We need to do something about bg queue times in TBC

We need to do something about bg queue times in TBC

We can.
Everyone who doesn’t like long queue times, can reroll alliance.


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Roll alliance, get fast queues :slight_smile:


I am not sure if you are troll, but you know that the system is ok right? The problem is caused by better racials that brought all fotm players to horde thus caused the population unbalance, if you want fix make H->A transfers and maybe nerf horde racials, merc would only destroy this up even more


There is a solution you’re just hell bent on not doing it. Roll alliance or ask for free faction changes.


Your are the only troll bro. Like all the Ally in this discussion. You are just talking about someting you don’t know. Even if tomorrow racial are deleted from arena and battleground, the players want to keep their guild and friends. They will not reroll each character … use your brain 5 minutes.

And so players have to pay 30 dollars by characters to balance a stupid system ? Are you a blizzard employee ? I am sure you think it’s normal to pay 35$ for the duplication of your character in vanilla classic server xD.

Blizzard must do something now. And not just expect the sitution will be better in 15 months because “maybe” H will reroll A.
So the system must be modified.

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I would make the transition free. But now could you please tell me how is the system broken? Because as far as i can see zugs broke it in their quest of obtaining the bis racials

At this point horde has literally advamtage in everything but ques whuch wont matter in few months and you are crying so hard for the 1 thing that doesnt go your while not willing to even think about fixing others, pathetic

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I know that if you roll alliance instead of horde you won’t sit in 40 min queues. You know that too but still continue to play horde and then complain about it.

Merc mode is a disaster and will throttle the factions further. More servers will start looking like Flamelash as reasons to play alliance decrease further.

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Then even more people will roll to horde. I thought you want to force more people play alliance?

What? What do you mean? There is not even discussion about horde racials being broken

HAHA yes blizzard will propose a free transition xD. THE BEST JOKE OF THIS MONTH !
Seriously did you follow the last 10 years news about commercial practice of blizzard ?
Clearly the discussion can be closed now.

I am crying because I pay every month to a game but I can’t play to it.
If you think it’s normal your life is very hard and people will use you like a dog.

And if blizzard want to delete the racial I am absolutly agree with this proposal. But it’s clearly an other discussion. And this point NEVER JUSTIFY to wait 2 hours for a battleground.

Oh lol. Trust me, it not even close to real unbalanced experience I had on Elysium. Because horde had long, long, long queue, they were forced to farm in outdoor world also. In classic horde only attack alliance in fair situations (1v1, 2v2, and so on), you have a prety much easy life.

You think they need to buff horde? I mean we have pretty good balance right now, alliance a bit stronger, but who cares.

Yeah you are trolling, i wrote many times that i think that ques are problem but i dont agree woth your solution, nice troll
Also, as far as i can see there are FREE server transfers why is it so impossible for them to be faction zransfers?

Boost. They want you to make new account with another sub and to buy boost, which some people already made.

Same could be said about server transfers, but we have some for free

As I said my dog can propose better arguments … “if you don t want to wait 2hours so it’s normal to reroll all your char”.
Are you born like that or it’s an accident ?

Stupid troll … you are useless in this conversation.
Please leave. And clean your bedroom.

and how did you tie it

I dont see that big difference between these 2 services

You’re ignorant to the issues merc mode creates because it can only benefit you.