We need to do something about bg queue times in TBC

Blizzard give free server transfer to address a very similar issue. So your reasoning in that regard is obviously completely worthless.

Any sane person would not queue AV specifically and stand idle for 2 hours. So if this is your way of doing things, then all your standpoints certainly make sense :slight_smile:

Perhaps you should try queue all 3 AND get some rep grinds done in the meantime. The possibilities are endless!

I’ve played all expansions, and in any state Horde was more popular. WOTLK with Human Racials wont change that, because the majority of the playerbase are casuals, not min/max players.

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Yeah when i tell you 1+1=2 twenty times its still truth and if you dont get it, unlucky
Not a good troll, but effort counts, see ya

Free Transfers wont change anything, because 99% wont leave their characters behind. Horde is more popular, it has always been. Unless Blizzard wont force players into alliance it will never be balanced, because people prefer Horde, even in WOTLK.

Exactly. Horde was always more popular for whatever strange reason, even in WOTLK when looked from the total player base perspective. Only difference was that absolute min maxers would sway to whichever side gives them even slightest advantage.

Tho there is one difference now, somehow a lot of playerbase is dead serious when they think that racials will carry them to some imaginary arena bracket limit and that might be the reason why disparity between faction population is so big now (PvP wise).

Yeah I’m not interested in guessing. TS mentioned numbers and I wanted to see them. If you have anything better then show it.

Okay, alliance players doesn’t do anything in game. Just complain on forums. Got it.

Provide some better numbers yourself if you can, oh, wait you can’t. You can only complain and give an bad attitude.

Merc would be cheaper for the players. I also don’t see the shop offer faction transfers, the only thing available is server ones.

But sure, if you want to throw money at blizzard, go ahead. Unless you expected someone else to do it.

I’ll ask the same of you as from the rest. Show some numbers of overall faction balance then. I provided one link, I haven’t seen any other. Not scrolling through the thread again.
Bg queues could be an indicator but too little to make any assumptions. Assumptions are bad.

I know how unbalanced servers are bad when it comes to wpvp, I play on Defias Brotherhood and have to share world with Argent Dawn plebs.

In fact, I already know all those other arguments and aren’t needed of any information of them.

Yet I see people happy to see this act as an punishment because something something happened in the past.

I believe you also managed to give me right here about the argument about factions being balanced but interests being different. Doubt that was your intention.

Well, we can see that number of raiders is the same
We can also see than numer of pvp players is way larger on horder than on ally
We know that ally tends to raid more
We know that horde tends to pvp more
Make your conclusions out of this

Yeah well I’m yet to find any other source.

So… yay go merc?

So basically you’re worried about giving free faction change because it could be imbalanced in alliance favour? LOL
Yes you’re clearly on to something :man_facepalming:

Yes, entitled brats are happy to see this as a punishment. People cause an issue and cant handle the consequences. Its very simple. There’s some ups and some downs. Its just like any alliance players on retail having to roll horde to do m+ or mythic raiding. If you want fast bg queues, reroll ally or pray that they give free faction change.

Yeah didnt catch it
Horde tends to do more pvp -> horde pvp overrpopulation
Ally tends to do more pve -> number of raiders is pretty much same (6% more horde)
See it now?

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Yes, hence why I said they are giving free server transfer to help with a very similar problem. Maybe if you found your glasses by now you’d be able to follow :wink:

I have played on both sides and experienced it from both points of view. I wish the queues were shorter, but I would never suggest a change that can only damage the game more. If blizzard deem that a fix is necessary, there is only option that makes any sense at all. We still dont know how the queues will end up being with more people at 70, so all the drama queens here need to take a chill pill and look at it from a bigger perspective.

Cool story but like my server is Majority alliance still i have big queue times so this is very bad to get used for Queue times as “oh your own fault”

Haha uh what? Obviously there must be a difference in player count horde v ally seeing how the raid logs are more or less equal yet the horde “can’t play the game” because of queues.
Last I checked, 95% of the complainers on this forum are horde players, and you seem to fit into that same category. The alliance players are not complaining, just basking in your (plural) unhappiness.

Ps. It’s still not too late to do something about the imbalance and get faster queues :slight_smile:

Strawman. You know nothing about what’s I’m worried about.

So these alliance players are entitled brats?
I’m not sure how entitled has anything to do with it since they seem more hurt about being camped in wpvp during classic… something I’m guessing mostly the sweaty pve nerds were responsible for (fast gear) back then.
Nevermind the death squads alliance had and that zerged me.
Something that still doesn’t have anything to do with one hour queues.

I rolled undead male because of the casting animation, rolling alliance defeats that purpose, so no, you have no solution to offer me.

Yes, I see it, I actually do. You want to argue that it shows that alliance is indeed underpopulated since you now assume that the argument of alliance being pve oriented was correct.
I don’t assume it’s correct, hence the question of other statistics, which I’m fairly certain know won’t happen. But for some reason you can’t admit it so instead you are pulling off an attitude instead. Whatever man.

Overall balance doesn’t necessary solve your issue of server balance by the way.

I on the other hand don’t want 1 hour long queues for a random bg. Especially when I don’t want to spam dungeons or raids in order to gear up. I stopped playing classic since I saw where that was going and I understood that bg’s would become unplayable at some point if I didn’t join in on the zerging of raids.
In tbc I’m just hoping I don’t have to see pve gear having the same impact, but I could be wrong.

Now, because of the long queues I suspect that more horde will head out in to the world to get their honour points that way. If possible play premades to guarantee the chance of getting marks.
Or… arenas might shorten the bg queues after a while since there will be less pressure on them.

Noggenfogger Elixir :slight_smile:

Maybe reroll now? UD casting animation and fast queues. win/win

I would rather see some actual numbers of servers instead of guessing.

I heard alliance have fast queues but lose most bg’s?
Sounds fun. I sure would like to get part of that. Guess you need these forums then to release some steam, hence the sodium.

I’d also love to see some factual numbers, not just a third party website guesstimating based on PvE logs. What’s your point?

Not aware of that problem. Life in a premade is pretty nice :slight_smile:

I didnt know you assumed that ally is not more pve oriented, sry
I might have overlooked it, what other statistics? Or what do i dont want to admit? Cant really see it from your text

  1. I think your brain is not able to understand something really simple so I will repeat it 50 times if needed : TRANSFERT SERVER IN ABSOLUTLY DIFFERENT WITH FACTION MODIFICATION ==> FACTION MODIFICATION WAS NEVER FREE ON RETAIL.

  2. All classic players encountered the exact same situation with long queue. Sorry but miracle doesn’t exist. Again you don’t provide anything in the discussion.

Your proposal is useless : “Just wait and farm during the 1hours before battleground”.
Go to flatearth…com forum. You will discuss with people with the same intellectual capacity than you.