What are you suggestions for nerfing rogue/mage?

Rage and CP can in no way be compared. Warriors have no equivalent of energy they can use on abilities before they have Rage. All their abilities costs Rage, only the special abilities of rogues costs CP.

Let them keep that QoL change in exchange for their utility. They got a load of utility to compensate for CP being as they were. Then CP got their QoL change and they kept all their utility, which made their utility skills sky rocket in efficiency.

Having both the QoL change and their insane utility is bad design and making them have both is making them massively unbalanced in PvP since they were originally compensated for their weakness and then their weakness was removed and they kept the compensation.

It’s just like with hunters. They were compensated because dead zone kiting was a thing. Then their dead zone was removed and they kept the compensation. Which is just as ludicrous.

So similar to stance dancing too then. Also theyll never revert that cos of pve

Nerf Fire only spells and some frost ones, Arcane is already garbage, if they nerf any general mage spell, then that spec can be deleted, almost no1 plays it now, no1 will after said nerfs will come.
As for rogue… isnt it booring that every single expac since this game launched rogue has been so good at every aspect of the game on diferent specs also, most classes pray to RNGEEZUS for atleast 1 spec to be decent…

Wasn’t the original idea that kidney shot cost combo points, so gimped rogues’ damage? But now so much DPS is passive and they have ways to regain the CPs, it doesn’t even matter. Let em choose between damage and stun. Stuff like blind is fine. Imo shimmer kick/poly is obnoxious af and should go as it has little counterplay.

This is in no way similar to stance dancing. Stance dancing at best gave a small adbantage. Rogues having their CP be personal instead of on their target was a huge change and improvement for the class as it allowed for them to use a load of their abilities on a different target without losing any efficiency.

It was a huge change. But its still removing a restriction like how you couldnt pummel whenever you wanted to

Its simple af - nerf their 1500 CC-s.

Having your Pummel use restricted means overall less than being able to switch to a second target, blind it and go back to the first as if nothing had happened. Or being able to change targets and use a finisher on it right away. The name “finisher” means a lot less when you can effectively open with it, Blizzard should rename it to something more fitting, like “use whenever you like” abilities though that flows less off the tongue.

They can - your rage based damage rotation is just more easy - you get rage passively by hitting (and still by getting damage?! dunno tbh) and just use it for your styles like MS etc.

Energy+CP/Chi are just like a two splitted ressource type, but in every way like your rage - only because he has to use ressource A before he can use ressource B, doesn’t change the mechanic at all.

True, but that makes warrior ressource management a lot easier, doesn’t it? :slight_smile: Anyways, it’s doesn’t change my previous post - only because it’s a 2-ressource-mechanic instead of just using one ressource, they shouldn’t be punished for it.

  1. remove shadow step from assa
  2. make kidney 1s less stun duration
  3. remove vial
  4. remove second ice block or increase the debuff at least to 2mins…
  5. remove the free out of jail card vanish duration. if you vanish in my aoe you should get popped out immediately like it was before…

rogue mage was always obnoxious to play against. In wotlk i already died in the opener in a smoke bomb to rogue make and their ability to reset fights is just too stupid.
But if pruning is not an option, you will never remove the toxicity of that combo unless you make their dmg 0 but that is obviously also not an option.

rogue have too much stuns on low cds paired with high dmg
mage has too much spamable ccs and def paired with high burst

sheep nowadays is just stupid but unfortunately an iconic mage ability

  1. nerf toxic blade (buff exsang)
  2. put blind on same dr as sheep.
  3. remove gp
  4. buff fireball damage
  5. change feinte talent to reduce single target dmg by 20 instead of 30 in pvp.

Less insane cc synergy
Less powerfull 20s go on tb+ kidney
Less mongo gp
Slightly less survivability for rogue (needs to be carefull touching this as rogue is squishy as hell already.

