What are you suggestions for nerfing rogue/mage?

Best joke so far

Like? There are barely any since RM is retardely op and retardfriendly.
You can make whatever mistakes you want and still not die because of how overturned these 2 classes defensively. They used to be glass cannon yet they are more like a fcking tank.

The higher skullcap of yours still make me laugh. How exactly do they have higher skillcap ?
Maybe sub has but assa is pretty much brain-dead and Same for every mage specc
Just because you play it it doesn’t require more skill. In fact they are some abomination which takes literally close to nothing to play them

Lol every class takes something to play it. You should jump off your high horse. There’s a reason jaime did so badly playing mage in the tourny

well since my spec never had much mobility except garbage wolf, I did enjoy it till legion actually. Then they replaced mana with maelstrom yay

While my mobility was always trash, I still reached the enemy. It was at time were we didnt have 70% slows bs like that.
But often I do see assa rogues use their step to kidney the healer and not really use it to stay on their target, it your logic is a little flawed if you say you need it to stay on target.
Also rogues have more then enough tools to deal with.

currently rogue is just a one man show which has too many things in comparison to other classes. obviously it would be nice if they add more to others, but we all know that well never happen again since they prefer a 3 button game

rmp always was and will be the pinnacle of skill
every rmp player

I guess it helps to have your best melee ability become ranged when you’re bursting eh. Ne need to really reach the guy at that time. Plus, I was under the very, very strong impression that Enha had a kind of charge spell or talent these days ? Isn’t that mobility ? Also back in Legion when Enha doomwinds or whatever was so good you could burst down anyone in a very, very short timeframe no matter the target, it’s not like you REQUIRED to reach a mw or a rdruid, while a rogue who doesn’t at least pressure or cc such a healer and lets him totally freecast, say, on a dk, won’t kill said dk.

Can you not read ? I said

If you’re on target, you’re on target. I never said you used it to stay on target, I said to reach. They need to use their own mobility to try and create distance. That’s fine. Step is about reaching people. Say you’re rogue without step against a team with a frost mage and a rdruid, you’re on the mage and he blinks. He can keep ypu slowed by 65% with 100% uptime and root ypu of he needs to. Druid will cleanse your slows on mage, which are less potents that Mage slows anyways, and Druid will shapeshift your slows. So in that situation without step what can you do ? Walk and tank damage ? You know very well that you will never be able yo connect again consistently without step. As I saod earlier, Sprint with the hobor talent will let you move 4s during which the mage can use his second blink. Then, since no step, you can’t reach him before next minute and he will have blinks back. So what’s the plan, you strip assa of step because you don’t like the spec and you create match ups where an assa cannot touch anyone after opener ? This is super dumb. You’d just create match ups where one team cannot even use their spells because they are never in range… At least enha has wolf for those slows you see.

you mean feral lunge? the worst gap closer in the whole game? Please try it…
5 y min range, 25 max range. effectively become more of a 15y range with ping. When you reached your target it is already out of range again because no slows.
To top it off, it is on a talent row where a mandatory survival talent is placed.

yea and 1 day later it got nerfed to the ground only being useful as maelstrom and proc generator. awesome

aw man, please play enh once. Ascendence doesn’t even do damage anymore. my windstrike hits for a total of 30k.

the rest sums it up. play another class to see how good rogues actually have it even WITHOUT step.
Do you think all the other melees don’t need to reach their target to do dmg?
Assa rogue has even the advantage that you can pin down you trarget for 8 seconds and your dots still stay up and your slow is even much higher than mine and for free.

well whatever

you do realize CD has 20 s CD but the DR is like 25s so you basically will always wait 30S to combo toxic blade so you basically dont even kno what you sayng?

There was an NA team who played rmpala Vs mld with literally a single player making hpala in the team, yet they won over one of the best mlds. But yeah sure

The question is wether rogue / mage are OP by themselves and need individual nerfs, or if their synergy is too much. Specs also change what can be nerfed/ tweaked

For example it doesn’t look like mage (on any spec) is too powerful.
I would maybe say add a CD on GPyro, but that would be an offence to the class given that there’s a more powerful ability conditionally (Chaos Bolt) on a much smaller cast time without any CD.
GPyro is pretty HARD to cast and it mostly only works on 2s on Rogue + FMage. Not sure that warrants a nerf.

