We need to do something about bg queue times in TBC

37 Minutes as I checked 10 secs ago.

holllly ff even at wsg weekend?

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It’s unreal :confused: Hopefully there will be something changed really quickly. Otherwise PvP people will just lose interest, if they already haven’t lost.

I didn’t care that much about racials when I joined horde, although I did know that they were stronger. However, if I knew about this queue situation, I’d definitely roll Alliance. It’s simply not worth it, and in TBC it’s pretty much impossible to get BG PVP gear in time for Horde with those ridiculous queue times. 50-200 honor for 50 minute queue? Thank you very much, maybe I will be able to get a ring in a month or two.

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Okay, a mate linked this to me. Overall population does seem pretty even, on server basis there are of course those that are imbalanced. That’s been the case from the dawn of WoW and it seems they still don’t know how to solve that issue.

But bg queues aren’t based upon servers, it’s based upon overall population. So for whatever reason (I don’t care) alliance is focused on pve while horde wants to do more pvp, something that ends up affecting the bg queues since they are based upon faction vs faction.

It’s not really the hordes fault that alliance doesn’t want to do bg’s, so implementing any kind of faction transfer doesn’t make much sense in that regard.
Just add in merc mode that’s based upon bg queues length instead. To me merc mode would be on a similar level as phasing, yes it wasn’t there in the first iteration of the games but it’s simply one of those QoL changes that adds a lot.


You will not get any constructive feedback here sadly, regardless what the suggestion is.

Couple of points from my side tho.

  • Mercenary mode would be definitely a fix, however I personally do not like it as that would be one step more towards retail. Funny thing about merc mode tho is that, by the logic of people saying “You rolled horde for OP racials”, “OP faction” would choose to play with those “lower level alliance” racial - this is the biggest irony that no salty alliance player can debate.
  • Free faction changes for Horde would at least improve queue times a bit as I’m quite sure at least small portion of PvP horde population would switch to alliance side. Even small portion of horde switching is enough to shorten the queues as we are talking about players who are actually here to PvP majority of the time (and that includes BGs also). All in all it wouldn’t be any drawbacks if this option was given.
  • Progressive patches would have been the best solution, however that is something we won’t get as it’s too late for it now, and Blizzard anyway doesn’t want to spend unnecessary resources on Classic WOW. Let me try to elaborate… Due nature of buffs/nerfs there were certain combinations of classes + races that had a bit of advantage over other combinations, especially in 2vs2, hence FOTM players would probably think twice before choosing their faction/class as strength of racials + classes would not be set in stone (as it is now).

Funniest thing for me is all the “Your rolled OP faction therefore you should suffer!”, like that changes anything for other faction at all (except at the start of first arena season). People do not realize tho that this is one time thing only, for all new seasons horde will precap 75k honor + max marks which in the end means that they’ll need to farm ONLY additional ~10k honor to get all new season offpieces. Problems tho:

  • Noone will farm offspec items due queue times on horde side
  • People will get bored very quickly when they realize that queue times are not getting better and either switch to PvE only mode or quit/go back to retail
  • Alliance currently, potentially, has huge advantage at the very start of season one as it’s super easy to get literally all honor pieces in couple of days if you play in a premade (due no to 1-2 minutes queues).

We should all strive to have as close as possible to a balanced game, but sadly that seems like a no go for majority of people

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Except there’s no massive population difference to warrant it. The numbers are there for alliance, they just don’t queue for bg’s.

And no, most racials doesn’t matter much in random bg’s. If anything, human perception is probably the strongest since you can check if a base is guarded by stealthers. That’s it. Most doesn’t matter.

It’s in arenas racials matter.


I dont think most of ally is against solving the q problem, ii think they are against solving with merc kode because that could hurt ally side quite a bit, the h -> a transfers could help but it seems like majority of horde is crying only for merc so i dont know

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I dont think its as balanced as you present it. Because, as you said, horde is more pvp ally is more pve there is probabpy way more horde that plays pvp but doesnt raid, amd only info about pop comes from active raiders, so i am guessing the imbalance in pop is way bigger

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Add merc mode and while we’re at it war mode. :rofl: :rofl:

I know there isn’t, that’s the reason why I stated that queues would in general improve if free faction (horde only) change was offered as whoever faction changed they would change precisely for better queues, hence, for PvP. Even if it improves only by 5 minutes every bit helps.

First things first, I’m against merc mode but care to explain how it would hurt alliance?

It would take away the (almost) only advantage that ally has in pvp, no waiting. Why would any tryhard pvper roll ally then? For nice colours?

Those of us like me who saw what happened in p2 on classic and decided to avoid that would then have no reason to be alliance. What people believe are the bis racials is subjective to opinion but i believe horde to be better until wotlk for pvp.

Adding merc mode is not only a ferris wheel but also a slap in the face to a faction that is underplayed in both versions of the game. They add merc mode now, then comes war mode and before u know it before sunwells out we have dual spec, raid finder and lfg all implemented.

What they should do is enable free faction changes. Give horde players a alternative that doesnt cost them money or huge amounts of time (rerolling).

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Why does faction change not make sense, while merc mode does? Pls elaborate

Faction change would lead to more balanced servers. This shouldnt need an explanation, but for those of you who are too blind to see all the convenience you’re drowning in, its not just about being able to quest and farm mats: Theres spirit shards (easy bis ring for many specs), halaa control, the passive dmg bonuses in many zones, healthy economy/AH etc. The benefits of having more balanced factions are so many. It leads to healthier realm communities, theres an actual (pvp) server atmosphere.

With merc you give horde every possible benefit in the game, and would encourage ally players even more to reroll to be part of the convenience clown fiesta.

And its not exactly alliance players fault that horde players do way more pvp. As a clever guy on the US forums said:

Consequences arent punishments.

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Based on logs for a raid that was released a week and a half ago, which a lot of people still haven’t attuned themselves to. Sound logic mate.

That site is not even a good representation of the numbers. If you read carefully it is the population of active characters according to raids uploaded to warcraftlogs.

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You still did not answer how it would hurt alliance, at all. And one more time, I am against merc mode too and actually know what are cons of it yet you cannot name single one for some strange reason. Faction changes are definitely only remotely acceptable option at the time being (despite they would not change a lot).

People who decided to roll alliance for tbc to avoid queue times would then want to return to horde and reap the benefits of absolutely everything.

Yet again, even if that happens, how does it hurt alliance at all? I’m not getting it.

Noone was expecting 45+ minute queue times, this is just overkill. Longer queue times now just indicate that:

  • A lot of alliance already rerolled horde
  • Pretty much noone rerolled alliance explicitly for faster queue times