically trained in their usage after undergoing the rituals in becoming a DH.

I agree, it’s very rare to find a DH without a Warglaive. But those that do are an odd exception.

I fully agree here. If Shadowmourne had (It should’ve) been a DK only legendary, I wouldn’t have objected.

I have always hated concept of legendaries - ever since vanilla. its like 39 other people in raid serve one player for their item as if that one player is more deserving.

Felt awkward to have to be that ‘one player’ who collects shards, that one player that summons Thunderaan, that one player loot the eye…

I dislike and despise concept of special tokens like those in raids.

TBH the whole “you can mog leggos” isn’t really a big deal to me. I don’t really find their appearances the kind of stuff for mogs. I tend to stick to racial/RP themes, and most legendary and artefact weapons are just too outlandish and big and don’t really work. Also on Rp servers (at least if you’re claiming it IC) it’s generally frowned upon to claim you hold some kind of uber-lore established legendary weapon on your character, or even a non lore-established but equally “OP Powerful” one.

If you can wield it you should be able to mog it.

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Same reason my warrior in RP realm never wears her Corrupted ashbringer outside bank. Especially since been attacked for having it. Wouldn’t be issue elsewhere, but RPrs sometimes are very serious people.

… I respect that.

I liked artefacts weapons though, those were kinda rad. Maybe they should have made the WGOA the dh artefact so the whole problem would have been avoided.