What about clones?

It does feel a bit like that, but this is what they said:

Many of us are still waiting on them to deliver this, and fresh is not a solution to population issues on existing era realms.

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Hehe, they lied again and wonā€™t do anything about it unless thereā€™s more money to steal from their naive customers.

Classic era would have been vastly more popular if we could have played our characters on both classic and tbc without paying extra

Shills love to give the excuse that it costs server space to host these characters (that, sure, may go unplayed) but do they forget that Blizzard is a BILLION dollar company not some small games studio

Blizzard made enough money over classic with subs (they might say it was free because we actually pay for retail but donā€™t believe it, a lot of people wouldnā€™t sub without classic) plus donā€™t forget realm transfers over 2 years with very little in the way of customer support

The fact they were originally going to charge double the current price for the clone shows you the extent of their greed

If they made the character copy free and merged all realms into 1 of each type classic era wouldnā€™t be in the state it is today


People keep repeating this but one of each type is not good enough. Iā€™ve been saying since before tbc launch that the pve horde population would not be large enough to be viable and thatā€™s turned out to be true. We need a single server we are all able to transfer to for free.

True, one can only speculate until a blue informs us. Based on previous choices done by blizzard, I personally doubt anything else than a few new fresh servers identical to what we had.

Small job and potentially huge profits.

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If people really wanted to play era, 15ā‚¬ cant really be an obstacle. People pay 50ā‚¬+ for the new games they never seen and you are telling 15ā‚¬ is too much for the game they love?

Think it is time for some to accept that players just dont want era WoW anymore. It is consumed and thats it.

Well for many of us itā€™s not 15ā‚¬ times 1 but 15ā‚¬ times many, and I at least have not got that kind of money for a computer game. If clones were free, Iā€™d play much more. Not much more Classic Era or much more TBCC, but more of both, because I had to start over with many of my alts, and thatā€™s putting me off.

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Hordies have mainly migrated to TBCC, yes thatā€™s true. But making one server only would either make PvEā€™ers happy, or PvPā€™ers happy and no way would you make the RPers happy, so you would end up with many either only playing TBCC or stopping altogether.
3 Era servers are a must.

you want free gear on fresh server ??? lmaoā€¦

The current approach makes nobody happy since thereā€™s not enough population to raid. If not merges, then at least allow free transfers including between pve and pvp. This will probably result in one pvp server for horde and one pve server for alliance, which is worse for everybody than a single pve server, but better than the current system.

Itā€™s nothing to do with the money, many people could afford to but why should we pay extra to play our own characters on both era and tbc

Multi billion dollar company couldnā€™t throw us one bone in good faith and would rather have dead museum servers as a result

The state of era has no reflection on fresh, whilst it wonā€™t be as many as 2019 a lot of people do want to play vanilla only but not one thatā€™s progressed

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If it has nothing to do with money, why were you keep mentioning money and playing for free?
Blizzard is not welfare company nor private server holders, they exist for making money.

Do you really have to play all your alts? Pick one or two and goā€¦
I really think Blizzard was generous enough with allowing for Classic era to even exist beside tbcc. And it exists for pretty low one-time fee.
And if any player wishes, he can play all three versions of the game for single subscription fee. If that is not generous, I dont know what is, how could anyone ask for even more.

Thatā€™s the way I play, thatā€™s how I have fun so Yes I have to!.

  • I only began playing Classic because Blizz promised the Era servers would stay forever - like a museum piece.
  • Iā€™d gladly pay my sub for Classic alone, as thatā€™s actually what I do. I made this account for Classic, levelede one toon to 10, to get access to Forums and havenā€™t touched him (or Retail) since. TBCC is an extra for me :wink:
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You surely must be on Blizzards pay roll to write stuff like this


Did I lie about anything?

Itā€™s nothing to do with money because itā€™s a matter of principle to most non-Blizzard shills, you might like getting milked for every cent but most of us could see that charging players to play their characters on both era and tbc was just a greedy move

Short term profits over the long term health of the game is why the company will continue to decline


Milked? They are providing a game and server, we are paying.
Simple service delivered-payment business, works in whole world.
If feeling milked, why are you still here?

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Lie no, biased yes.

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Your problem is, that thereā€™s not enough Horde in Classic Era to raid, Allyside thereā€™s raiding happening on the PvE cluster. Horde - who obviously love PvP more than Ally - went to TBCC in bigger numbers.
At any given time level 60 Alliance players outnumber Horde on a 2:1 ratio and more on all realms together, itā€™s worse on PvE and better on PvP.
You canā€™t help that by merging servers - especially not by making one PvE server, which the Horde - being more PvP inclined, would not like to play on.
For test of my theory (which this admittedly is, as Iā€™ve only checked the numbers once every 2-3 days with the in-game /who) try doing BGā€™s. They are for all realms already.