We need to do something about bg queue times in TBC

Why you even talk about racials and arena in this Topic when here the Problem are the Horde Queue times in Battlegrounds. In arena we wont have other Queue times as Alliances the Only difference will be that we will Play due our Overpowered Racials in 2.3k and allis in 1.2k so allis will jsut fight each other and have massiv queue times there. While Horde Play alone on the Top of the Gladiators.

I find it really funny that EVERY single one asking for merc mode was “forced” to play horde cause of his friends. Like… How did those friends chose to play horde? How did you not take in consideration the que problems horde were going to have? How come you didn’t talk to them about that and the fact that alliance racials are far superior as you claim them to be. With your 4k and pserver xp you should have enough arguments to convince them.
I didn’t play that much, if none at all, in pservers and still i was 100% sure that was going to happen, cause as you say my 1400cr way of thinking made me think that horde will have the majority of pvp’ers. But you should be able to think otherwise and make the right call.
It all sounds like the typical “I didn’t vote for that political party” yet that party took like 45-50% and at some point you wonder in which planet do those ppl leave and you never meet them.


Maybe because we don´t care about the Racials at all? The " no horde has to stick with 30 min queue) people always bring Racials out. lol


Because that’s the cause of the “problem” with Horde queues and solving this “problem” would make it so there’s literally no downside in rolling Horde and almost no incentive to roll Alliance. Also it’s not just in arena it also applies to BGs and PvE.


You are just a bad person. Seeing it as GOOD that others have to wait for EVERY bg 30 minutes of their Lifetime in a City cant do anything. As downside to the OP Racials in your Opinioin. lol

You should understand this both are 2 seperat problems. ( Even in my Opinion alliance also has some superior racials depends on race+class) but the queue time and racials have nothign to do with each other.


You’re just being selfish. Wanting your cake and eating it to then calling people who say “no you can’t have your cake and eat it too” bad people.

And no they aren’t separate problems. Queues are the result of faction (im)balance which stems from racials.

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I feel like we’re going full circle here. The solution to queue times can’t be changing factions. I’d rather let them remove racials in PVP altogether, which they should’ve done since TBC Vanilla in the first place.

Removing racials isn’t going to happen. Even if it would it wouldn’t actually solve queue times it would just make it more appealing to reroll the other faction.

I am as bad as the horde were when they were replying with “get good noobs” or “l2p” when alliance ppl were pointing out that AV should receive the change it got way earlier cause the map difference was a problem.

As for the whole problem talk, maybe it’s you that should realize that those 2 are not separated problems. They are just a different side of the same coin. If you want to solve any problem (be is virtual or real life) you have to find the root of it. At least that’s what i’ve been told since 1st grade in math classes, later in sociology-like and in programming/coding classes. The whole problem starts at the racials. Even if the arena masterminds of 4k say that alliance are better, the majority of pvp players chose horde. Don’t you find it odd that overall faction balance is smt like 48-52 yet horde have bigger ques?

Then what would be a solution in your opinion that isn’t a bandaid fix (It’s too late to remove racials & rerolling characters player have invested a lot of time into since vanilla release is neither) except for merc mode, because I see none.

In my opinion non-issues don’t need solutions so there’s little need to do anything. People are apparently happy to roll Horde even with long queues so what’s the problem? You only need to do the BG grind once per season and queues won’t apply to arena since you can fight your own faction.


There you dont see the Problem. I dont do the BG grind for the Honor and the gear. I do it because i enjoy Battlegrounds.


Then come join the Alliance if long queues are that bad for your enjoyment of the game. And don’t give me the whole “100+ days on character…” spiel because the sunk costs fallacy is just that - a fallacy.

You simple cant accept that some Peopel picked Horde for other Reasons as Racials or? And Dislike Alliance for other reasons as Racials. Its the Optical the Lore. People often prefer to Play the Bad Guy in games or not? And horde is for sure closer to it as a gnom.

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i think the most reasonable solution would be to offer a limited time Horde to alliance faction change.
The queutimes for horde will probably still be bad after this but at least those people that want fast queues can switch to alliance.

and if people want merc mode or horde vs horde bg’s i recommend going to retail instead of trying to make tbc like retail.

Yes thats the first i tell people when they wanna talk about retail " There is a Merc mode."

We then come back to what I said earlier. Apparently people are happy to play Horde even with long queue times so why should anything need to be done about it?

You’re just being selfish.

Oh the irony

Apparently people are happy to play Alliance even with the bad racials. so why should anything need to be done about it? Come on why keep talking about it why putting horde something much worser on the back for it? a lifetime stealer for a even if true very little ingame +. When you anyway happy with this?

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Who is asking for anything to be done about anyone’s racials? Everyone knew since before TBCC was released that TBC is a Horde expansion when it comes to min/maxing both PvP and especially PvE - which is why private TBC servers either give ridiculous benefits to Alliance or end up 80% Horde. Despite this many people stayed Alliance so now there’s little cause to complain. Horde players on the other hand are complaining and want changes despite the fact that they had long queues in Classic already and everyone knew it could only get worse in TBCC.