We need to do something about bg queue times in TBC

Do you have horse blinders on or something just scroll up And read a few posts people have explained it.

It hurts Allience alot

It increases the allience queue time as a underplayed faction they suffer the fact that all servers Are heavily horde favoured everywhere you go the horde outnumber the Allience there are far more horde out in the world in every PvP server and as others said Warcraft raid logs (ironforge.pro) is not a representation of server population as most pvpers do not even raid which is evident with all the crybabies about queue times you think blizzard artificially put in the queue timer for horde?

Horde already have the best racials by far put in Merc mode and what reason will pvpers have to stay on Allience they will simply migrate to horde because why play a faction that makes everything you want to do more difficult when u can roll horde for bis racials, world PvP dominance as you outnumber 5/1 ,easier time for finding groups pve as the population is much larger.

The only place left for Allience will be pve servers.

The queue times are not the problem, Faction balance is and Merc mode does not solve the problem.

Merc mode solves the problem completely but adds other ones. Your logic is so flawed on way too many levels that it’s not even funny. Even if everyone, literally everyone was horde merc mode would balance out queues.

Once again, I am against merc mode btw but it’s funny to see how far you’ll go to defend instant queues for one faction vs 45+ queues for another. Keep it up.

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The queues are not the problem though?? faction balance is the problem how is Merc mode bringing more players to Allience you want to balance the queues by having similar population on both sides. Having Merc mode does nothing but make one dominant faction the only faction to play

Queues are the problem. Faction balance is also a problem, but not to that extent.

We are comparing pretty much instant queues vs 45+ minute queues and you say that’s not a problem? Please get a grasp on reality.

Why do you have 45 minute queues? Because the balance is completely unbalanced there are far too many horde PvPers and not enough Allience pvpers the faction balance is the only problem I think you need to grasp reality it is fair they have to wait 45 minutes because there are too many horde

Fact that alliance players tend to avoid PvP has nothing with faction balance, that is the real deal here. Unless magically 50% of alliance boosted/rerolled to horde from classic, balance is pretty even as that’s how it has been in classic (~45% vs 55% ratio).


Roll as alliance and balance the realm you probably re-roll as horde and leave as lot of people your main vanila alliance, this is not a monofaction game, so enjoy playing more hours to get the equip

BG queue times have nothing with balanced or non balanced realms, we are all on one big battlegroup.

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Basing pve population statistics for PvP population absolutely clueless.answer me why is there less Allience queueing for PvP? The answer is simple the Allience have a smaller PvP pool how does adding Merc mode create more Allience pvpers? It doesn’t so it’s not a solution to the problem it will actually make the actual problem worse.

I am happy of being alliance and play less bgs for equip my priest people whose consider top racials and pve leveling while are over destroying massively the other faction now are going to enjoy the hell when a season ends and have to farm every pvp piece :sunglasses::joy::joy:

The alliance loses players as a result hurting the overall pool of players to team up with, buy and trade with etc.

I don’t get you man, at all. I am stating exactly the thing you are, there are less alliance PvPers and you are just proving my point. Noone can deny this, queue times alone are proof of it.

I think you need to re-read what I wrote and come back again. I also stated that I am against merc mode 100%, yet you somehow skip it every time and go on with your story of “it would hurt alliance blablabla”.

Only thing I get from all the “no merc mode” (agree, there should be no merc mode) and “no faction change” is that Alliance players (at least on this forum) are defending their instant queues so much that they would actually prefer everything to stay the way it is, they do not want more alliance players at all as their queue times would possibly increase from 0-2 minutes to 4-5 minutes. There is absolutely not other explanation why would anyone be against free - horde only - faction changes, at all.

But free transfer still might change situations.
Because potential transfer will be made by people who wan’t lower BG queue, so they are PvP orintied.
Also, don’t forget that each hord->alliance change is like 2 more players for alliace. For example if 10 people transfer, it means 10 less people how need their pair on alliance, and also there is 10 more people to be that pair for another 10-horde players.

It’s hard to skip it when your asking for reasons why it’s bad for the game then people tell you reasons you just repeat yourself.

Your clearly not against it since you keep arguing for it.

Why is there less Allience pvpers you still never answered that maybe that horde racials are simply better? adding Merc mode does nothing but hurt Allience Pvpers as you force them to wait in a longer queue when it’s not their fault that so many people rolled horde the faction needs balanced not give horde everything and make Allience pay for it.

There hasn’t been a single post I’ve seen that is against horde transfers to Allience to balance the faction every Allience player is for a healthy server balance and would be happy to wait in a longer queue if there was more Allience pvpers on our servers

We can avoid that. Like, merc mode can be activated only if you stay in queue for 15m or longer. So there always will be demand for alliance bodyes.

That would still increase the Allience queue time without solving the problem

What? How?

Its taking slots that should be for Allience how are you not getting that? If horde are outnumbering 5/1 and after 15 mins it’s taking Allience slots it will increase the time for Allience queueing up

You must take another look then or open your blind eye. Almost every topic that’s dedicated to queue times has a lot of alliance people stating they should not enable free faction change.

BTW I specifically asked direct question to one person why he/she thinks merc mode would hurt alliance and did not get answer from that person. Hence, I do not care what everyone else thinks regarding this questions as based on answer I would get I can deduct a lot of about the person providing the answer.

You tho, proved that only reason why there should be no merc mode is increased queue times for alliance and that is enough information for me, thank you. Once again, as I thought…

Ok now I see why you think dwarf priest are gimp compared to horde priests.

I will explain:
There is no ‘slots’. Number of BG unlimited, as far as I aware. While there is enough enemy faction in queue, you will get nearly instant proc (whole system have some latency before finaly pack BG ofcourse).
In situation when merc mode turns on only after 15m+ in queue (thats mean you need to stay in queue without proc for 15m), there always will be tons of players waiting for their BG (those who not reached 15m timer yet). So there always will be horde for you in queue. So there always will be near-instant proc. That is why such merc will never affect alliances queue time. Comprende, comrad?