We want Plunderstorm

Plunderstorm was excellent! I liked the retail rewards and would welcome the pvp counting towards honor level as well.

Not sure what zone I’d pick next, maybe Silithus?


I’ve already explained that. Let me try with a more common example. I’m quite convinced the vast majority of humanity is not interested in golf and doesn’t like it. Should golf be abandoned because of that? No. Does that mean companies don’t make a profit on golf? No.

Thank you for your answer, though. The more replies, the more attention we bring to resurrecting Plunderstorm :).


You know… your explanation makes no sense.

I think blizz saw everything they needed to already in relation to popularity and well the lack there of, not to mention this is the EU forums, Maybe one day after I have won the euro millions at least 70 times back to back, and hell has frozen over at least some 1700 times might blizzard actually look at and actually give a flying cahoot about what the EU forums are calling out for.

In your example your using a company to caters to all sports as an example, versus a new game mode within an MMORPG …
A more realistic example would have been to have golfers now be required to complete a whole raft of mini golf courses in order to affect their handicap rating in a full 18 hole course.

I am all for plunderflop being made it’s own complete stand alone game that has 0 impact or bearing on WoW in terms of rewards, cosmetics, toys, pets, mounts, titles, rep etc.
But to have it as part of wow and give all of the above for participation in a genre that way more people dislike than those that did like is a whole other matter.

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Care to also link all the hate threads that Plunderstorm received when it went live?
I think you’ll find WAY more of those. :sweat_smile:

Anyway: I don’t mind Plunderstorm coming back. As long as the devs have learned from their first attempt and implement appropriate changes.

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Im sure they will bring it back in some way or form if it was popular. Personally i only played a few rounds to see what it was like, it wasnt for me so didnt touch it after that. If they bring it back they should just make it its own gamemode that you launch from the launcher, not something within wow.

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Blizzard saw everything they needed to see and stated that Plunderstorm was a great success, both in popularity and positive feedback. I’m afraid you’re in a filter bubble if you think Plunderstorm lacked interest or positive feedback.


Well business 101 is to always say things were a resounding success unless it literally crashed and exploded and went up in flames.

Blizz have said so many times things were a success to later say ok we got it wrong.
But I also believe blizz are under no illusion that having it tied to wow got them a lot, insane amount, of kickback too.

No doubt plunderstorm would have its following. But the proof, they say, is in the pudding. Release it as a stand alone game with 0 ties to wow other than character models and zones etc. No Titles, mounts, pets, cosmetics, achieves. Nothing. Simply 100% contained in itself, and lets see how long it survives for.


I didn’t get to try it but if people found it fun why not

You can have it as long as it is completely separate game that has no rewards for World Of Warcraft.

It was not WoW and I loath that I was “forced” to play it to get the rewards.


I hated Plunderstorm
I think next event should be a choice between PvE and PvP.
Equal rewards.
Let ppl do what they like

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That would be awesome.

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Remix is also not WoW its a locked zone Dungeon crawler co op mode with Diablo 4 close to infinite power ups.
No one forced no one to play Plunderstorm and also Remix its all pure cosmetic rewards its same as saying blizz force you to do pet battles because there is a new pet from it.
was you forced to play heathstone for its mount rewards?
was you forced to play wow wotlk classic for frost proto drake mount for retail?
was you forced to play Hots to get mount for wow?
was you forced to watch twitch streamer to get wow mount?
no you wasn’t , its called self control or you just wanted the reward so you did (The farm) as simple as it is.

Close to no one plays remix siriusly btw… people only log for 15-20m to do dailies for bronze buy the mounts/mog and log off to retail/cata/sod.


Some people are addicts collectors, they are forcing themselves :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

So whenever those people moan about being forced to do anything in wow. Be it AP, honor, pets, mounts whatever the only reply is;


I don’t.


I think they didn’t manage expectations very well. Many thought they were getting a Retail patch with content in game they would be doing with their characters. This meant many were disappointed to find it was a standalone system they couldn’t do with their familiar classes. It was a pvp mode with abilities you picked up along the way, battle royale with 40 renown levels, many of which gave us cosmetics in Retail.

I’m not sure how they can reliably gauge interest when many went and endured for 40 levels then never went back. Some ignored it until later beneffiting from a faster grind through the levels.

No doubt there are people who found it fun and had a blast. We may see the mode return in the future possibly a differnet location or simply a different theme. However I would be very surprised to see rhis happen any time soon. Remix is still going, prepatch is coming and then the new expansion.

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The best way would be to ignore any and all participants from renown 1-40 and only look at those that hit 40 and carried on playing and participating after they hit that magic mark as those are the ones that truly liked it the rest could be anything.

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The cynic in me thinks they’ll count it all regardless.

Even people like me who clearly just played for the first two days, hit renown 40 and never went back :dracthyr_hehe_animated: But then I also think they know exactly what they are doing putting rewards like that in.

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Off course they will, because we all know the result if they don’t. I’m in the same boat as you.

But I hope they think carefully before introducing it again with rewards. Because with the number of gaff’s they have made of the years, their player base is starting to wear really thin I fear.


Seems a double-edged sword to me.

Plunderstorm and Remix have both been popular and successful to Blizzard. They’ve activated a lot of players and driven high engagement.

But it’s largely been because of the fact that the rewards are hooked to Retail and the availability of them is time limited. FOMO as some would say.

And players have criticized them for that, because they’ve felt pressured to grind for the rewards.

So whilst Blizzard will surely want to do more “experiments”, then they must also know that the popularity of their “experiments” comes from the rewards being hooked to Retail.
And they must also know that if they hook future rewards to Retail, then players get angry.

Will they do it anyway? I guess time will tell.

I enjoyed Remix. I would love to see them do another expansion for another remix, being able to buy up all the existing missing mogs and ofc grabbing the odd special.

So I can understand that others who did enjoy Plunderstorm would like to do the same in another setting or with another theme.

I think the only mistake the OP made was trying to claim we because you instantly just get everyone who dislikes it replying. But maybe that was the intent and it was just bait. Who knows. It’s mostly best to speak for yourself on the forums.

Both have definitely received criticism and praise and we’ll see if we get more of either in the future. I’m on my fourth remix char when I swore I’d only do one :rofl:

I still like that they are experimenting.