We want Plunderstorm

People rushed the Plunderstorm farm without stopping for 2-3 days on row, got burnt out and now complaining that they did not like it.

I personally loved it, and I hope they introduce it once again with different maps.

No you are not understanding. The reason I did it in two days because I hated the game mode and wanted it out of the way as soon as possible. Most people I know who rushed through did it for the same reason.

I wasn’t burnt out. I wanted something that was making me miserable over and done with as quick as possible.

You can enjoy a mode and spread it out as long as possible but I didn’t want to have to go back. So I did the renown grind and never touched the mode again. Not because of burnout. Because it was literally a game mode that was the most unfun concept for someone like me.

So don’t dismiss people’s reasons for doing it differently to you. You can like it but still appreciate that others did not.


Another Plunderstorm? Sure, I can see that. Even without FOMO rewards it can easily exist as a little side activity for PvP - which it is.
It just needs to sustain 40 players to be able to run itself, and there are definitely 40 players out there who would like to play Plunderstorm for the fun of it.

Remix seems more dubious.
It needs thousands to have enough players around to form groups and have a functional queue system.
It’s also a lot more time-consuming. Plunderstorm can be enjoyed per battle, but Remix is really a long progression playthrough. Blizzard can present that to players today because Retail Season 4 is crap, but is that going to be the case in the future? Is there going to be a 90 day downtime period again? Do we even hope for that?!

Remix is busy all the time, groups are up for everything. So I’m not seeing this lack of engagement issue.

I am not aware of issues with Plunderstorm, I did here there was lul at one point making the queue a bit longer but I don’t think it was significant.

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But I did not mean only you. There were people who got the maximum reown in a day.

What I am saying is, majority got burnt out trying to max the reown in a matter of 72 hours.

People became addicted to getting everything done fast, and it is a general issue, and it is not only Plunderstorm, it applies to M+, Remix and etc.

I did Remix, people are wiping out the whole dungeon in 3-5 mins, you do not even understand what is happening. I enter to raid, in 1 min boss is down, and if the boss is not down within 1 min, they just leave. I do not even know what is happening. I got my tusks, and I will never again log in to that hell.

I think it’s a lame excuse to label others whose opinions people don’t agree with as addicted. We see it time and time again.

It’s not that someone enjoys playing, oh no you’re addicted. It’s not that someone didn’t like a game mode, oh no you are an addict that burnt out. Etc.

People liked and disliked the mode for legitimate reasons. Not every game mode is going to appeal to all players.

Some love remix some hate remix, some loved plunder, some hated it. There will be a whole bunch of people who are indifferent and just played either a little or not at all.

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Lame or not, that is the truth.

Look at M+ for example, first 2 weeks you get filled with people, after 2 weeks have fun being a dps and forming a group. (Unless you have friends/guildies ofc)

Sure, Remix is definitely popular. As I said in my initial post, then player activity and engagement is high and it’s definitely a success for Blizzard. Ergo why they might want to do more of it in the future.

But a lot of it also has to do with the timing of it.
It’s popular because Retail is boring right now, so of course everyone plays Remix instead.

The World Soul Saga will reportedly have content come out faster and new expansions will release sooner. So what timing will there be to squeeze a 90 day Remix mode into a Retail experience that will presumably have little downtime in the first place?

And if Blizzard can squeeze a 90 day Remix mode in somewhere, isn’t that indicative of the fact that there is a downtime period and perhaps another boring Fated Season? And should we even hope for that?

It isn’t true. That’s the whole point.

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That is your opinion and I respect it.

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They did ask for feedback on how people feel about Season 4, I can’t remember where I saw it but I did start a topic in GD at the time.

I am no fan of S4 but that’s no secret. I was a little concerned with their timing for dropping Remix but I just dropped Cata Classic instead. It wasn’t all that fun to play anyway.

Personally I would rather see more Plunder and Remix than another S4. But I imagine people feel very mixed about that. Especially people who don’t like either of those as an alternative.

I think we just have very different views on that one :slight_smile:

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I think we only get another Plunderstorm and Remix if we also get another Season 4.

Like, you could never imagine Blizzard dropping another Remix on the day that The War Within releases, because why would they? Everyone’s going to be playing The War Within!

The only time Blizzard would have a good reason to release another Remix or Plunderstorm is when Retail is slumping and dropping to a low point.

But ideally that shouldn’t happen, and perhaps we also shouldn’t wish for it.
After all, we’re ultimately here to play Retail, so we should wish for Retail to always be compelling and engaging and filled with new content. Not for it to be so boring that Blizzard has an opportunity to do another “experiment”.

Before SL we never had S4 so I think there is space for it without S4. Time will tell.

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I don’t think Blizzard has an incentive to offer a horn of plenty, i.e solid content patches for Retail AND new Plunderstorm and Remix modes and other “experiments” on top of that.
It’ll be one or the other, not both.
But yeah, we’ll see.

The War Within should have been out now if it werent not Plunderstorm and Remix MoP!

Remix is definitely WoW. You have a WoW character with WoW abilities from a WoW class(es) and are in a WoW zone.

Plundestorm has only WoW race models and nothing else.


Burn out had nothing to with why I didn’t like it.
The reasons were:

  • I couldn’t play my main (or even my preferred class/spec).
  • It was PvP.
  • It was a Battle Royal mode specifically (which I hate).
  • I don’t like the type of combat they were using.
  • My expectations were shattered; never in my dreams had I thought they’d dump a PvP only event on us like that. And they had been overselling the event for months!

And to be clear: People were complaining about it from the start of the event. Not only now.

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I thought that we/they was for Us only but now is in Europe as well
Would be nice in a post to say** I want rather than we want ** :slight_smile:

"Plunderstorm is definitely WoW. You have a WoW character with WoW abilities that Npc and players used just with action combat targeting just because some of them are new doesn’t mean when blizz adds new abillities and talents into the game it “isn’t wow”, And you are in WoW zone “Arathi Highlands” which was used in warfronts so it also wasn’t wow in your “Logic”.

Remix has only pandaria and dungeon/raid spamming with wow characters and nothing else. Btw you have in pandaria also “New Abilities/passives/whole new gearing system with socketed abilities and passive effects/Close to infinite stat gain diablo 4 like hack and slash gameplay of one shooting bosses” So its also not wow by your “Logic” it works both ways smart guy.

BTW having any Locked mode content in wow universe locked into doing only 1 content(Dung/raid spamming) while missing rest of WoW is considered “Not MMORPG” aka “Not WoW”, its in a separate screen mode for a reason.