We need to do something about bg queue times in TBC

Man do you even think about the “solutions” you are offering ?

  • Horde & Alliance server transfers: useless, if people didnt want to roll Alliance initially there is very little chance they would want to be alliance now, let alone the fact when you are in a guild, have a bunch of friends or whatever, it’s very complicated to convince all of them to migrate so you are basically offering a choice between being able to do some pvp and social bonds.
  • How removal of racials will fix the problem exactly ? Do you think people having a 70 toon will reroll right away Alliance if racials are removed ? Will not happen, on top of the reasons mentioned above it would also require them to lose the massive investment in their current toon. And even if they still choose to reroll, i will take MONTHS, at best, before the effects are visible on the BG queue.
  • lol, ye let’s give PvP free stuff Alliance for Arena, such a nice idea.

You must be a troll or something.


I love how horde is crying so hard while having advantage in pvp,pve,population and world pvp and their only dusadvatage are ques because how nroken they are and what is their solution? No balancibg of pop, no balancing of pve,pvp,wpvp nooo how foolish, just remove their ques and increas them for ally, that sure seems fair


Indeed they are delusional if they think Merc mode or horde Vs horde would fix anything give them real solutions and they throw their dummy out the pram tough luck guys Merc mode ain’t happening enjoy your queue

You don’t know what will happen, you are basically only raging from the start of this thread because, for some reason, you believe it’s a viable economic model for a company to design a product which cannot be fully used by half of their customer base.

I’m afraid any decent product owner will disagree with you though.

We will see how they will address this in the next weeks if it doesn’t get any better, in the meantime if you could stop your selfish egocentric anti horde cry, it would certainly be a relief to many here.


same to you, you want to change the game completely to get all the benefits for the overpopulated faction on a two faction game while screwing over the underpopulated faction the game is fine as it is.

The queue system is fine as it is. This is something they do not have to change if your crying about the queues the answer is simple balance the scales roll the other faction or wait in the queue for your turn like a good little boy.

Yeah,no. I think that ques are big problem, but i also think that solving it with merc mode is completly retarded and might hurt the game. Proper solution is probably horde to ally transfers and maybe some light balancing

And if you want proof of how it might hurt the game, just look on retail.

You have serious brain damage if you think “queue is fine as is”.

Dude, half of the player base cannot experience pvp properly, direct and first outcome is that it is indeed NOT FINE.

The system is fine, players messed it up, now blizz has vto find a way to force zugs to play ally

it’s alot more than 50% but thats the problem the game is unbalanced there is not enough Allience pvpers that is the underlying problem for many reasons and it effects the Allience out in the world getting outnumbered 5/1 in every zone at every summon stone Alliance can’t experience almost anything in the game properly due to lower population

The queue time are COMPLETLY justified adding merc mode/horde to horde fixes only the Hordes queue time but makes the Allience problems in many areas of the game a lot worse as there really is zero point to play that faction anymore so how does your solution fix the problem of having enough Allience PvPers??

A real life example of this in football for example one team have 2 players all the time vs 11 players but sending a few of Your subs over it wont change the fact that the team has 2 players it doesn’t fix the problem

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Issue is you have not what it takes to get a proper vision and understand the issue as a whole for the player base so you use random comparisons which are all wrong because there is a lack of relevance in your way of thinking.

Horde is not a team as a whole, players do not gain any advantage if other horde players play and win a BG…

Now i could spend the afternoon trying to tract you to an upper level of thinking but neither you or I want to do this, enjoy your rage and we’ll see how Blizzard, as a company, fixes it.

I don’t see them doing something different from retail so, IF they make a move it will probably be merc mode which would be better than nothing.

There is also Warmode in retail cross server grouping on retail and it is completely Horde dominated so i don’t see why you think retail helps your argument.

I think you don’t have proper vision you only see it from your side you don’t Have a clue what its like for the Allience out in the world ganked continually from being outnumbered and if you can muster a group the horde can always get the numbers in the end due to the disparity in population.

You don’t have a clue what its like to face against a complete undead team as a warlock or priest or a rogue vs 3x orcs in arena there is a reason why the PvPers rolled horde and its not because of their looks.

How is Horde not a Team as a whole its Faction vs Faction an Allience player is not gonna kill me 5v1 when doing a quest or attack me when i mine an ore

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Don’t waste your time trying to make him understand as only Alliance players will understand this issue properly.

Anyone who denies that racial isn’t a huge part of the unbalances is fooling themselves. They never experience this issue when they are leveling or in the arena because they are Horde.

For example yesterday I was trying to level in Nagrand, when I was being ganked 4 vs 1 all the time making my leveling impossible. I really feel like the Greeks who fought against the Persians and being outnumbered 35 to 1.

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Anyone who denies that racial isn’t a huge part of the unbalances is fooling themselve

Beautiful straw man argument, i have never even talked about this :laughing:

What i did say was that removing racials would solve absolutely nothing of the issue right now.

hes right though and you clearly haven’t as there is only 8 posts and not one of them was about how the racial effect the balance in pvp.

Removing Racials abilities is a step in the right direction it Would Absolutely have an effect especially if you combined it with transfers a ton of horde would easy swap to Allience and don’t you kid yourself that racials have no impact on the decisions that players made

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Reason i went for my Alliance on a pve server, i don’t want to play gray screen simulator all the time. My horde is on a PvP server and i only today i got killed by a group of Alliance. Other than that i don’t see allot of open world pvp or get killed. I would already quit if i was playing my Alliance on a PvP server.

Horde vs Horde would actually fix queue times and have minimal effect on alliance queue times if “coded” properly.

still don’t see the big picture as you said we have to agree to disagree Horde vs Horde DOES impact the Alliance

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Sorry but you are an idiot. Impact would be minimal.

Same to you Absolutely CLUELESS