In exchange for:
Possibility of a less sustain more burst build for rogue (every 40s go on exsang instead of 20 on tb)
More constant dmg from mage (fireball)

Doesn’t solve anything as it’ll open the same issue as the current one with Blind and Fear or Blind and Cyclone or Blind and Psychic Scream. This is just putting the issue elsewhere. With ypur suggestion Bash into triple clone, if trinketed, would come at the price of a full blind into 2 resaps. Horrible idea and not a nerf to RMD whatsoever. Also it would make Assa/Destro/Rdruid horrible to play against just like RMD is right now.

Good changes everyone has been praying for but the comp that dominates everyone right now and is a pain is Assa Frost RestoDruid. Not something Fire Mage based. Fire RMPala is great too, but it’s RMD that destroys everything right now. Changes to Fire Mages wouldn’t solve that.

Stupid idea. Step being the only form of mobility Rogues have removing it would make assa a spec that cannot move AT ALL when slowed, unless they pick a honor talent allowing them to sprint for 4s every minute when slowed, and nothing else. Rets, before the buff the freedom honor talent, had only steed + freedom, on a cd lower than sprint, and everyone agreed to say they couldn’t move but somehow it was half okay because when they did connect they threw 85k Verdicts. Your suggestion would make assa move twice as less as rets used to. Without the same connection damage. Horrible idea.

Think better, it means you can never ever reach a druid on your own since he can leap/sprint on your sprint, you can never reach a paladin on your own since he can freedom steed your 4s slow immue sprint, you can never catch a monk or dh that don’t want to… Examples right but your design would make it possible, for some classes, to NEVER be reached in melee by an Assa. How is that even a good idea…

Remember that we got that window at the cost of the immune mechanic vanish had, similar to meld. Regaining that immunity trick at the cost of the safety window would be okay to most rogues who knew how to use it and I guess people would be mad about rogues being able to immune key spells. No ?

This should never even be considered for any class and spec, everyone wants their spells back. Suggesting to remove even more makes dev think it’s a good idea and that’s how everyone loses stuff.

Just because two things look similar they can still be vastly different. Rage and CP are two such things. If Rage and CP vanished Rogues would still be able to work, albeit with vastly lowered potential, while Warriors other than Fury, which would somewhat decently, would be utterly screwed.

There are many things like that where we only see the immediate similarity and think they’re the same.

And if we were comparing mana with rage, I would agree, but energy+combo/chi is pretty similiar to the single method rage.

A Rogue without Energy and CP doesn’t do anything as well, even when Energy regs passively, you still get a ton of rage if played correctly.

So ya, maybe a rogue has a slight advantage, since he comes with a full energy bar in the beginning, but since it’s regainingrate is limited and you gain faster rage than those classes gain energy, it’s fine. Still pretty much the same, even if you want old days mechanic back.

Oh, my bad, excuse that.

And ofc the Damage should be 60% of max. HP, like the greater Heal


Legion has brought sh.it to us :frowning:

Imo what makes Rogue+Mage so strong is rogue stuns. I feel like they have their stun ready all the time, because of that mage has an easy life casting cc and bursting damage.

What makes them strong is the fact they were barely effected by pruning


They don’t even need stuns for that. Perks of having cc on several schools in case a ranged kick finds its mark, and shimmer to avoid melee kicks.

I don’t remember a single expansion where mage did not have a top tier spec. Mage is pretty much made for PVP. It has always been op, and always will be. So I don’t get why the complaining now. Nothing has changed Mage/rogue has been a go to comp for as long as I can remember. I do remember a time where rogue sucked hard but it was brief, other than that rogue has also always been a go to PVP spec because of its amazing utility. And it has been the best 1v1 class for as long as I can remember.

What I’m saying is nothing has changed for years, why complain now? Do you remember deep freeze? Deep freeze was stronger than Gpy, combustion burst, shimmer, klepto and temp shield combined. So just thank god that you don’t have to deal with that anymore.

I do admit that Gpie is kinda broken. If you think mage/rogue is so strong, go play it then, see how you do.

Only thing that I see that can lower popularity of mage/rogue is warlocks. If affly returns strong it would definitely hurt mage/rogue but not as much as you think, there will be a slight decrease in the amount of M/R and that’s it. I’m not sure if we are talking 2s or 3s here but I speak for both anyway.