We need to do something about bg queue times in TBC

Don’t worry, once we get to Wotlk suddenly Alliance will have 5-10min queue times while Horde will be instant because of everyone rerolling Human for that sweet double trinket.

Then the same players crying on these forums will pick up their pen and start crying once again, demanding a mercenary mode with ally v ally in bgs :rofl:

Just let horde fight against horde. 30 minute queues will 100% ruin bgs for the majority of the playerbase and it needs a fix. Stop with the no changes bs and start changing things that should be changed.


5-10min queue times are good lol. We are talking about 30min queue time here for Horde side.

you can go alliance and enjoy instant queues while also helping to fix the problem rather than make it worse.


ah yes it’d be so much worse like that :clown_face:

well you are the one complaining. there is an easy solution :clown_face:

yes the easy solution is what I posted above

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Only? Maybe you are playing the wrong game.
It also affects everyone, if you remove RPG aspects, not only those that “do it”.

Blizzard tried to hyperbalance and homogenise the game for many years and what has it become? Still not perfectly balanced but also boring as hell. Thats why people that like the RPG Aspects went back to Classic / TBC / WotLK.
Now there are people like you requesting the exact same things again, like you learned nothing from the past.
If you don’t like the RPG Aspects, dont play TBC. Play Retail, it is catered for you. Everyone has got their mobility spell, interrupt, defensive cd, offensive cd.


Making horde fight horde in any of BG just doesn’t make sense. They are pretty much built for Alliance and Horde conflict.

Who cares if it makes sense as long as it fixes a major problem? There’s nothing negative coming with it and you fight your own faction in arena as well so why not?

I suggest you leave WoW and play a MOBA. You have fast queues and not worry about any annoying things like leveling, farming, guilds, communities, faction conflict, gear imbalance

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Cringe. Imagine defending 30 minute queues. You are insane.

and its already happening again. lv 58 boosts, p2w mount.

and even the community itself, just look in lfg or world chat its just 24/7 boost advertisment. or all the bg premades farming 12 hours a day.
people just want to skip 70% of the game and rush to endgame. they dont want a real classic experience, meeting cool people and helping each other with quests and dungeons.

its just retail with less mechanics at this point.

Arena is different matter. That’s just random people fighting for glory since they are not faction specific. Blizzard could in future make neutral faction BGs where you have choise wich side you support. As with TBC solution is simple join Alliance.

I like RPG, I just don’t see how someone quitting the game or transferring off a server breaks the RPG immersion!

Addressing issues that came about as a result of faction imbalance by making faction imbalance irrelevant (mercenary mode or same faction BGs doesn’t really matter which) seems like a horrible solution and a great way to send the factions to the exact point they are right now in retail.

You don’t even see it. I’m not defending 30min queues. I’m against your solution to those queues.

“Horde vs Horde” or “mercenary mode” will lead to an even heavier imbalance, because almost no one will stay alliance because even the bonus of having fast queues is gone. It solves a problem to create an even bigger problem.

You (PvP Players that care about min-maxing racials) are fully responsible for this imbalance and i bet a lot of you would prefer alliance and only play horde for the racials. And also, 90% of those horde min-maxers don’t even reach above 2k rating, so why are you even bothering? It is such a minor thing, it doesnt even matter

Wanna fix the imbalance? Play Alliance - done.


Fkinf horde vs horde wintraders.

You people are embarassing. I play horde because I’ve always played horde. To think that every horde player plays horde because of min maxing is delusional.

Yeah sure let’s just roll alliance, leave my guild, my friends and everyone I met behind because people like you refuse to accept a solution to an actual problem that requires practically no effort to fix :clown_face: