We got 16 mount reskins with this new patch. And yet they released a completely new looking mount behind a 6 month paywall. Mount that we could all have gotten simply by playing the game

I think you are wrong with the changes coming in SL I think apart from PVP they have really listened to the player base across a whole range of them .From casual to hardcore there is plenty to look forward to in SL .

I have been burned by them one too many times… selling our old skills/buffs back to us?!

I guess that is a new one sure…

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I agree, the problem is the playerbase of WoW never speaks with one voice. They can never please everyone :slight_smile:

I’m pretty sure it’s been the same people arguing about them on the forums since their arrival too. Had this exact same argument with puny last year over the piggy.

You can still pay subs to get the items if you want them badly enough - you don’t have to box anything.

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Well you are part of them problem yourself if you don’t mind me saying .Your own about tokens then you recently said you buy them yourself ?
Also I agree the game is in a not good state but they are listening which is good in my view but please Anna don’t do your usual and slag the game in every thread do what most of us do and just leave quietly :slight_smile:

Do you mean herb and mine or
raid mount and mog farmer ?
the later will bring in a fair some if you have a good boredom threshold do to old raids an alts .I think Grainne did some maths a while ago and you can earn something like 200k per week .

Oh yes lets pay a sub and the expacs then bore ourselves to death on mindless farming of old content.

Not acceptable - plenty of gold should come from current activities.

Well hun atleast I deleted mine and not made 2 or 3 and then came back to annoy the forums with posts about ffv14 :slight_smile: and are you giving up on community 3 or 4 already ? sad news for Hali

I made 5k yesterday in lil under 2 hours doing the intro quests to new content.

Can you even compare the little updates the events that we already have get in comparison? Max a toy or a pet. Compared to a unique mount like that? Imagine if they put it up from a rare as a drop during the event, people would love it.


I apologise I guess you are touchy today and I shouldn’t have said that but ironic none the less coming from a comment you made meer moments ago towards me but I offer my hand in apology and leave you about your day .
You will be missed on the forums when your sub runs out .

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The mount is already ingame texture and frame wise its a reskin .

Personally I’d far rather get a free mount with a sub than have to pay for a second WoW account to get a mount.

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Now do you need to be collector of anything to complain about the game you love? The game suffers because of these microtransactions, mount collector or not.


Going by your char avatar looks like you have done one already :wink:

I’m pretty sure I have seen you say you used raf within your battle net to get some mounts yourself a while back…

They are an option not a need you don’t need to have them and don’t enhance your power in game .

If it were a “Gift”, then why isn’t it being given out for free? Certainly there are Asian Players who would see it as a false pretense to calling it a “Gift”, and yet having to buy it.

Bless you.

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Yes exactly.

I would far rather they gave us free mounts with a bulk deal of reduced game time than having to sub a second account to gain the benefits.

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