Warrior Nerf

No you cant disarm while he bladestorms


All good, Playing for 1 week now After a 4 Months Break :smiley:

barely, because i dont have fun in Df :smile:


Only time i logg in for the weekly rep thing and timewalks lvling alts


Depends in what format you’re looking at. DHs and monks are way harsher of a melee I’d say.

If you’ve ever went up against a mage above roughly 2.3 exp you’d know that having 2 charges a leap, bladestorm and avatar to get out of roots and close gaps still doesn’t add up to catch a mage with knockback, root, slow double blink and HP + position rest through alter time.

Bladestorm is counterable through grips / knockbacks and as blatant stupid as it is - running away. Which is by the way your best answer to that.

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If he uses bladestorm after being knockbacked
 No comments xD
Bladestorm with Hurricane gives you movement speed. So running away unless you have more movement speed than the warriors 5% passive + 5% every sec during bladestorm up to 30%
 Yea x)

In general, I just feel its funny how arms complains about mages mobility while at the same time defend theirs when others complains about theirs. Or try to forcefully compare other specs even when its not the same.


its really the worst expansion even compared to sl, its funny :slight_smile:

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I thought i never say this but sl>df


Shut the hell up. Bladestorm cannot be stopped by enemies. Bladestorm with talent gives increased mobility to warrs. Bladestorm removes roots and snares. You can even cast other attacks within bladestorm. Bladestorm can be used to prevent CC. Bladestorm needs to be nerfed, both in damage, and utility. Bladestorm should be CCable. Period.

You cant use attacks during bladestorm, even if its not needed rly. If that was the case bladestorm would be stupid broken beyond belief.
The only thing you can do in bladestorm is use defensives, which is good enough =p
If you change Hurricane to Unhinged you cast 2 mortal strikes (random nearby enemies) instantly but it gives you also the option to cancel it which you cant with Hurricane.

I have every class at 70 (finally after I didnt wanna lvl my warrior since release) so its easier for me to test things if what ppl say are true or not. Also why I know immortal is extremely disingenuous when he argues ^^

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I meant the mortal strikes thing

That would make the gap between bad warriors and better warriors larger tho. It has never been blizzards design or intent for the warrior class.

I was thinking you meant that. That’s Unhinged talent that casts Mortal Strike during Bladestorm. Since that is automated it technically doesn’t count as an attack.

It’s still broken and needs massive nerfs though.

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Man Imagine, BS a DPS increase on ST

Spin to win :dracthyr_love_animated:

Yeah same, but hey devs said “we want to make with df everything better”

atleast blizz can do one thing right “make the impossible, possible” :smiley:

To be fair, i dont know, why bllizz gave them a knockback, a matchup against mage, feels for every meele rough, they have a overloaded toolkit since df and arcane mage is anyway impossible to reach

They have overloaded toolkit since s1 of wow xD

but now even more

Mages are so broken that they are the 6th played class (11th and 12th dps spec) in solo shuffle above 2400 rating :open_mouth:

Sub rogues are so broken that they are the 2nd to last played class in solo shuffle :open_mouth: Feral alone almost has a higher representation at 2.54% :open_mouth:

Arms: 6th played dps spec above 2400 rating
Sub: 21th placed dps spec above 2400 rating

I wonder why :thinking:


this is what ive been trying to tell entire season 2 but people say im trolling if i show them whats going on in ladder

like sub being one of the least played melees but somehow people still make it seem like an issue in the ladder, atleast someone else aswell says how it is


like if i look at this whats going on in 2400 shuffle i can see that mages or rogues are clearly not the dominant play there, thats complete somewhere else and have been for quite some time

now if it were 10.2 already and people would complain i would understand but as of now rogues are not even one to give anyone reason enough to talk about them or they are some 1600 who dont understand about cc or trinket

but theres still people complain of demos too when its #12 dps on the bottom and quite frankly useless now, i guess ppl just complain of anything they dont understand or which counters them

ps. havent lost against single rogue matchup either in 2s yet, rogues are quite frankly bad in my eyes on the meta

whats more disturbing than rogues is some rdruid+fury comps that do the most brain dead gameplay since rdruid+bm but now the fury sitting on healer while the rdruid runs around pillar and treants bot healing

i would see this abomination of fury and treant style healing handled rather than talk about some rogues that are non issue, i much rather face any rogue than see another god awful fury sit 1 target and his rdruid doing bot heal

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