If you wanted to nerf rogue in pvp, start with their healing ability, which is crazy for anyone having played rogue on old expansions / vanilla, relying on bandages (if you dont know what they are, google them ha ha)
Another thing to nerf is the stealth speed / detection In the past you could see stealth units if they didn’t come from behind and they were really slow. Why change that.
Again have in mind that rogues is superbly dumb (assassin), you have to do really simple stuff and best players just utilise their pressure and kicks well to be successful. Not much skill involved and it’s easy to carry on lower ratings - much easier than other classes. They are a bit OP too (mythics with 3 rogues on tournament LOL)

Now in terms of synergy, what do they have?

  • They can both initiate stealth (not sure it’s worth nerfing that, it fits the fantasy very well).
  • They can reset. With roots / slows that both have they can just run away. Well, nerfing rogue’s heal is big here and also knife throw not applying slow, though it sort of fits the fantasy to throw poisoned knives. Maybe knives could just apply main poison
  • They can poly + blind + stun. Yes, that would be an obvious place to start, but are we steering the game to a good direction by killing the coordinated CC? I doubt it. They already DRed CheapShot and KS, DBreath + blind, Sap + Poly.
    Subrogue CC can be more annoying but it’s not really a viable spec on 3s.

My opinion is that with slight nerfs on overpopulated and immensely dumbed down rogue there’s no problem.
What should be adjusted is other specs / comps especially other 2 dps comps being viable.

Finally, they should REMOVE healing from non healing classes and dmg from hybrids. Have a solution for leveling (lol) sustain upon killing minions to replenish life. Now everyone heals like a boss and whoever doesnt (warriors / hunters …) are screwed

Well, i mainly played rogue in BC/Wotlk and it was actually a huge problem back in those days. Especially in Wotlk where every Ret got you out of stealth within a milli second. It was also said it wasn’t to be intented like this, it was just a problem in general with how the sever communication worked until WoD or Legion?!

You may have forgotten it, but back in those days, any 0815 coder who was able to read memory could have coded a tool to never get interrupted ever. Never seen a caster who seemed impossible to kick?! When ever a kick (or basicly anything) was shown in the combat log you had another ~50 ms to reacted to that (stop casting in this case) - for a human it was barely possible, but for an app in your back?!

Never seen Warriors back in those expansions who got into def stance every single time you stunned them (especially those with cyrillic names)?

And even without cheating the problem was all over the place. Never seen yourself in a Cyclone/Poly/Fear while you acutally kicked it (and your kick was on CD from that)? Or even the better examples: The druid was blinded but you were in cyclone at the same time? Did you really think the cast of you both ended in the exact same ms? ^^

Same problem with vanish here and that was the reason why they couldn’t fix it without immunity. The stealth often just broke because the server communication sent out an attack which should actually have been impossible, since you were in stealth on your client! So ya, it was a unintended design problem in the first place, but still a problem. :wink:

Anyways, since the server communication is fixed now, they could actually remove the immunity again. I mean, if the reason for the immunity is gone shouldn’t the immunity be removed as well?!

Well, this sentence was completely true tbh. Quote the full sentence, because he’s right. They have a “higher skillcap” but that only means that they have a tone more possibilities they can do in several situations.

That’s the real issue imo: A higher skillcap should never result in a win just because of that - but if you don’t even need the possibilities and still win, that’s the worst case imo.

Fixed it. If it would be played with sub might be true for rogues, but assa on the other hand not so much.

Don’t get me wrong, high skillcap was “translated” with hard to play until MoP - but no class is hard to play anymore.

But high skillcap also always descriped “a bunch of possibilities” - and that’s what he meant. That’s why I think his sentence is perfectly fine. :slight_smile:

Even if Rogue Mage were the worst classes in the game (not gonna happen ever) good players will still make it R1. Right now it’s just so disgusting and forgiving it is insane.

I dunno what you mean by ‘literally a single player making hpala in the team’ or how your comment means mages are easy to play? Also wasnt the rmpala Jahmilis team?

man, if you cant kill a rogue who waste evasion/trinket/cos … rethink about playng wow

He needs to disconnect aswell.

I wrote in rush sorry and just checked and barely made any sense. I ment there was a team where none mained rogue or mage, only their healer was a main hpala rest of them barely played these classes. Yet they managed to beat one of the best mlds by playing rmhpala

They still have feint

wich is 30% with 15 sec CD usable while not under CC … you cant be serious hahah

and even trough faint if you sunrise kcik + fof anddragon kick you gonna delete his hp bar, same for whatever other dps… pop some dmg and he get deleted :sa:

Are you even aware of what you’re typing?
It’s a wall on a 15 sec cd. Some classes have that kind of wall on a 2 or 3 min cd.
It’s literally one of the most broken Def CDs in-game.
Too bad you can’t use it
I’m literally telling you the 4th time that I’m not playing a monk but well goldfish memory I guess

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