The current system is blocking out many people who would like to participate in pvp, but can’t due the stress of having to perform to impress your teammates and not let them down. There are people who simply feel too nervous to join premaeds. A solo queue for rated arena and BG would be a great addition for those with anxiety to compete on their own terms, and I guarantee it would be popular.
I like this idea. But, it will be same as skrimish. Unbalanced.
skirmish has no cr/mmr and premade teams can q with solo. we need a seperate bracket for solo q only
I feel like people who are too nervous to join a premade probably don’t have the disposition to do rated PvP…
It makes me suspect these are people who don’t actually want to PvP but just want a part of that gearing system and will stop doing rated as soon as they’re as high ranked as they need to be.
Which I totally sympathise with; I don’t want to PvP either, but I’m doing it for gear. I hate it, but there it is.
I can only imagine the toxicity as you’re 700-600 in AB and everyone’s starting to realise their ratings will drop when it ends. You’ll have early leavers and most matches will end with 5 flag domination.
Not sure this will help with anxiety, tbqh.
One reason you should be part of a premade group is because it’s a chance to filter it for non-quitters and non-ragers. Take friends. They don’t care if you suck. They’re happy to hang out, and if you happen to win a few, that’s a bonus
As much as I like the idea, it has cons or unknown (in)direct effects.
- the endless different comps you can get thrown into makes it hard to get used to them all. If you can’t requeue with the same team, then uhm, I feel like many of the baddies like myself will take ages to improve. But id you can reueue skirmish-style then it negates the solo-queue system
- no continues vocal communication by default
- the previous point can lead to two things: 1. Improved default UI. 2. Opt-in to use the in-game voice. But #2 leads to uneven playing field
- the bar is lowered to join, as good as it is to get more players playing, it also makes the quality of many games much worse
- the PvP community gets split up between pre-made and solo queue, not sure that is a good thing
- how does the team-making work? Class/spec stacking? Take CC-dr in consideration? Melee/ranged balance? Stealth? Iow; does it make decent comps ánd take into consideration what comp they face or can you get thrown into a yolo-matchup?
- toxicity. Won’t be gone, far from.
- what if players just not accept the queue (regular in Skirmish games)? Or just afk when they see a setup they don’t like?
I honestly feel like that the “we need solo queue” repeaters don’t really think about…what it is, what it affects and how they álways manage to implement things in a horrible way.
Yeah. Its frustrating to get smashed by glads or 40k hp players in 1400 and milking boosting gold 7/24
If there’s to be a solo queue for rated content, harsher penalties need to be made against those that abuse it… such as AFK’ers.
That being said, it’d just end up as an “Every Man for Themselves” disorganized mess that people already do in regular BGs…
Totally agree. Rated PvP requires voice chat and 1 or 2 dedicated people to call the shots for the team. If you do not have that part the outcome would be exactly the same as in casual bg’s. If you want solo queue to get the better gear this way…just ask blizz to stick better rewards on casual bg’s. Problem solved.
Plenty of “repeaters” have put so much thought and discussion about there really is no question of what or how.
It’s a much requested feature with no real downside that should have been in the game a long time ago and is just kept out due to Blizzards stubborn refusal to do their jobs.
People just repeat the message so Blizzard might finally add this no brainer feature.
How is this an issue? You face random “comps” in battlegrounds and skirmish already with no issues. Players just might have to use their heads more and think about what classes and specs can do rather than X comp beats Y comp.
It’s a player created requirement now because so many use it to gain an advantage that you really have to use it.
There are voice chat features in game that you can quickly enable why waiting for the match to start. no need to setup discord servers or vent etc.
I’m also fairly certain that a lot of players won’t bother using voice chat in solo que so the need to use voice chat will be pretty much non-existaent except maybe at high ratings.
How is this an issue for anyone in any reality ever???
More players playing always = good!
Pretty sure the majority of “low quality” players will be at lower rating and that high ratings will still be predominantly “high quality” players.
This I can see will happen to some degree but the amount of more players starting doing pvp in general will most likely increase so much you won’t even notice.
Also if players move away from current rated content to a solo que rated content then they obviously prefer that content. Why should we force players staying in content they don’t want to do because the numbers doing that content might drop…
There’s more to pvp than just the best meta comps versus the best meta comps.
Yes there will be less favoured comps playing due to the random group system but it will instead favour a more “bring the player not the comp” playstyle and emphasis will be more on individual player skill.
Sure you’ll sometimes meet comps that will be your complete counter but that’s exactly how it is now, it might just happen a bit more often but since both teams will be random then it will probably not.
Solo que would be skirmish but with rating. Skirmish works fine, just a bit more chaotic.
You cannot remove toxicity from the game. Solo que won’t make it any noticable worse or better and if we kept out good features because they might increase toxicity then we wouldn’t have any new features ever.
How is this any different than what players do now?
It would work exactly as it does now. How is this an issue?
If they don’t accept then you’d be replaced in the que and put against the next team.
If they enter and leave or afk it’s a win for you. How is that a bad thing?
This I do agree on but we can’t just forgo something the game needs because Blizzard is completely incompetent.
If we did we wouldn’t have any new content ever.
We just gotta hope Blizzard actually listens to feedback and use their brain and hope they won’t make everything 100% worse.
But that’s just how it is with Blizzard games. It’s not the fault of solo que.
as some know of.
Exactly, and then you also get thrown into a random comp. Twice as much to brainstorm about in those 2 minutes prep time.
Pretty much due to the complexity and timing-reliance on your teammates. Pretty much a UI failure.
