We need to do something about bg queue times in TBC

No, you clearly rather sit and guess, hence these pointless contributions.

Not the same. Weird that I have to tell you this, but… sure.

Can’t be that successful when you need these forums to vent.

Doesn’t matter. There’s clearly no other data.

Better keep it a secret then!

The faction imbalance on retail is blizzards fault. Its not about people choosing the easy side and pretending like they get punished for it. Its about blizzard not implementing any counter-measures for pve faction migration dating back to method in wotlk and 0 racial balance concerns until 10 years later, at which point the snowball was too big.

Entitled as in choosing horde and enjoying all the benefits that comes with it, yet pretending like they’re entitled to fast queues when their actions caused the issue in the first place.

As for providing population stats your point is completely invalid. Balance on pvp realms greatly impact the gameplay, on pve realms it doesnt. The only metric we need is wpvp and bg queues, which tell a very clear tale so far. I also dont think its a coincidence that the vast majority of the pvp servers in wows history, both “retail” and private servers, have been horde majority.

So your point is that its a better solution, but since blizzard hasnt done it before, we shouldnt suggest it? Yes, please keep talking, great oracle of wisdom and logic

How are my guesstimates worse than yours? Warcraftlogs are not factual when it comes to actual server numbers and you know that.

Need something to do while I idle on Draenei Ruins while we cap 18 flags each bg :slight_smile:

He is just trolling, ignore him

The goal is to suggest something which is POSSIBLE. Not stupidity like “If alien capture 50% of the H players maybe the queue will be faster”. And I think this scenario is more possible than FREE FACTION MODIFICATION.
Again, 50% of the actual pvp players can’t play to the game normally. So start to search a job during the 1h00 of the queue if you are happy with that and leave the other one to propose idea which can be really applied.

And why is it not possible? Oh yes, because they havent done it before…

Why can they give free server transfer and not faction change?

Read previous post. It’s impossible to have a discussion with people like you. It’s more simple to explain to a monkey how works an engine.

Bro seriously you are lost.
Take 2 hours and read all the previous commercial practice from acti/blizzard.

Santa Claus doesn’t exist bro, you need to accept the reality.
You are a big boy now, you are able to don’t repeat the same thing in each message.
Move forward.

And you havent said anything else but “they cant cos they havent done it before”. Not much of an argument, considering they’ve given free server transfers on many occasions. We’re both repeating ourselves, you just dont have an actual explanation. You keep referring to your earlier posts which state nothing sensible whatsoever.

You didn t read any post. History of blizzard and their actual commercial practice is a real proof. On your side as planed you post the same useless answer and again in 5 minutes. And again to the other people in this discussion. Like a stupid troll.

Lets pretend for 1 second you are not trolling. Try to acknowledge the are free server transfers ok? Trans enough proof that there can be free race transfers, i know you are trolling so, hf

Pretty sure Ive read all of your posts. And the only thing you’ve said over and over and over is that they wont add faction change cos they havent before. You obviously dont have a proper answer as to why they cant, and seem to agree that its a better solution. Its all good

LOL you’re either absurdly out of touch or trolling.

Most of the people on my friends list who considered TBC have already abandoned it to go back to retail, more will follow once the reality of the queue times set in, then Noobangel and other classic no changes andys will be left to face multi-glads and boosters in the arena when all the casuals who can’t sit around for 45 mins between each BG are gone.

Enjoy retail :slight_smile: How long has it been now? Seven months with the same content? One raid, one PvP season. Sounds like fun

Yeah it’s great being able to enter a BG within 3-5 minutes queue as Horde or Alliance instead of waiting 1 hour to face up against a premade doing a toxic 0 base flag farming strategy in EOTS.

Oh yikes. Just saw you’ve been spewing the same toxic trash over all the topics on this forum. Time for you to go to bed and try again tomorrow :kissing_heart:

No changes.

Are you not capable to read a full sentence & context? guess not :wink:

Clearly u have no high pvp exp.

Disc dwarf is the best in tbc.

Ur more tankier, ir the best vs rogues-warriors.

U get chastice.

Ask some rank 1 players, watch some skillcap, than reply as ignorant as i stated u are.

Nontheless, have fun in tbc.