We need to do something about bg queue times in TBC

What is pathetic is to think that the sex you assign to your pj in a mmo determines what kind of person you are. And also to think that you are “better” than others for playing male being a man

Obviously they do :slight_smile:

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While this would be a QOL change on PVE servers, it would make the WPVP situation much worse for Alliance on PVP servers that generally tend to be Horde dominated.

Heavily depends on the server.

This is how it goes it their little brains:

First: “reee, there won’t be any token, how dare you, reee!”

then: “just becasue it’s datamined in each localized client doens’t mean ANYTHING, NOTHING AT ALL!”

Finally: “Token is good for the game, cuz ppl buy gold. kek”

And then boom another 30% player subs lost.


How to solve problem created by players tho?

Bonuses and maluses.

At this point I am fine with buying honor for real life money… I just need to complete it for the arena season. The ques are really killing it for me; it is super unfair. On top of it, every 3rd game you run into an alliance premade and get smashed.

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Okay, I checked through the thread trying to find where these numbers are from but cba to read through it all. Where can I see these numbers?

Dwarf is actually an amazing racial for priest, desperate prayer adds lot of survivability.
Which racial that’s better depends what class you play. Shadowmeld also remains amazing in the hands of a great player. In the hands of the average bg scrub it makes of course no difference, like most things.

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That would require them to come up with a racial change, not exactly EMFH which felt excessively insane to even me, a biased alliance player having to suck up OP horde racials for many year, but something quite close to that.

In essence you need to capture the entire min/maxer scene, which on its own is quite large, as well as the crowd that lets themselves be advised by them, and that is truly big numbers.

WPVP Depends on the server entirely and died out in TBC anyways. People exaggerate extremely when they talk about getting farmed 24/7 on their server.

Bonus : better racial / meta faction / more players to play with
Malus : long BG queue.

PVP incentives for casual are already completely out of the way on horde side. Most players I’ve talked to lost any interest in playing arena/bgs no matter how they love it, because their time is worth more to them than farming 30+ hours for a single piece of gear. This combined with the rating changes that affect both. Have yet to find a single arena partner, what a shame.


riiight, that’s why I switched from PVP to PVE. You’re 100% right. (not)

Can not wait until the “Mercenary Mode” will be introduced to TBC. Hopefully it will come ASAP. These que times really make me lose my interest in playing bg-s even if PvP is the thing I enjoy the most about the game.
Fix it and do it fast!


BIG NO NO NO. U choose ezmod and pop fraction with overpowered racials - u know what u choosing, enjoy your queues.

On alliance: Bonus: Instant BG queues. Malus: You lose 99% of games.

Conclusion: The game is broken!

how is horde wsg q times atm ?