We need to do something about bg queue times in TBC

Difference is huge. They need to create an equivalence between : items / quests / reputation …
Server transition don’t need ANY modification.

BLIZZARD will NEVER propose a free faction modification.
They are actually asking for payment if you want to duplicate the exact same character to vanilla server. And you really think they will propose a free faction modification ?

The probability to live on a flat earth is clearly higher !


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I am sure the difference between thrallmar and honor hold isnt that big. And you are talking about 2 different things, 1 is qol service (duplicating) and the other is effort to balance part of the game (server transfers)

You are trying to be volountary stupid by summarizing the faction transition to “thrallmar” reputation. I am sure you can do better.
And I am talking about only 1 thing : Blizzard ALWAYS require a paiement for this kind of service especially if it means additional work for them. If you continue to denie this point you are :

  1. A blizzard employee
  2. A fanatic fanboy which refuse to accept the reality

Activision is known for plenty of scandal regarding commercial abuse. (Like the paiement for duplication on vanilla server …)
Please back in the real world.

You can continue to send answers beside the point. You are just pathetic right now.

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Yeah i am sure that if you use retail transfer then literally every tbc quest and rep bugs out here, sure
And why is it impossible when we literally have free transfers? Like you have proof thats its possible that it can be free

Why would any tryhard pvper roll ally then? For nice colours?

For better racials for some setups and classes for example

A semifix would be allowing people joining bg ques through UI, meaning remote bg que, like it was in wotlk, that way they could do something else in the game than waiting in a city. This literally just makes the game better for everyone, no reason to oppose this.


Yeah, rogue has better racial and maybe disc priest gnome war and thats it?

And yeah remote q isnt bad even thought i like it as it is

rogue has better racial and maybe disc priest gnome war and thats it?

You wanted to know a reason why would ‘any tryhard pvper roll ally’. Well, there you have it, you wanted one reason and you got three. Considering the fact that warriors, priests and rogues will probably be one of the most played classes in 2s 3s, it’s pretty huge.

Please, let’s stop making this about racials, yes, Horde has an advantage, but Alliance still has some better racials and the H advantage is not THAT big that it would justify the hour long ques. And if anything, racials play a role in arenas, not bgs. This is about farming honor and that’s done in BGs, not arena. Unfortunately you need the honor gear in arena.


Lets be real:))

Dwarf priest-ud priest!

U took the most op racials for priest! Especialy disc.

So stop beeing ignorant and false about racials when u go top dog:))


What is the link with retail ? Faction modification is not developed yet on tbc.

Why are you still talking again about server transfer ? Move forward.

On retail for a faction transition it’s 30dol.
It is the the only proof actually.
So : Free transition doesn’t exist and you have absolutly no argument to expect it in the future.

Use your brain 5 minutes before your next message. You are just repeating again and again the same incoherence. The goal is to find a solution not to read useless message with the same stupidity.

No argument to expect it? Wtf are you talking about? People are discussing the best way to fix an issue, and the answer is very clear. Faction change benefits the game overall and helps balance everything. Merc gives yet another advantage to the side with every advantage already, speeding up the process towards 1 pvp faction only.

If anything the fact blizz has done merc on retail means they now have the foresight to predict what consequences it will lead to. And the answer is very obvious.

A bunch of entitled brats on the forum crying for yet another gamebreaking advantage hopefully wont steer them in the wrong direction this time.


And the best way is to ask to H players if they are agree to pay 30dollars for each character to balance the situation ?
You need a therapist urgently.

Before post useless message like this take 10minutes to read all the conversation next time.

2hours of queue or payment for faction transition is 100times worst for the game than merc system or H vs H.

Worse for you*

Sure ! The half of the actual number of players which can’t play normally in battleground is only my problem xD.
All the H PVP players are disgusted of the situation.

You are born with someting inside your head. I am sure you can use it next time you will try to communicate with a human.

Please back to retail, or go speak to your cat, you are useless in this conversation.

It’s actually much more than that, since the horde population is so much higher than the alliance population

You’re the one wanting to add retail features to solve a TBC problem, not me

Maybe if you took 10 min to read through this thread and similar ones you’d see that people suggest free faction change for horde.

The queues arent even close to 2 hours. You have to wait 30-40 min to get into the first bg, and if you queue multiple bgs the others following will be faster. Its a small price to pay to have everything else in the game for free.

You need glasses urgently :eyeglasses:

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everything else for free? like what and even if the others get then faster after multiple queue its 1 time after you did them all once you get full wait again since just the Out of BG queue time counts. And 3 of the Options are nearly 90% vs Ally premades only i ask me how the so low populated alliance can create so much premade teams :slight_smile:

If you think undead priest loses to a dwarf priest then you got more issues than a long BG queue

Easy access to everything in the open world, being able to summon people to dungeons, spirit shards, halaa control, passive dmg bonuses in many zones, healthy economy+AH.

Im playing horde now in classic TBC, but I played alliance back in original TBC, and I can assure you the difference playing on the majority faction on your server is just absurd.


Again you are not able to read the 10 last messages. You are talking about an impossible free service. Grow up kid. Blizzard don’t propose free service, you are really gullible.
We need urgently to reduce the queue time. Not expect blizzard will start charity after 10 years of abusive commercial practice.

“40 mn queue It’s a small price to pay”. I don’t care if you don’t have a job and if you are connected to world of warcraft all day long. It’s not the case of normal people. I have waited 1h48 minutes for an alterac today and I gave up. So stop telling absurdity in this discussion and start to find a job. If you think everyone can take 2hours every day to MAYBE play 1or2 battleground you need to back in the real life very quickly.