Warriors are destroying the game

Absolutely amazing story. We are all happy for you bro.

thank you appreciated.

I don’t think you can convince that guy anything sadly. He is highly delusional and was defending warriors in another post yet here he claims they are meta. Claimed he would win 100% whenever he faced me and once I did face him he had no clue on what to do.

Yes, tell me more :wink:

Warriors are destroying the game? Are you sure? All I see in bgs are hunters. About 30-40% of random bg players are currently hunters. There is no bigger aids for the game than hunters atm.

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Like I said, currently hunters are very strong - as a rogue I generally don’t like them due to flare etc so I think I will be subjective. Compared to warriors though - once you connect to a hunter they will die rather quickly. Warriors just have too much utility, together with damage and survival it makes it unfair to face them. Hunters who oneshots can atleast be oneshotted themselves. Can you explain how hunters ruin the game more than having a class which is unfair?

Hunters could use 45 sec or even 1 min cd on freezing trap. And add some activation timer like in tbc.
And remove steel trap from the game, like wtf is that even

I wanna play the game you are playing please.


I want to be as delusional as you are please. You cant even explain so why would anyone listen to you :laughing: Full of talk little action.

You’re a rogue, just stunlock untill DR, blind, sap repeat…

Sure - let us say that always works vs warriors. What about other classes? It is even more frustrating to face a warrior as a class without stealth. How does your argument validate anything?

“Warriors are in a strong state right now and should be nerfed” - Well your class can kill them in a stunlock when you pop all cooldowns in a 1v1 so they are balanced. Okay - I can kill them. It is still not fun facing a warrior.

Their deadzone should be returned. Hunters are far too easy to play.

World of Roguecraft all over again?

“as a rogue I can either CC him on his damage or for example use evasion”
Not a seasoned player, but surely this little chestnut undoes your whole argument.
Warriors have very finite burst windows, they are easily countered with a disarm or any other effective CC. Many compositions are easily tooled up to do this.
Why should a class with no self healing and little cc not have a strong tool kit for survival. Get real.

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Evasion with 2min cd + CCing an orc warrior for avatar which is up for 20 seconds every 1.5minutes. And with this evasion does not even stop overpower which has critted for over 10k.

That would be fine if they were low on damage as well. But right now warriors have everything = why a lot of people are complaining.

You think it is fair that ONE spec has both insane survivability and insane damage?

Have you not heard of dismantle? Available every 45 secs. You are very self defeating.
I’ve hardly seen any complaints regarding warrior to be honest. Even in this thread it seems limited to just you.

Man idk what to tell you. According to you no spec has ever been strong then because there is always some sort of counterplay? Warriors hitting for 45k executes? “JuST diSManTlE”.

Then you are not either playing the game or reading the forums…

Scroll down the entire Battleground sub group on the forum, it is basically just you complaining. Scroll up in this thread, it is just you.
You have named at least three other ways to manage a warrior in their burst phase and now you are scoffing at dismantle to that toolkit.
I give up on you.

Either you are trolling or you are delusional…

Okay? I like having constructive criticism but on these forums we either have people like you or super toxic people calling others trash. Do you play battlegrounds or arenas? Do you understand that a 6 second disarm vs a 20 second burst window is not enough? The pressure they have out of avatar is also insane. Random execute procs. AND on top of that they have one of the most insane survivabilities seen in game.

Ignore pain - 50% damage reduction + absorb
Dstance - 20% reduced damage for however long they want it
Spell reflect, die by the sword
Aoe fear, ranged stun, charge + leap

There is a reason to why arms warriors are 11% of the specs right now and it is not because there are simply a lot of warriors coming back to the game. But if your solution is to ignore that - sure. But don’t come into the forums saying “warriors are fine”.

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