We need to do something about bg queue times in TBC

Effect on que would most likely be minimal but it would make the population problem worse

Yep, yep… Because magically 99% of alliance would leave their characters and reroll horde, right? :slight_smile:

No Point in arguing with him he doesn’t understand a lot

No, because you can see the unbalance on ques already and thus would make it even worse

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I do not get you at all. What are you trying to say?

There is a problem with population caused by minmaxers, its effect can be seen on ques. By adding merc mode even more minmaxers would move to horde thus makingtge problem bigger

Oh, I was not talking about merc mode but horde vs horde bg’s (similar, but not the same thing).

Ah, that would have literally the same effect


If coded properly no as alliance would still have faster queues. Just one example would be, lets say that this “mode” kicks in only if you are in the queue for 10 minutes that way allies still have instant queues, but horde has more manageable queues.

There is best solution for this queue problem tho, free horde only faction transfers


You sure make a lot of sense for someone who keeps going on about how stupid everyone else is. Even this forum is flooded with people saying they’d be willing to faction change for queues. And acting like its a choice between friends and queues is ofc complete nonsense. Some people may not transfer (would be weird if everyone did). But pretending like nobody would make use of such a service if provided is just hilarious. We bask in the glory of your flawless logic :sun_with_face:

I really think the transfer is the only good solution to this

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You keep talking about if coding it correctly like you know what that is, don’t you think that Blizzard if found a way to code it better they wouldnt’ have done that by now?

He’s one of those who actually prefers this status as he can get on forums and flame constantly.

I know plenty of people that are willing to faction change to alliance (myself included) to get shorter queues as 45 minute queues are not manageable, not to mention how much of an advantage alliance will have starting in season 1 where they are fully decked out in honor gear while horde is not.

Getting honor gear was never hard, or it required remotely close to this amount of time, and arenas + honor gear is something that was supposed to level out the starting field for everyone as much as possible.

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Some of us here on the forums actually have real jobs you know and some are engineers/coders/designers etc (oh my, imagine that!). We are talking about super simple things here that any senior software engineers could do.

It’s not if they could do it, it’s if they want and if it makes sense from the shareholders perspective (probably doesn’t).

In the long run only thing they care is $$$, which by itself is not really a problem as that’s how companies are run, however there is a reason why WoW started losing subs after WOTLK (I said subs, not revenue tho!). Lvl58 boost, lack of taking fast actions against bots/exploits, not providing enough servers at start of Classic, not “emulating” progressive patches etc is a proof they do not care about player experience, TBC is just fast cash grab for shareholders for quarterly revenue reports.

I was avid Blizzard fan for years (since lost vikings and WC1 era), but defending them just for the sake of saying “They know better!” is nonsense. They do know better but they do not act properly and that’s how you end up with a MMO that’s not MMO game at all (retail WoW). I wouldn’t be surprised if by end of the TBC classic we get both PAID faction changes and retail tokens, lvl58 boost was just a test for that.

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The fact that you insult me with you having a “real” job while I don’t makes you look stupid, even if I agree with what you said regarding the issue with Blizzard.

You know that you can have a normal conversation with someone else and not try to insult them at the same time? I’m not stupid but you sounded like you knew exactly how to fix it, and maybe you do but the fact still remains that for what ever reason (most likely the one you mentioned above) they won’t do anything about it unless it hurts them a lot in their wallets.

The most simplest way I see a solution to this is that Blizzard let Horde change faction on certain servers to Alliance to try and balance this out a bit more and hopefully that will solve the problem a bit.

God people get insulted so easily nowdays. It was just statement, not intended to insult anyone. You asked “how do you know” and I replied that some of us have jobs, some are actually in this field as well and know how simple some things are to code for any senior software engineer, that’s all. If you find this insulting I really have no idea what to say to you.

I do agree that solution is super simple, for a start that is, free faction changes for horde but, not only on certain servers but on all. We are playing in one big battlegroup and hence all horde has this problem, not just horde on specific servers. Yes, on overpopulated alliance servers in order to keep population balanced it would make sense to make option for horde so they can transfer only to a different server, but that’s completely different story.

No, you said “some of us have real jobs” implying that I don’t have that as you replied it towards me.

I agree regarding what you said on how to try and fix this problem, but it means that a lot of Horde players must give up on their guilds, friends because not all will want to go to Alliance. But knowing Blizzard they won’t do anything about this, and just enjoy while it last.

If that’s how you see it so be it. That was not my intention at all.

There isn’t any harm done mate just choose your words more carefully next time as in that exact sentence you wrote with “real” in it, is literally only one way to read it and understand it as someone implies that I have a real job while you have a fake job or not so important job.

But again no worries just wanted to make my argument clear that’s all.

Take care!

"System is fine". Yes CLEARLY a multiplayer game with a queue of 2HOURS is well designed xD.
Why all the stupidest post are from ally ?
“Yes but you have better racial so it’s normal to wait 2hours for a battleground”.
I think my dog can propose better arguments.

Thousand of players pay every month to play this game. So the responsability of BLIZZARD is to propose a system which allow EVERY PLAYER to have an acces to the PVP and BATTLEGROUND. Actually I need to planify my next 3hours to expect maybe play ALTERAC. Nothing is normal in this situation and BLIZZARD need to fix it.

And please, all the blizzard fanboy keep your useless messages for your fanclub.