We need to do something about bg queue times in TBC

However I don’t like merc too. It ruin atmosphere and other small things you explained.

I would like to see activion add queue (to log in) for overpopulated faction on server (maybe when faction reach 55%+ poplation). However…they will never implement such system because they care only about overall online, not about game :frowning:
We can atleast get new ‘special’ servers with such feature. For new people and new characters, to grow very balanced servers. And those servers can have ‘priority’ in all BG. In the distant future all servers will be replaced with ‘force-balance’ servers. One can only dream :frowning:

If that’s all you got out what I said maybe you should put reading glasses on because you understand very little.

I said it’s faction balance is the issue if all I cared about was queue times then I would be against horde to Allience transfers to balance the game the BG queue system is fine as it is two sides against eachother 10 Allience Vs 10 horde for example if there is more horde queueing up the queuing system is not to blame at all

We agree to disagree.

Wait i think you asked me about the merc thing and i answered you hours ago, or you meant someone else.
Also i have seen alot of people against merc but no1 seems to be against transfers, could you give an ecample?

Horde has always been the more popular faction and alliance was always the faction for PVE Players. It’s been like this for 15 years. Taxing the more popular faction with 1 hour queues and laughing about it over a video game is just toxic behaviour.

Everyone should have fun and enjoy the game. There’s currently zero incentive for one faction to play PVP altogether if they value their time a single bit, its insanely difficult to find arena partners because a large amount of players stopped bothering because getting Arena-Gear is just too timeconsuming & it will definitely kill the casual pvp-scene.

Nobody should get taxed for 1-2 hours for a single game which often results in a loss facing premades for 30 honor. Faction transfers wont solve anything, horde will always be more popular, no matter which state of the game it is, not even WOTLK, because the casual playerbase makes up the largest amount of players by far.

Even retail at some point had problems with Horde queue time till blizzard had the best solution ever which is…“the NPC that temporary allow horde to queue & join bg’s as alliance”

That done wonders for server balance on retail every server is completely horde dominated why do you think they added warmode?

Horde is not always the more popular faction you will see it on wrath when there will be a huge migration to Allience and suddenly every PvPer will be human.The queues will be longer for Allience. Players always take the easy route and go the class with the strongest racial advantage on wrath pve players will be horde as they have best pve racials on wrath.

Honestly server balance is the worst on tbc it has been an issue even on private servers for years and they have to give Allience things like free epic mounts buff their racials etc to have any kind of balanced servers because the racials for horde are better for PvP and PvE. They were all in agreement that Merc mode was bad for the game.


Classic - PvP Horde advantage, PvE Allience advantage
TBC - PvP Horde advantage, PvE Horde advantage
WOTLK - PvP Allience advantage, PvE Horde advantage

They already have a solution, it’s merc mode.

Whether or not it will be implemented in classic is their call but i suspect if queues dont get better they will eventually come to this.

That’s Not a solution creates a bigger problem to faction balance there already is a solution though re-roll Allience

They already have a solution, it’s rerolling Alliance.

Whether or not it will be implemented in classic is the communities own call but i suspect if queues dont get better they(sweaty horde nerds) will eventually come to this.


This argument doesnt make any sense and thankfully Blizzard doesnt think the same, hence why they implemented it in retail.

Let’s see how it goes in a few weeks but i doubt they will let the queues like this, for now they just need more data you cant take this kind of decisions just based on a few days with high queues.

I guess the people choosing alliance are less into pvp. Judging by pvp vs pve realm populations. Since if you mash all realms together the horde ally ratio is pretty darn close to 50/50. Still queues on horde are massive. One way to combat this IMO is by allowing hordes to go against hordes in bgs. It’s a big change but would cut queues drastically.

When I hit 70, if the queues don’t change in a week or so I’d certainly consider just moving all my characters (which is just 1 char and bank alts :P). Otherwise the alternative is what, queue for BG, HS to outland and gold farm for an hour, and then hopefully not get a premade and by then the HS is back up lol

Fun times

Population is nowhere near 50/50 as not everyone raids especially hardcore PvP players and not everyone uses Warcraft logs and even when looking at that data on classic if you show only PvP servers it is horde favoured and on classic vanilla Allience is the faction where they are better in Pve they lose this in TBC pretty much all servers are now heavily horde population so many PvE and PvP rerolled horde for obvious reasons. Big no to horde Vs horde bgs anything that does damage to the faction balance is a big NO.

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Big NO for merc mode also.


Problem is there is no other solution than merc mode. Even if it’s not ideal (and not for the fact it “destroys” faction balance or please prove it), it’s still better than having half the population of player base unable to enjoy half of the game.

So again, they may come to this eventually if it turns out it doesnt get any better because, well, there is no other solution.

I believe overall that Alliance was more popular in OG WoW trilogy, that is why they gave Horde Belfs to “balance” things…unfortunately these days people are more into min-max performance, then into aesthetics and RP, so no wonder everyone wants to be a part of “better” faction.


There is plenty solutions to balance it out that don’t damage the faction balance

  • Horde and Allience server transfers

  • Removal of racials/faction specific abilities

  • Increased rewards for the underdog faction to get more players joining a weaker faction

In all honesty if Merc mode or horde Vs horde was introduced then warmode would have to be as well as it’s already a dire situation for the Allience currently any more horde favouritism will result in all servers being completely horde faction

Year right, so not only would allies have instant queues but also on top of it insanely increased honor gains. If any incentive for alliance except for instant queues is needed then everyone who says that is complete idiot.
We can see how much “incentives” changed PvP perspective on retail.

You can currently farm as alliance premade literally 4x-5x amount of honor horde can, that’s not good enough incentive to play BGs as alliance? Don’t joke with us please.

Sure horde has good racials but does ally really have that bad racials?

Gnome is probobly the best racial for warriors.
Human is probobly the best racial for rogues.
Dwarf have a good racial too…

Find a solution and fix this ASAP, we cant have 1h queues and Alliance have 0.
Open up only racial change from horde to ally then.