Shrugs, ever been in Skirmish?
Eh, with the M+ gearing system being sorted? It’ll decrease anyways + split by then.
Tends to happen much more in Skirmish than in regular ones. And well, this will be Skirmish with rating attached. An issue that shouldn’t be overlooked.
Then don’t mindlessly repeat stripped down ideas, give them actual feedback that they can use The regular repeaters here are just not helping at all.
Blizz matchmaking is terrible by all means and standards a duped 50% win ratio by dumping /matchmaking paying customers with low apm with higher apm’s so they get carried .
I’m not here to judge their decision i never play any matchmaking made by this company .
Played almost all their games same thing in all .
Simple solution, make the rating drop even bigger if you leave a match than if you lose.
Yeah because they can’t stay around a base and afk right?
This is basically what will happen if the leaving penalty is higher than the losing. People will just throw in the towel, stand at a flag and occasionally press space.
At least with organised groups, yes, we lose (a lot, actually) but we never give up. We will fight, practise, and learn right the way through to that 1500-850 loss, and we’ll probably still have at least one base at the end unless the matchmaking really screwed us.
I just don’t see how a solo queued rated PvP situation can be better for people with anxiety. What you’ll get is the most toxic and abusive environment that ever existed in WoW and you’ll end up never wanting to play again.
If your reasons for not wanting to sign up for a group are through anxiety; my best advice is join a community that does ‘casual’ rated PvP and get to know some people. You don’t have to join a group with them on day 1, just find some people who talk and get familiar. You’ll have a much better time with them than you will with a queue.
Good suggestions, the principle issue is casual pvp communities that take a very relaxed view (and ignore stuff like CR) are very rare, and people often get seperated out from each other. E,G you may have some guys whom all play together in the beginning, but if a couple of them then decide to pug a couple of groups, their rating may shoot ahead and they may become wary of grouping with the others in case they lose rating.
As you said in another post I believe, the relies heavily upon the idea of casually minded people who WANT to do pvp for pvps sake, rather than just for gearing, because if it’s about gear, the above happens. Particuarly if the group is new and learning and someone whom pugs find a better group, they;ll just keep running with them rather than the community.
i have experienced this firsthand by making twice, a community with this in mind, intended as a starting point for people with no cr, to find others with a similar pvp entry ilevel (197) to begin running rbgs. First day is typically marvellous, quite a few wins, good vibes. Next day, I login to find several of the community are running in completely different groups, have pushed up 2 brackets and now seem to make excuses as to being unavailable to run with the original team, thus undermining the whole point of the community in the first place.
It’s ridiculously difficult to stop people doing that. Some M+ communities will have no pug rules etc, or naturally fall into them, but it seems like you’d need them for a simialr pvp community, but in doing so you’ve magically made it no longer casual have you? Because now you’re demanding you “run with the group” which sounds pretty serious to me. But my experience has taught me that if you hold a liberal “we’re here if you need us” that’s great when they do need you, and they have trouble breaking into it, but once they’ve got that, they drift off depending on how much they play versus how much you play because unlike M+, a bad run harms their rating and thus gearing prospects so the tendency is to aim for success, and if you’ve had it, avoid situations where you may scupper it. In M+ it matters little if Johnnymcskill pugs a +15 and then runs a +3 with his community later because even if the community group breaks the key, he loses nothing, and gearing from it is entirely RNG anyway. In PvP every win is progress towards the rating you want for gear, so every single match contributes (or takes away).
Also the comms tend to be much smaller because a guildless casually minded but focused on pvp looking-to-climb community is very niche comapred to say casual M+ play, so you have way less players to work with, so if some of them do drift off, you now have issues making a group in the first place, which makes people PUG and then at that point you may as well just PUG.
it’s a shame it’s so hard, because as said, i’ve tried it twice and i’d love it to work but something seems difficult about making it work. Maybe It’s because i don’t play enough. I play in evenings mostly, a few hours, so i don’t play as much as some of the people i’ve recruited so they stick around for maybe an evening or two and then they outgrow the community.
You think you do but you don’t. Honestly.
I quite like the idea per se, but it would lead to problems if there wasn’t something gating it such as conquest already earned or ilvl etc. Without any gate in place it could quickly mean no one ever again queuing for non rated bgs. There needs to be something controlling the access otherwise you run the risk of a freshly dinged group of green geared facing off against fully pvp geared opponents.

It’s ridiculously difficult to stop people doing that.
Been a problem since forever As far back as vanilla, you’d be levelling with some friends, then one evening you’d log in and one of them was 10 levels ahead after an all nighter.
Next time you’d play with them was at level 60.
If a community (for PvP or PvE) is going to work, you either need loads of members and alts so there’s always someone at your level, or you indeed need to discourage pugging.
The community needs to be clear that the goal isn’t “get some rating” but rather “make some friends to PvP with”. Regular events will help, and active leadership will be needed if you realise you’ve got people who won’t invite members under a certain rating. You may even have to remove people who are ‘push minded’.
Which is kind of what I’ve seen Scared of Dungeons do in PvE territory. We discourage pugging (we don’t ban it, but all in the group must consent), and we don’t allow RIO scores to be demanded. If you’re doing a key with us, you’re doing it to do a key with the community, not with the goal of pushing it.
And it’s a very specific mind set - but there are players out there who share it
A naive view.
Rated solo queue would be super toxic, your rating will be reliant on randoms who could deliberately try and screw you up, just because they have seen or you have said something they don’t like.