Warmode sucks ***

Stopped reading there. You sir have absolutely no clue wtf are you even talking about.

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But he’s saying the truth.

So why do Horde wasn’t able to win a single battle for Nazjatar for months? Why does horde players have to switch off WM if they want to do assault quests?

Let me guess, “because Alliance players are super pro-gamers and win despite being outnumbered, and Horde need to L2P”?

It is a hard fact that horde has more players just do some research. Ofc sometimes there will be more Alliance and dominate due to sharding. What is the big deal? We got a little bonus. Its always been unfair in the open and world pvp…

Warmode doesn’t work with shifting rewards due to sharding, and that’s why I don’t use warmode at all in retail. At least on RP shards, Alliance seem to be dominating most of the time, and they still get the rewards. Which is also why I never do the “against overwhelming odds” quest.

Warmode doesn’t work mostly due to phasing being so abusable. The fact there is a lack thereof a limit with no way the game can self-manage or balance itself in a way where a huge zerg phases into a huge zerg is mostly the issue, the battle for naz needs to lock the shard when it starts too so people cant phase in 80 players for it.


I never understood what people have against large groups.

I never udnerstood why players like you defend a 100% I win button by phasing in entire raids to quarentee a win, what’s the point in playing if you know beforehand you will (most likely) win simply due to numbers?

95% of battles can just be ended by Bliz because 1 side doesn’t stand a chance. Winning in 3 minutes one time. Battles rarely last more than 5 minutes.

Clearly words from somebody who has never truly played Tol barad or Wintergrasp when it was server specific, when people could only enter when there was room for more players without in balancing the playing field to a huge degree.


If I want balanced numbers I play a battleground. If I want variable numbers I play world pvp.

World pvp is variable numbers, that’s the game.


its not so much about what you should be wanting, take a hint the event only triggers to begin with when there is roughly equal faction numbers. The fact it only procs under such conditions should stop people from jumping the wagon and just ruining it for that shard.

So form a raid.

Doesn’t solve the issue if people are ruining warmode by bringing around 2-3 raids worth of players into a already equal zone now does it, no exactly forming a raid solves -nothing-

And increase the server lag anymore (god forbid even 40vs40 BGs are performing badly), oh wait… You’re the only who doesn’t have server lag. It’s only us and our darned addons when mutple raids are present in the Battle for Nazjatar.

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Excess get kicked out tho.

No they do not else the 3-4 second delay lag would not exist, stop trying to pull the rug over peoples eyes. Nobody is that thick and nobody enjoys the game play your catering for which is a absolute lag fest. Nobody wants 3 raids worth of horde/alliance phasing into a EQUAL SHARD to completely lag it out, because they are un-naturally being phased in through a exploited system.

Going based on others complaining that when form raid they got phased to a losing battle. I have not actually experienced it.

Well, all I care about is winning. What else is there? Best way to win is form raid. I don’t lag, so for me, raid forming is the way to go. Ideally formed several mins before event starts.

And why? In tournaments most teams are aliance?
Indeed Horde racials are better for PVE and Aliance racials are better for PVP

Except alliance racials are better for PvE dps as well :smile:

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You can create a free 120lvl char on the tournament realms.

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