This is either character that had at least one expansion bought on it or you have payed for subscription at least once on US, because again, I don’t think my mind or my eyes playing the trick with me when I trying to choose the character to post with and the list is utterly empty.
Soooooooooooooooombody once told me, to make a new fresh alt.
And post on the foruuuuums!
And then level it to 10 and bing bang walla walla bing bang!
I think only because it’s beta flagged at preset and that’s at an bnet level.
Except when everyone discusses things that aren’t available yet and we are effectively lagging a day behind every week.
No it’s a response to the point I made.
It’s a starter account
Data mining, Beta, PTR. People already release info from these 3 sources (and more) before any given patch hits.
I mean, does the US care about your rights?
You’ve misquoted me there, or quoted someone else incorrectly.
yeah sorry da hell happends there?!
edit : fixed
You could apply that logic to any region that isn’t EU. Although I doubt there’s a high demand for that xD
You broke the forums?
probably xD
And people can avoid spoilers when they are actually spoilers but when something is current content people aren’t going to put ‘spoiler for EU’ in titles.
I believe there are also legal differences between the two. The CS is different teams etc. The moderation would not be around for a lot of the EU activity.
I’m sure Blizz would go for the job cuts angle xD
This is incredibly minor, and the majority of the player base aren’t posting on the forum.
Legal differences for what exactly? I don’t understand why you throw this out there when plenty of other games out there have universal forums.
CS doesn’t need to change, they could just add an EU CS forum for the US forums.
If anything moderation would be able to cover more time when using a single forum then missing out on more time with 2 different forums. Forum moderation is so infrequent as it is right now.
Maybe, maybe not.
Haha, I challenge you to post something that offends a lot of forums posters and say that again.
To you clearly. I hate where a huge number of discussions are relevant to something that came out that day and it’s like okay then. It either spoils what is happening or it means you avoid the forums every time it’s their reset. They then also get the joy of having two days of reset topics when things come up.
Many games do have the same, yes, WoW does not, I have no idea why and we have some minor differences in game as a result. Theoretically they could change all version of WoW to comply with all regions rules but I’m not sure they will do that.
Moderation is mostly based on reports and them wading through the huge backlog of flagged posts. So you are going to increase their work load considerably adding in a whole different region with a multitude of languages.
Indeed we do
That really isn’t as big as an issue as you make it out to be.
A lot of the Shadowlands start has already been spoiled on these forums already and we know various story plots before the game has officially released on live servers.
Still not telling me why there may be legal issues though.
Subforums can be used to split minor things like this.
They can always just keep the EU moderators and they can cover a larger timeframe on a single forum.
I’d rather be able to post with GIFs still.
Some of the mass flagging is genuine for stuff said others is nothing more than people wanting to punish others because they hate them.
To you it isn’t an issue. To others it will be.
What is the point in being part of the US forums if the EU stuff is all going to be in sub forums.
There are legal differences, not issues. The licences aren’t the same and the content within isn’t identical. It’s the most tiny stuff so it would either need removing from the US clients to make them equal and both would have to comply world wide etc. Some other games do that.
I’m not going to comment on work practices or how Blizz would/would not approach them. Employment laws vary a lot in different countries, they might just cut their losses and go all US. They might keep all, who knows.
Personally I will never understand the US obsession. I only made my starter account because originally we had no Beta forums on EU. It’s probably because of the whole oh Devs only read US forums myth. People in the US have a far more abrasive way of having discussions, not my cup of tea on the whole.
i have a level 20 chacther on US realms what i can post with on US forums
Well done
You do have the right yeah. Soon as you make a US account, like they have the right to post here soon as they make an EU account and so on.
I see you think the US forums are filled with blue replies every 6 seconds or something similar.
Bless your heart.