Warlock Looking for Guild!

Evening, Argent Dawn! I have somewhat, (mostly) had a bit of a break from RP besides a little here and there, since the disbanding of the best Belf guild ever, The Eclipsion Blade.

But as it happens with all of us, the call is there again, and I’d like to get back into it. I’m looking for a guild to join, with this very character, and while I do highly prefer Belf Guilds, that is not exclusively my search.

Now, what I intend to do, is not to just join some military guild, and be a face in the crowd, I’ve done that, and it was fun, but I’d rather not now. Instead, I was wondering if there are any guilds out there, who like to run events, go on some adventures, big or small, that might sometimes need the assistance, of someone who’s studied their fields of magic, if they happen upon an item of power, that they’d rather not let into the hands, of whomever they took it from in the first place.


I would have a suggestion for you but, alas, you’re with the bad guys. RIP.

I believe there’s this Reliquary guild which poked around on the forums not so long ago. I imagine they could provide the adventurer-researcher roleplay you’re seeking! Hope this helps. :slight_smile:

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I am open to suggestions, Mayliffe ^^

My point was that it would be (my) Alliance guild. Not familiar with the Horde RP scene unfortunately :frowning:

I am never going void elf. NEVER!


DEWIT. Voidies are cool.

I do prefer Horde though…

Good luck searching :>

For the blood elf scene I’d point you into the direction of the Highblood Myrmidons, they are a solid bunch!


re: Creighton
I’m pretty sure the OP said that they didn’t want to join a military guild, which HBM I’m afraid are.

Become a strong orcish warlock and join me in war-crimes filled conquest.


Highblood Myrmidons accept blood elves of all classes, so you would be more than welcome! We have regularly scheduled events, many storylines hosted by our officers, and the occasional rp-pvp campaign with our Horde allies. You can pm myself or Elyrius in game if you’re interested!


You’re so uncool.

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They are different from what Abysscaller is used to however. Highblood Myrmidons don’t do formation RP, something I recall from the eclipsion blade with dread.

Turtle formation!!! Ouch. Strict military isn’t for everyone.

It’s a different approach, they’d have to try it to find out!

It’s not as bad as it sounds. You’ll get used to the voices. And to the hair tendrils. And the odd skin colour. Just give it some time. Always happy to recruit! :octopus:

But void elves are lame.

Can this not turn into a discussion about Void Elves please?

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Okay. Sorry. No more void elf talk. :slight_smile:

I am yet to partake in any dull military RP in the Highblood where I don’t get to do my thing, even when someone tries to force me to attend some lame-o restricted rp-pvp campaign I can decline and wont get kicked

Come and help me create a haven for warlocks

The Reliquary has been summoned and I have answered.

As someone stated before, the Reliquary Institute is always looking for new members. Our RP focusses around research, relic hunting and adventuring with a twist of history! We seek the discipline of a military guild in the field, but are far from one, instead consisting of a bunch of mages, relic seekers and the likes! More information can be found on our forum page which has been linked before!

Yours sincerely,
Ariena, Headmistress of the Institute